I’m Young, African American, Female and ... Republican!

OK, I'll go slow here; because obviously you're just looking for something to complain about.

You said:

I then responded, with:

Now, here's where you really do have to focus; OK.
His avatar looked similar to Dr. Manhattan in the movie The Watchmen.
Here's a clip:

Does that sooth your hurt feelings?


Why you running away from this, you coward?

I think I'll keep bumping this forward, to show everyone what a coward anti-party is.

Explain troll small brain

OK, I'll go slow here; because obviously you're just looking for something to complain about.

You said:
...I'll admit I'm guilty too because Sun Devil I saw your profile picture and instantly thought you were a Smurf...

I then responded, with:
I thought he was trying to be a Watchman!! :dunno:

Now, here's where you really do have to focus; OK.
His avatar looked similar to Dr. Manhattan in the movie The Watchmen.
Here's a clip:

Does that sooth your hurt feelings?
I think I'll keep bumping this forward, to show everyone what a coward anti-party is.

OK, I'll go slow here; because obviously you're just looking for something to complain about.

You said:

I then responded, with:

Now, here's where you really do have to focus; OK.
His avatar looked similar to Dr. Manhattan in the movie The Watchmen.
Here's a clip:

Does that sooth your hurt feelings?

Ok moron. I stated as a joke I thought he was a smurf because his color was blue. I didn't know there was a movie he got his picture from that you think is real. Now that I've seen this movie I'm CERTAIN that Fox News has been correct about everything and Martians control Obama, (R)ight?
Ok moron. I stated as a joke I thought he was a smurf because his color was blue. I didn't know there was a movie he got his picture from that you think is real. Now that I've seen this movie I'm CERTAIN that Fox News has been correct about everything and Martians control Obama, (R)ight?

Which has what to do with your childish habit of lashing out at things you don't understand?
Seems kind of small brained to me. :dunno:
I'm African-American and I have a job and I go to school but people still think I'm a thug!

I find it strange that the word thug has a racial connotation to it in the US, in the UK it just means a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire.
I find it strange that the word thug has a racial connotation to it in the US, in the UK it just means a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire.

Well that is because of the socio-political fear exascerbated by conservative media from the Trayvon Martin case and the fact that young African Americans who have baggy clothes or sag them, correlates to degenerate behavior, which a lot of people now buy into. Now this fear extends to closeted racist who feel any social deviance whether an infraction, displayed by minorities is now an association of "thuggish" behavior. Classic examples are "black dominated" sports where if fights break out, people are quick to label it thuggish yet say nothing about the behavior of hockey players. Another is Seattle Seahawk player Sherman Williams and what he did on T.v he was labeled a "thug" yet the likes of beiber or the batman movie theater shooter are labeled "mentally derranged" or "immature."
I find it strange that the word thug has a racial connotation to it in the US, in the UK it just means a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire.

What a coincidence. I just watched "Gunga Din" again yesterday. And there's yet another connotation for "Thug."
Well that is because of the socio-political fear exascerbated by conservative media from the Trayvon Martin case and the fact that young African Americans who have baggy clothes or sag them, correlates to degenerate behavior, which a lot of people now buy into. Now this fear extends to closeted racist who feel any social deviance whether an infraction, displayed by minorities is now an association of "thuggish" behavior. Classic examples are "black dominated" sports where if fights break out, people are quick to label it thuggish yet say nothing about the behavior of hockey players. Another is Seattle Seahawk player Sherman Williams and what he did on T.v he was labeled a "thug" yet the likes of beiber or the batman movie theater shooter are labeled "mentally derranged" or "immature."

Blacks in America get viewed as "thugs" by other races for one very, very simple reason, the vast, vast majority of brutal physically violent crimes in America are committed by blacks in America and most of that violent crime is perpetrated by blacks on other blacks. Of course this phenomenon is caused by white leftist bastards who endlessly provide the excuse for such conduct by keeping blacks convinced that they're the "victims" of everything adverse to the black poverty condition and therefore not responsible for their actions.
Well that is because of the socio-political fear exascerbated by conservative media from the Trayvon Martin case and the fact that young African Americans who have baggy clothes or sag them, correlates to degenerate behavior, which a lot of people now buy into. Now this fear extends to closeted racist who feel any social deviance whether an infraction, displayed by minorities is now an association of "thuggish" behavior. Classic examples are "black dominated" sports where if fights break out, people are quick to label it thuggish yet say nothing about the behavior of hockey players. Another is Seattle Seahawk player Sherman Williams and what he did on T.v he was labeled a "thug" yet the likes of beiber or the batman movie theater shooter are labeled "mentally derranged" or "immature."

Sounds like you automatically assigning gang membership to some Hispanics that you have to pass, on the way home. :palm:
Blacks in America get viewed as "thugs" by other races for one very, very simple reason, the vast, vast majority of brutal physically violent crimes in America are committed by blacks in America and most of that violent crime is perpetrated by blacks on other blacks. Of course this phenomenon is caused by white leftist bastards who endlessly provide the excuse for such conduct by keeping blacks convinced that they're the "victims" of everything adverse to the black poverty condition and therefore not responsible for their actions.

Poor people in America are thieved from, bullied and treated like shit. No wonder they are regarded as 'thugs'.
Blacks in America get viewed as "thugs" by other races for one very, very simple reason, the vast, vast majority of brutal physically violent crimes in America are committed by blacks in America and most of that violent crime is perpetrated by blacks on other blacks. Of course this phenomenon is caused by white leftist bastards who endlessly provide the excuse for such conduct by keeping blacks convinced that they're the "victims" of everything adverse to the black poverty condition and therefore not responsible for their actions.

Really? Yet statistically most blacks who commit crime that serve time are in for NON-VIOLENT offenses. However regardless of the percentage of who commit violence offenses people need to make a distinction between law abiding citizens and lawbreakers. If people are stupid enough to classify an entire ethnic group for the actions of a few, what does that say about the individual?
Sounds like you automatically assigning gang membership to some Hispanics that you have to pass, on the way home. :palm:

You are truly hopeless. I made an entire explanation on the issue but I see what you're doing, pick and choosing. You really can't debate.
Really? Yet statistically most blacks who commit crime that serve time are in for NON-VIOLENT offenses.

Even if that’s true, it’s irrelevant to my post. My post was about ”physically violent crime.” The fact remains that no matter what % of blacks serve time for non-violent crime, the VAST MAJORITY of physically violent crime, in America, is committed by blacks.

However regardless of the percentage of who commit violence offenses people need to make a distinction between law abiding citizens and lawbreakers. If people are stupid enough to classify an entire ethnic group for the actions of a few, what does that say about the individual?

What does that say about ”the individual” who attempts to insinuate that TRUTH is “classifying an entire ethnic group?” Would you care to present some REAL evidence of that??????????????????????????????????????????????