I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

We need to clarify something first. I don't believe there was a more qualified candidate to actually legislate, than Hillary.....warts and all. But, she did have warts, and Bernie appealed to the masses who don't necessarily follow the issues, but they loved his (flawed) platform.

I love that he finally came out with my idea for a fee on Wall St. transactions, but he wanted to piss the money away on silly programs that didn't really make sense.

I said the problem was with Independents (read...college kids and much of the Obama coalition) who wanted to teach the DNC a lesson.

I don't know if I agree with your numbers re Bernie supporters. Many voted for trump, and many stayed home. You might be referring to people who voted....but that wasn't what got trump elected.

I view 'qualifications' a bit differently. I view qualifications as being able to do things like fight for the right policies, not have 'experience' governing.

I don't see Bernie's platform as flawed, I see Hillary's as flawed. My numbers are from the polls and studies of voters.

One thing that can be a bit misleading is that some of his support was from independents who were never going to support any other Democrats, so losing them wasn't really a loss.

You sure seem snide about him. He didn't 'finally' come out with 'your' policy, and he was going to use the money for a very good purpose - $50 billion of the $300 billion to pay for free public tuition.
It's easy to blame cheating, but trump won by 77,000 votes. The record Pew cites is due in large part to the Nazi vote, that includes the white racist group that typically doesn't get involved in politics.

trump inspired racists to vote, and Clinton inspired her base, and nobody else.

Cite the paragraph in that link that shows black voter participation down 7%, and black voters in general down by almost 1 million.

it was pulled off by Russian microtargeting voting districts in JUST THE RIGHT PLACES

do you now what they call that ?

election cheating
I view 'qualifications' a bit differently. I view qualifications as being able to do things like fight for the right policies, not have 'experience' governing.

I don't see Bernie's platform as flawed, I see Hillary's as flawed. My numbers are from the polls and studies of voters.

One thing that can be a bit misleading is that some of his support was from independents who were never going to support any other Democrats, so losing them wasn't really a loss.

You sure seem snide about him. He didn't 'finally' come out with 'your' policy, and he was going to use the money for a very good purpose - $50 billion of the $300 billion to pay for free public tuition.

she won the most votes in the nation

trump and the republicans cheated by gerrymandering , id laws and russian fake news targerted at just the right districts to pull off an electoral win.

here you are blaming Hillary who actaully won

your idea of how to fix this is?

beat on hilary

your transparent
we will not let you TRASH the FIRST FEMALE CANDIDATE in the nations history to help the republican party keep cheating

the stuff about Hilary was russian lies

why do you embrace it ?

because you are not what you claim to be
I believe I have a grasp on your theory, but this is what I asked about. Either the Dem would be lying about the social issues, or he's not really a guy we want in the House. I see your point, because it's the Tea Party in reverse to a point.

Right. He's not lying, and he's not a 'guy we really want', but he IS a guy we really want if the alternative is a Republican.

So you don't believe there are enough Dem voters in these districts to care about, thus sacrificing them with the 180 on the social issues?

Republicans have a majority of both houses - there's not a lot of belief involved. Of course I 'care' about them, but we have to deal with the reality of who the voters are- or just hand the government to Republicans.

Again...I live in a Red region of a Blue state. Nobody here would vote for a candidate with a D in front of his name, no matter what he promised. Perhaps other regions are different.

Then why are the Republicans having to lie about their support for plutocracy, lie that they're against the wealthy interests they really serve? I think there's more of an opening than you do IF we give them SOME of what they want on other issues.

Now, there's no competition in the race - the only candidate offering the voters what they want is the Republican.

BUT...look at what just happened in Virginia. It took an overwhelming number of Democrats coming out, in order to win an 8 point margin for the Dems governor. They literally had to have a landslide at the voting booths, to win in an average spread.

That's due to the gerrymandering, but what if you disenfranchised most of those Dems with inane social rhetoric?

Listen - I said, WIN WITH A PROGRESSIVE IF YOU CAN. I'm ONLY talking about races that would otherwise go to Republicans, because the voters demand social conservative policies. So I"m NOT suggesting this for Virginia.
I view 'qualifications' a bit differently. I view qualifications as being able to do things like fight for the right policies, not have 'experience' governing.
Qualifications include the ability to acknowledge what you can, and can't get through an inept Congress. Moot point for sure, but if Hillary were POTUS, the log jam would continue, and Issa would be on yet another 8 year series of bogus investigations.

I don't see Bernie's platform as flawed, I see Hillary's as flawed. My numbers are from the polls and studies of voters.
What was flawed about Clinton's platform? I didn't vote for her. I'm curious what you believe.

One thing that can be a bit misleading is that some of his support was from independents who were never going to support any other Democrats, so losing them wasn't really a loss.
I disagree. They supported Obama, because he inspired them to vote. Many for the first time. If kids came out for Hillary, she'd be POTUS. Those you reference voted third party. I know many of them.

You sure seem snide about him. He didn't 'finally' come out with 'your' policy, and he was going to use the money for a very good purpose - $50 billion of the $300 billion to pay for free public tuition.
I've been saying it for more than 10 years. Perhaps he just started reading me? ;). I don't see free tuition as something that he would get through Congress...although if he were the nominee, we'd probably carry all 3 branches of govt. I don't see free tuition for all as a very good idea. Some people would do better to learn a trade, which should have been part of this program. Single payer isn't going to get through Congress either. He could have used some of that money to renew the funding to the ACA that the Republicans cut in an attempt to kill the law.
It's easy to blame cheating, but trump won by 77,000 votes. The record Pew cites is due in large part to the Nazi vote, that includes the white racist group that typically doesn't get involved in politics.

trump inspired racists to vote, and Clinton inspired her base, and nobody else.

Cite the paragraph in that link that shows black voter participation down 7%, and black voters in general down by almost 1 million.

I guess the voter id laws and vote suppression worked right?

It sure didn't stop the racist from coming out to vote did it?
Qualifications include the ability to acknowledge what you can, and can't get through an inept Congress.

That's second priority to fighting for the right things to me.

What was flawed about Clinton's platform? I didn't vote for her. I'm curious what you believe.

It's hard to say exactly because she was pretty squishy, but she clearly rejected many of Bernie's stronger positions I agreed with. Her foreign policy was a lot more hawkish than I'd like, both in her views and her history. A lot of Obama baggage, she'd bring with her - too much coziness from Henry Kissinger to Goldman Sachs; Obama's failure to prosecute a single important banking figure (even Republicans put a thousand bankers in jail for the smaller Reagan S&L scandal) would continue, etc.

I disagree. They supported Obama, because he inspired them to vote. Many for the first time. If kids came out for Hillary, she'd be POTUS. Those you reference voted third party. I know many of them.

I'm talking about the independents who would not for vote Obama or Hillary, but would for Bernie. Bernie was getting twice as many independent voters as Hillary.

I don't see free tuition for all as a very good idea. Some people would do better to learn a trade, which should have been part of this program. Single payer isn't going to get through Congress either. He could have used some of that money to renew the funding to the ACA that the Republicans cut in an attempt to kill the law.

It is a good idea, and it doesn't prevent trade, and I assume trade schools that are public would get free tuition also. Regardless it's a good idea.

Gay marriage wasn't going to get through for decades, but it was a good idea to fight for it. We need single-payer and should be fighting for it. Bernie was, Hillary wasn't. Bernie would not have supported the Republican cuts to the ACA to begin with.
Qualifications include the ability to acknowledge what you can, and can't get through an inept Congress. Moot point for sure, but if Hillary were POTUS, the log jam would continue, and Issa would be on yet another 8 year series of bogus investigations.

What was flawed about Clinton's platform? I didn't vote for her. I'm curious what you believe.

I disagree. They supported Obama, because he inspired them to vote. Many for the first time. If kids came out for Hillary, she'd be POTUS. Those you reference voted third party. I know many of them.

I've been saying it for more than 10 years. Perhaps he just started reading me? ;). I don't see free tuition as something that he would get through Congress...although if he were the nominee, we'd probably carry all 3 branches of govt. I don't see free tuition for all as a very good idea. Some people would do better to learn a trade, which should have been part of this program. Single payer isn't going to get through Congress either. He could have used some of that money to renew the funding to the ACA that the Republicans cut in an attempt to kill the law.

Perhaps this is why she lost, but you want to blame it on Blacks......................*sigh*
if this country does not STOP the election cheating of the republican party

Russia and others can have a field day with our system

if you dont have clean elections you dont have a democracy

just saying "oh well they mostly just cheat black and brown people out of their rights to vote so its ok "

makes you a racist huh

the people were cheated out of their real choice

You are right. She didn't lose. I mistake spoke. I should say he's the reason why she needed 77,00 more votes. Had he and those who think like him had voted for her she would have made up the difference.

But instead, they blame the Black voters who did come out and overwhelmingly voted for Clinton.

They also want to tell the dems what to do when they didn't even vote for the dem ticket. No disrespect, but they don't have a leg to stand on for what the dems should be doing.
there are phoney dems aplenty on line

its just another tactic to confuse people

trust no one on the internets until you have seen them speak out on ALL issues.

some are here to gain your trust so they can twist it later
you are the corporate party idiot

trying to turn all prolitariate on us once you fucked yur selves aint going to work

your party hates working people


Well, I guess, according to liberals, I can't be that bad, I much prefer drag racing over NASCAR :cool:
You are right. She didn't lose. I mistake spoke. I should say he's the reason why she needed 77,00 more votes. Had he and those who think like him had voted for her she would have made up the difference.

But instead, they blame the Black voters who did come out and overwhelmingly voted for Clinton.

They also want to tell the dems what to do when they didn't even vote for the dem ticket. No disrespect, but they don't have a leg to stand on for what the dems should be doing.

she got 77,000 too few votes.......One million fewer blacks voted Demmycrat when Hillary ran than when Obama ran........you finally have evidence of the importance of the black vote and you're whining about it......that's why we call you idiots......