I'm so new - - "How new are you?"

I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Thanks for having me, cheers.

Jeff H aka Checkerboard Strangler

"The Left ones think I'm Right, the Right ones think I'm wrong." (LEON RUSSELL)
I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Thanks for having me, cheers.

Jeff H aka Checkerboard Strangler

"The Left ones think I'm Right, the Right ones think I'm wrong." (LEON RUSSELL)

At least you know how to create a cool avatar. I've been here a few months and still don't know how to do that. :(
At least you know how to create a cool avatar. I've been here a few months and still don't know how to do that. :(

Considering what you talk about, that might be for the best. Then again Phantasmal would ban you pretty fast if you put up anything too sultry. Just go to edit profile pic under settings, and either upload a photo, or copy, and paste the address of one you're viewing.
Considering what you talk about, that might be for the best. Then again Phantasmal would ban you pretty fast if you put up anything too sultry. Just go to edit profile pic under settings, and either upload a photo, or copy, and paste the address of one you're viewing.

I was thinking about a 'Jack of Diamonds' Playing Card. Do you think that would be too 'sultry' for Phantasmal?
I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Thanks for having me, cheers.

Jeff H aka Checkerboard Strangler

"The Left ones think I'm Right, the Right ones think I'm wrong." (LEON RUSSELL)

And anyone with intelligence knows a SOCK when they encounter a SOCK PUPPET. Please...………… What? Are you wishing to apply your great knowledge that was garnered in PSYCH 101?
Hello and welcome Checkerboard Strangler,

I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Thanks for having me, cheers.

Jeff H aka Checkerboard Strangler

"The Left ones think I'm Right, the Right ones think I'm wrong." (LEON RUSSELL)

Look out for the trolls! They're everywhere.

But the good news for civil discourse fans is we are here and we refuse to be bullied.

There is substance amid the sleaze.

I hope you're a good poster.

It doesn't matter what your views are.

The important thing is how well you treat others.

Prepare yourself; and enjoy!
Hello and welcome Checkerboard Strangler,

Look out for the trolls! They're everywhere.

But the good news for civil discourse fans is we are here and we refuse to be bullied.

There is substance amid the sleaze.

I hope you're a good poster.

It doesn't matter what your views are.

The important thing is how well you treat others.

Prepare yourself; and enjoy!

to me its all about how well you treat the FACTS

being nice while lying is still lying

I hope you believe in facts checkerboard strangler
Hello evince,

to me its all about how well you treat the FACTS

being nice while lying is still lying

The best and most effective weapon against lies is simply the truth.

People are going to believe what they are going to believe.

If you think what they believe is wrong, then take issue with that, not with them.

Explain why you believe differently. That's all.

No need to get personal.
Hello evince,

The best and most effective weapon against lies is simply the truth.

People are going to believe what they are going to believe.

If you think what they believe is wrong, then take issue with that, not with them.

Explain why you believe differently. That's all.

No need to get personal.

this is not about me or you

this is a thread to introduce someone

Lies are not truth

lies come from the mouth of evil

I hope the mouth of this new poster speaks truth and facts
I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Thanks for having me, cheers.

Jeff H aka Checkerboard Strangler

"The Left ones think I'm Right, the Right ones think I'm wrong." (LEON RUSSELL)

Good luck. We're selling asbestos-free flame-proof undies on the 2nd level kiosk for the low, low price of only $3,456,921.99 today only! lol
Hello evince,

this is not about me or you

this is a thread to introduce someone

Lies are not truth

lies come from the mouth of evil

I hope the mouth of this new poster speaks truth and facts

Lies can come from good people.

BB King sang it, and I do believe it is true: Everybody lies.

Some of them are good people, others not so good.

Some are good sometimes, other times not.

Try talking about the issues, not the people.

Did you come here to discuss politics or other people?

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss current events. Small minds discuss other people.

If everybody on a chat board is being nasty, and they all say they are doing it because 'That's what everybody else is doing,' then if somebody comes in there and doesn't do it?


Then 'everybody else' is NOT doing it.


It's just a matter of habit.

Habits can be made and broken.

You just have to ask yourself how you want to come across.

Don't let 'everybody else' decide for you.

Do you control your habits?

Or do they control you.........................