I'm so new - - "How new are you?"

Hello evince,

Lies can come from good people.

BB King sang it, and I do believe it is true: Everybody lies.

Some of them are good people, others not so good.

Some are good sometimes, other times not.

Try talking about the issues, not the people.

Did you come here to discuss politics or other people?

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss current events. Small minds discuss other people.

If everybody on a chat board is being nasty, and they all say they are doing it because 'That's what everybody else is doing,' then if somebody comes in there and doesn't do it?


Then 'everybody else' is NOT doing it.


It's just a matter of habit.

Habits can be made and broken.

You just have to ask yourself how you want to come across.

Don't let 'everybody else' decide for you.

Do you control your habits?

Or do they control you.........................

It is each humans responsibility to make sure the words that come from their mouths is based on TRUTH

its not a get out of jail free for lying just to say "Im too stupid to tell the truth"

Liars must be made to face a societal PRICE for trafficking in lies

being NICE doesn't out liars

Hello evince,

It is each humans responsibility to make sure the words that come from their mouths is based on TRUTH

its not a get out of jail free for lying just to say "Im too stupid to tell the truth"

Liars must be made to face a societal PRICE for trafficking in lies

being NICE doesn't out liars


Actually, I think that is scientifically proven to cause them to hunker down and believe more strongly in what they already believe.

When we demonize the other side, and they act like vile foul-mouthed unruly people as they refute what we say, it causes us to believe more strongly that we are on the side of good, the 'correct' side.

And when the roles are reversed, visa versa. Each side justifying the nastiness because they feel it is in the interest of 'goodness.' (which, of course, is a crock.)

But when people begin to emphasize with one another, realize they are not so different, and see each other as really quite similar to themselves, they begin to listen more carefully to why others believe in what they do.

And some of it sinks in. Even if they don't say so at the time.

Opinions change slowly, ya know?

Nobody is gonna, upon being nastily berated by some stranger over the internet, say: "Oh, well that's different! Since you called me THAT, I'm going to stop believing what I do and suddenly agree with you." (thereby essentially admitting that up until that moment they have been a fool to believe otherwise.)

That's not gonna happen.

What does happen is they think whomever told them that nasty thing' is a horrible person;' and they are 'a good person,' and since 'two wrongs make a right,' that makes it OK for them (the good person) to speak to the other (the bad person) in 'the only terms they understand.'

All it takes is two people who feel that exact same way, but hold different political views, and you have a flame war.

And flame wars don't solve anything.

Most people who get into flame wars never admit fault.

But there must be fault if there is a flame war.

Flame wars are not intellectual discussions.

Flame wars are unresolved immaturity.

Flame wars are people losing their cool online.

Anybody tries to talk like that in most settings and people don't want to be around them.

And if you have a habit of doing that online then what happens in real life when your buttons are pushed?

If that's your habitual thought process, then what comes out of your mouth?
Thanks everyone but again....

I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Can someone help show me how to do those things?
I feel naked without my Leon Russell signature line.
And anyone with intelligence knows a SOCK when they encounter a SOCK PUPPET. Please...………… What? Are you wishing to apply your great knowledge that was garnered in PSYCH 101?

I am a member of other forums, but this is my first time at JPP, I assure you I am not a sock puppet.
Thanks everyone but again....

I'm so new I don't even know how to do a signature, or even how to thank or groan a post.

Can someone help show me how to do those things?
I feel naked without my Leon Russell signature line.

at the top pf the page is "forum actions" right below "get news"

I think from there you can figure it out
Good idea. Keep telling this story. That way no one will EVER guess your socks. lol

hahahaha ....

Yes. I wish I had it down to a science like you. Using an obvious sock like 'Crazy Cat Lady' to cover up all your other cleverly hidden ones. (shaking head) You know, one of the Internet gurus (I think it was Mason) said that once you create over 6 socks, they become difficult to maintain. Is that true?
hahahaha ....

Yes. I wish I had it down to a science like you. Using an obvious sock like 'Crazy Cat Lady' to cover up all your other cleverly hidden ones. (shaking head) You know, one of the Internet gurus (I think it was Mason) said that once you create over 6 socks, they become difficult to maintain. Is that true?

6 is easy ,over 10 gets confusing.
But that is GWTW
6 is easy ,over 10 gets confusing.
But that is GWTW

Please, direct your wisdom to Owl. I have visions of her with numerous accounts, each on a pasty note affixed to her computer. Each with a 'storyline' and vastly different 'personalities'. (this is just sad)
hahahaha ....

Yes. I wish I had it down to a science like you. Using an obvious sock like 'Crazy Cat Lady' to cover up all your other cleverly hidden ones. (shaking head) You know, one of the Internet gurus (I think it was Mason) said that once you create over 6 socks, they become difficult to maintain. Is that true?

I wouldn't have a single clue, Jack/Kasper/Katrina/Winston Smith/Dr X/Red/Skip/Malik Hussein/Judson Peebles/Samantha/Hairy Harry, etc etc etc.

Hey, you're way overdue for another one of your patented porno posts targeting a strong intelligent female person who has put you in your place and needs a "spanking".
Honest to God, I went there right away and I still didn't see "Edit Signature".
I know I sound stupid...either that or I am totally blind.

Everything EXCEPT signature shows up.

no worries click on the forum actions there will be three options

the last one is edit profile

if not you may have to be here a certain amount of days before it lets you use such options
click edit profile

there will be boxes to the right

the third box is my settings

the fifth item down is edit signature
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