Immigration reform 1

Having a hard time reading your dark font with my board skin.

Okay, great! Let's just start extorting money from our neighbors. That will be sure to go over well. Like I said, we might as well just nuke them. You guys don't seem to understand. We can't just do whatever we want. We can try, but it's going to end badly.

By Mexico not policing it's border with AZ, aren't they in extorting money from us; in a way??
Having a hard time reading your dark font with my board skin.

Okay, great! Let's just start extorting money from our neighbors. That will be sure to go over well. Like I said, we might as well just nuke them. You guys don't seem to understand. We can't just do whatever we want. We can try, but it's going to end badly.

So, if someone cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, you wouldn't try to collect it back? Come on, be honest, you would sue them for every dollar that they had or ever would have. Mexico is costing us and we have a right to collect, let me correct that, we have a duty to the American People to collect it.
I think your description of the wall would be overkill and a huge waste of money with my changes in step 1. But I do not object to more border enforcement as part of the deal, see step 2. If it's the only part then, no.

Why would it be overkill and a waste??
It would solve the problem and with probably very little maintenance, would last forever.
So, if someone cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, you wouldn't try to collect it back? Come on, be honest, you would sue them for every dollar that they had or ever would have. Mexico is costing us and we have a right to collect, let me correct that, we have a duty to the American People to collect it.

Sue? How does this compare to a lawsuit? You are claiming that they owe for services they have not requested and that we should invade them if they refuse to pay. That is analogous to me sending you a bill for the education I am giving you and then doing a home invasion when you refuse to pay. It's nothing like a lawsuit.
Why would it be overkill and a waste??
It would solve the problem and with probably very little maintenance, would last forever.

Because, if you make it easy to comply there is no reason not too. The legal cost of immigration alone, forget the delay if a preference is not available to you, is fairly high for a poor person. There are obvious benefits to being here legally, many avoid them not because they are criminals at heart, but because the hurdle is too high.

I think your wall would cost quite a bit.
By Mexico not policing it's border with AZ, aren't they in extorting money from us; in a way??

That might work in your head. I just don't see the rest of the world buying it. Our basis for the invasion of Iraq was far more sound than this and it clearly pushed the envelope on what the international community views as a just war. There is no way they would buy this as a basis for invasion or withholding on repayment of our debts.

Like I said, we can't just do whatever we want because we are the biggest kid on the block. We can try, but it will not end well.
Because, if you make it easy to comply there is no reason not too. The legal cost of immigration alone, forget the delay if a preference is not available to you, is fairly high for a poor person. There are obvious benefits to being here legally, many avoid them not because they are criminals at heart, but because the hurdle is too high.

I think your wall would cost quite a bit.

We've always allowed the poor to come to the US, as long as they do it legally, and I don't see that changing.

I don't think it would cose more then what the illegal immigration problem is costing us and will continue to cost us.
That might work in your head. I just don't see the rest of the world buying it. Our basis for the invasion of Iraq was far more sound than this and it clearly pushed the envelope on what the international community views as a just war. There is no way they would buy this as a basis for invasion or withholding on repayment of our debts.

Like I said, we can't just do whatever we want because we are the biggest kid on the block. We can try, but it will not end well.

I don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the world would think about it.
I don't remember Mexico or anyone else asking us what we thought about the illegal immigrant problem.
I also don't see the other industrial nations saying anything to Mexico about working on their end of the problem.
We've always allowed the poor to come to the US, as long as they do it legally, and I don't see that changing.

Doing it legally now means a good bit of money for somebody who is REALLY poor. I am not talking American poor. But poor in a country where scrubbing toilets is on the level of our American dream. Even if you have the dough you are in for a long wait.

It's a good system if you are an immigration lawyer, but for the poor immigrant it's pretty restrictive.

I don't think it would cose more then what the illegal immigration problem is costing us and will continue to cost us.

What does the illegal immigration problem cost us? The real number on that is pretty small, if not actually a positive. Remove some of the bureaucracy that only hinders legal immigration and the cost would be far less.
I don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the world would think about it.
I don't remember Mexico or anyone else asking us what we thought about the illegal immigrant problem.
I also don't see the other industrial nations saying anything to Mexico about working on their end of the problem.

I understand your position, but Fortress America is a bad idea.

As a nation, we benefit from peaceful coexistence with those in the international community just as we do as individuals in our actual communities. We could throw our weight around and say to hell with everybody else, but it's going to come with severe costs. We will either end up completely isolated which would destroy us or they will just destroy us with a more direct approach.

You don't care what damage it would do, but I like it here and I'd rather not have to violate some other nations immigration laws because idiots in my own country have created an environment where feeding my family is an impossible task.

I have met anarchists and communists that are more pragmatic then you two clowns.
I understand your position, but Fortress America is a bad idea.

As a nation, we benefit from peaceful coexistence with those in the international community just as we do as individuals in our actual communities. We could throw our weight around and say to hell with everybody else, but it's going to come with severe costs. We will either end up completely isolated which would destroy us or they will just destroy us with a more direct approach.

You don't care what damage it would do, but I like it here and I'd rather not have to violate some other nations immigration laws because idiots in my own country have created an environment where feeding my family is an impossible task.

I have met anarchists and communists that are more pragmatic then you two clowns.

What other nations immigration laws would we be violating, except for Mexico's belief that anyone who wants to can just illegally come to the US??
What other nations immigration laws would we be violating, except for Mexico's belief that anyone who wants to can just illegally come to the US??

No, you missed the point. If your views were actually implemented, I would be watching you dumbfucks hang or starve from a safe distance, even if it means crossing a border illegally.

But, that's never going to happen. Nobody with any sway is ignorant enough to adopt this notion that we can extort money from Mexico or launch a military invasion based on any ridiculous whim we choose.
No, you missed the point. If your views were actually implemented, I would be watching you dumbfucks hang or starve from a safe distance, even if it means crossing a border illegally.

But, that's never going to happen. Nobody with any sway is ignorant enough to adopt this notion that we can extort money from Mexico or launch a military invasion based on any ridiculous whim we choose.

I never suggested anything about an invasion of Mexico and if people in Mexico are starving, then it's the responsibility of Mexico to see to them.

No matter how much the rest of the world wants us to be, we can not be the "rich uncle" for everone else.

When you have two entities who owe each other money, any couirt would determine that what one has will cancel out part of what is owed to the other one.
I never suggested anything about an invasion of Mexico and if people in Mexico are starving, then it's the responsibility of Mexico to see to them.

No matter how much the rest of the world wants us to be, we can not be the "rich uncle" for everone else.

When you have two entities who owe each other money, any couirt would determine that what one has will cancel out part of what is owed to the other one.

The discussion has gone into the threat of invasion. What else are you going to do if Mexico says "no, we are not paying?" You could stiff them out of money owed, but that would lead to the destruction of our credit/purchasing power.

If you are going to make a court analogy then who do you think will serve as the jury? It's gotta be the other nations of the world. If you can get them to go along with that, you MIGHT be able to get Mexico to bend over. But, I doubt they will because your position is batshit crazy and would be a clear attempt to impose our will on a weaker neighbor. They are not going to go along with it and we will either end up isolated, economically crippled and with our demand for payment unsatisfied or you take the next step and invade Mexico. That would possibly lead to a military response against us. You think we are big shit (we are) and we can do whatever we want (we can't).

Even the neighborhood bully is limited in how far he can push the littler kids around before they decide to join against him.
The discussion has gone into the threat of invasion. What else are you going to do if Mexico says "no, we are not paying?" You could stiff them out of money owed, but that would lead to the destruction of our credit/purchasing power.

If you are going to make a court analogy then who do you think will serve as the jury? It's gotta be the other nations of the world. If you can get them to go along with that, you MIGHT be able to get Mexico to bend over. But, I doubt they will because your position is batshit crazy and would be a clear attempt to impose our will on a weaker neighbor. They are not going to go along with it and we will either end up isolated, economically crippled and with our demand for payment unsatisfied or you take the next step and invade Mexico. That would possibly lead to a military response against us. You think we are big shit (we are) and we can do whatever we want (we can't).

Even the neighborhood bully is limited in how far he can push the littler kids around before they decide to join against him.

OK, then we'll just give up and follow your lead.

Can you exhibit how you bend over and grab your ankles again??
I understand your position, but Fortress America is a bad idea.

As a nation, we benefit from peaceful coexistence with those in the international community just as we do as individuals in our actual communities. We could throw our weight around and say to hell with everybody else, but it's going to come with severe costs. We will either end up completely isolated which would destroy us or they will just destroy us with a more direct approach.

You don't care what damage it would do, but I like it here and I'd rather not have to violate some other nations immigration laws because idiots in my own country have created an environment where feeding my family is an impossible task.

I have met anarchists and communists that are more pragmatic then you two clowns.

Being a good neighbor doesn't mean accepting all your neighbors economic refugees to the detriment of your own people. All american citizens deserve the labor market protections of immigration law enforcement.
OK, then we'll just give up and follow your lead.

Can you exhibit how you bend over and grab your ankles again??

Yeah, because you are so damaged by immigration. As I said, the ILLEGAL immigration problem is easy to solve. It's not anymore difficult than solving the problem of ILLEGAL drug use/trade.
Well we know what you really mean is you want to be able to stand down at the border and shoot poor desperate brown people who are trying to make a better life for themselves. We all have a good idea how much fun that would be for you Pavo.

But the rest of us want to see our laws enforced and if those who violate the law by employing illegals are brougth to justice and fined heavily and put in jail then we wouldn't have to worry so much about illegal immigrants would we?

But fuck that, it's not what you want. You don't really care about immigration reform or illegal immigrants. You just want to go down to the border and kill brown people, don't you? Come on, be honest for once in you life and admit it.

Just to clear it up for you Peckerhead.

FACT 1....If I wanted to stand down at the border and shoot brown people, I would have said that, so pinheads like you wouldn't get confused.

FACT 2...If you wanted to see our laws enforced, YOU would have posted my response instead of me, so its obviously hypocritical of you to make that claim.

There is NOTHING wrong with US immigration policy, therefore there is no need for immigration reform....the only problem is law enforcement at the border....thats the first problem to solve...the second problem will be sending the illegals already here back to wherever they came from....where they can apply for and get in line for immigration to this country.....according to US LAW
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