I'm so new - - "How new are you?"

i wonder if the mod knows Stone is speaking for her?:)...another one on "first name basis"....lol
You are the idiot.
The first thing you need to learn is that sarcasm is not obvious in text, so you can make brilliant observations and still look like a moron.

That is why most posters mark sarcasm with a tag or green print.

No, Rune. YOU are the idiot.
I was NOT being 'sarcastic'.
So ... who is the moron NOW!!!
No, Rune. YOU are the idiot.
I was NOT being 'sarcastic'.
So ... who is the moron NOW!!!

Maybe not in that post...as I said, there is no way to know...but in many you have.
I am not your enemy here by the way.