In Memoriam - Dixie, Iconic Poster and original crew, passed away 1/22/2018


Staff member
Dixie, the iconic poster, passed away on Monday 1/22/2018.

For many on this forum Dixie was iconic- we all recall the 1/3 controversy (for those who don't remember, Dixie took the part where 1/3 doesn't exist). In real life Dixie lived a simple life filled with friends and family who shared his love for rock-a-billy/bluegrass music.

He was doing really well with his music these past few years. He put together a regular gig at his home referred to as the Lake House. A summer music series called “on the back deck “. It brought him endless hours of joy.

His last night on this earth was spent with a boyhood friend talking and playing music into the wee hours. He passed unexpectedly in his sleep.

Did we mention he was a huge Roll-Tide fan?

Please be respectful, if you have nothing nice to say, just stay away for a bit.
Wow, very sad to hear. There is no question he brought a lot of energy and passion to the board. R.I.P. Dixie
Peace be with you, Dixie

“And now listen carefully. You in others - this is your soul. This is what you are. This is what your consciousness has breathed and lived on and enjoyed throughout your life - your soul, your immortality, your life in others. And what now? You have always been in others and you will remain in others. And what does it matter to you if later on that is called your memory? This will be you - the you that enters the future and becomes a part of it.” - Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago
Dixie died? Damn. I hate to hear that.

Dixie and I disagreed on plenty of topics, but he was consistent in his views. And we shared a love of Alabama football. When he left these forums it seemed to change things.

R.I.P. Dixie. It was good knowing you. Roll Tide!
It's amazing how attached we can get to a person we know only through our devices. I am sorry for your loss and that we newbies never had a chance to "meet" him too.
shit.....I was still hoping he would come back.....I don't think we've ever had another poster who put so much time into creating long posts that didn't include cut and pastes.........
Dixie, the iconic poster, passed away on Monday 1/22/2018.

For many on this forum Dixie was iconic- we all recall the 1/3 controversy (for those who don't remember, Dixie took the part where 1/3 doesn't exist). In real life Dixie lived a simple life filled with friends and family who shared his love for rock-a-billy/bluegrass music.

He was doing really well with his music these past few years. He put together a regular gig at his home referred to as the Lake House. A summer music series called “on the back deck “. It brought him endless hours of joy.

His last night on this earth was spent with a boyhood friend talking and playing music into the wee hours. He passed unexpectedly in his sleep.

Did we mention he was a huge Roll-Tide fan?

Please be respectful, if you have nothing nice to say, just stay away for a bit.

Dixie was one of the originals

I'm glad to hear his last years were full of music

travel well

my condolences to his family