In 2020 CNN did an entire segment on Kamala's Indian heritage

She has an Indian heritage. It's on her mother's side. You'll be unhappy to know she also had a father.
So if u have a black father and a white mother

You can call yourself white for 10 yrs, than cal yourself black for 10 years

Or change it like u would change your socks

If u go to a rap concert that night u are black

If u go to a country concert that night u are white
So if u have a black father and a white mother

You can call yourself white for 10 yrs, than cal yourself black for 10 years

Or change it like u would change your socks

If u go to a rap concert that night u are black

If u go to a country concert that night u are white
Harris calls herself what she is, mixed race. She can celebrate both heritages equally, and has. Never been any secret about it, only the racism that always comes from bigots.
Harris calls herself what she is, mixed race. She can celebrate both heritages equally, and has. Never been any secret about it, only the racism that always comes from bigots.

celebrate both heritages????

But no one can celebrate their southern heritage or white heritage
She highlighted that she was Indian. She made a big deal about it, the media made a big deal about it.

Then, to court the black vote she highlighted that she was black. Trump rightly points out that he, as an outside observer, didn’t even know she was black BECAUSE SHE MADE A BIG DEAL THAT SHE WAS INDIAN.

It’s political expediency and Trump is 100% right for pointing that out. She grew up as an Indian, she didn’t grow up in the hood as she would have you believe. Her life experience is very different from the average Black American growing up in a Democrat slum.

Watch Kamala Harris sworn in as first Indian-American senator BY MCCLATCHY JANUARY 3, 2017 AT 3:33 PM Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden today at a ceremonial swearing-in on Capitol Hill. She became the first Indian-American in the United States Senate
Forum discussion tip: You'd look a whole lot less of a racist prick if you attack Harris on her policies rather than her gender, race, appearance. It's too hard for you bigots to talk about issues though, isn't it?
You should take your own advice and stop acting so WEIRD. :laugh:
Both of her parents are quite accomplished, extremely well-educated people. Her mother was a scientist working on genetic research in oncology. Her father is an economics professor at Stanford. Either one of them has far more intelligence and education than, say, Volsrock, Toxic TOP, TDAK, and the rest of the forum haters.
Harris calls herself what she is, mixed race. She can celebrate both heritages equally, and has. Never been any secret about it, only the racism that always comes from bigots.
Following the 2016 election, Kamala Harris made history as the first Indian American to be sworn into the United States Senate.

CA Attorney General Kamala Harris on trying to be the first Indian American U.S. Senator​

But now she is the first black..LOL
Trump is hearing about his fuckup this morning from black Republican congressmen.

He isn't always the smartest guy in the room. He evidently went into the thing expecting the same obsequious treatment CNN gave him and when that didn't happen he lost his cool.
...but Biden or Kamala are the smartest people in the room? You're just WEIRD man. :laugh:
Volsrock is so weird he thinks people only have one parent and that parent only had one parent, etc.

Heritage comes from both parents and often those parents can have different heritages so the child has more than one heritage.
You're just dumb and WEIRD not comprehending the point or much of anything. :laugh:
Harris calls herself what she is, mixed race. She can celebrate both heritages equally, and has. Never been any secret about it, only the racism that always comes from bigots.
So, Trump was right, and the shrill outrage is just......well.....just WEIRD right? :laugh: