Immigration reform 1


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May 19: Mounting tensions over U.S. immigration policy was brought home in a big way for the White House on Wednesday as Mexican President Felipe Calderon castigated Arizona's immigration law during a meeting with President Obama. This our first in the series on Justice, Crime and Immigration. Our next video in these theme line will deal with the stripping of citizenship from suspected criminals.

[ame=""]YouTube- Immigration reform 1[/ame]

If you want to see the whole News report on President Obama and Mexican President Calderon press conference go to this link [ame=""][/ame]
Militarizing the Border

[ame=""]YouTube- Militarizing the Border.wmv[/ame]

This video no longer works as I wasn't very happy with it and have remade it. I have started a new thread with it called Militarizing the Border
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You want to strip citizenship from SUSPECTED criminals? I suspect all anti-immigration retards of being criminals.
Well we know what you really mean is you want to be able to stand down at the border and shoot poor desperate brown people who are trying to make a better life for themselves. We all have a good idea how much fun that would be for you Pavo.

But the rest of us want to see our laws enforced and if those who violate the law by employing illegals are brougth to justice and fined heavily and put in jail then we wouldn't have to worry so much about illegal immigrants would we?

But fuck that, it's not what you want. You don't really care about immigration reform or illegal immigrants. You just want to go down to the border and kill brown people, don't you? Come on, be honest for once in you life and admit it.
including those that make crossing the border illegal?
That would be unwise, short sighted and a fairly stupid thing to do. If we catch a person who is here illegally but has not otherwise broken our laws, they should be returned to their home nation. Punishing them for crossing the border, number 1, does nothing to help solve the problem, and #2, is only an approach that would be enjoyed by racist who like hurting brown people just for the joy of it. It's sadistic and it's stupid. You'd be the first one to howl if Mexicans arrested Americans who crossed into their country with out the proper authorizations.

Why don't you try focusing on solving problems instead of creating new ones.
The illegal immigrant problem is easy to solve.

Step 1: Get rid of the quotas, make legal immigration easier for peaceful people, make it easier to gain citizenship and push those who want to stay for an extended period to gain citizenship.

Step 2: Punish those who violate the law, anyway.

Without step 1 though it will never go away. Patrolling the border only addresses about 60% of the illegal immigrants. But, too many people pretend it is about illegal immigration when they really just want to stop immigration.
That would be unwise, short sighted and a fairly stupid thing to do. If we catch a person who is here illegally but has not otherwise broken our laws, they should be returned to their home nation.
other than charging them for the border violation, what are we doing that we should not be?

Punishing them for crossing the border, number 1, does nothing to help solve the problem, and #2, is only an approach that would be enjoyed by racist who like hurting brown people just for the joy of it. It's sadistic and it's stupid. You'd be the first one to howl if Mexicans arrested Americans who crossed into their country with out the proper authorizations.
First, if they have one conviction for being here illegally, then come back again, they can face longer incarceration. While on it's face this makes little sense, at least we can be sure they aren't out causing any more crime if that is their intent. Second, I'm no racist and certainly don't enjoy punishing honest people if they are here to find a better way of life, but we either enforce our laws or we end up a lawless society. If I see the feds NOT enforcing immigration law, then why should I bother following the laws about machine gun prohibition? And news flash for you, Mexico DOES arrest americans who are in their country illegally.

Why don't you try focusing on solving problems instead of creating new ones.
O'RLY? let me guess, your 'solution' would include full amnesty, immediate citizenship, 6 months of welfare and housing until they could get on their feet and find work, free medical care, dental, free college for their kids?
The illegal immigrant problem is easy to solve.

Step 1: Get rid of the quotas, make legal immigration easier for peaceful people, make it easier to gain citizenship and push those who want to stay for an extended period to gain citizenship.

Step 2: Punish those who violate the law, anyway.

Without step 1 though it will never go away. Patrolling the border only addresses about 60% of the illegal immigrants. But, too many people pretend it is about illegal immigration when they really just want to stop immigration.

Wrong. Quotas are there for a reason. It's to protect the labor market for american citizens. A glut of poor workers brings wages too low. Americans deserve the labor market protections of a functioning border and enforced immigration statutes. And local cops can enforce federal law, just as a sidenote.