In Memoriam - Dixie, Iconic Poster and original crew, passed away 1/22/2018

Dixie, the iconic poster, passed away on Monday 1/22/2018.

For many on this forum Dixie was iconic- we all recall the 1/3 controversy (for those who don't remember, Dixie took the part where 1/3 doesn't exist). In real life Dixie lived a simple life filled with friends and family who shared his love for rock-a-billy/bluegrass music.

He was doing really well with his music these past few years. He put together a regular gig at his home referred to as the Lake House. A summer music series called “on the back deck “. It brought him endless hours of joy.

His last night on this earth was spent with a boyhood friend talking and playing music into the wee hours. He passed unexpectedly in his sleep.

Did we mention he was a huge Roll-Tide fan?

Please be respectful, if you have nothing nice to say, just stay away for a bit.

Very sorry to hear that, I spent hours enjoying lively debate with him. I have missed him over the years. He was spirited and a good debater who had an indomitable spirit. Sorry the world lost him.
Hey, can one of you mods pull up the 1/3 thing? I’ve heard a lot about it, and would like to see his position on it.
Hey, can one of you mods pull up the 1/3 thing? I’ve heard a lot about it, and would like to see his position on it.
actually, it was way overblown.....all he really said was that it was impossible to divide 100 by three and not have a remainder....
Genuinely sorry to hear that. I had so many spirited discussions w/ that guy. The 1/3 thing was such a small part of what he presented here & on the other boards; it's really not that fair that it gets brought up so much. Definitely someone who was missed when he moved on from JPP.

Hahaha- then he was right! I was told he was accused of not being able to do math.

By all means, carry on his torch.

Please not in this thread. I'm sure you can look up his user name and find something and start a new round. From what Ive been told, the 1/3 threads were some of JPPs most post epic threads. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if some picked up his torch.
By all means, carry on his torch.

Please not in this thread. I'm sure you can look up his user name and find something and start a new round. From what Ive been told, the 1/3 threads were some of JPPs most post epic threads. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if some picked up his torch.

No worries, he and I exchanged some good laughs over it.
No worries, he and I exchanged some good laughs over it.

Oh, I thought you meant you agree with his point. Do you? Let us carry this on in PM if you don't mind, or I can create an off topic thread. I feel we are wandering past the sanctimony of this thread.

Though I bet Dixie would be dancing the jig if he knew people were already squabbling or debating his ideas.
Dixie, the iconic poster, passed away on Monday 1/22/2018.

For many on this forum Dixie was iconic- we all recall the 1/3 controversy (for those who don't remember, Dixie took the part where 1/3 doesn't exist). In real life Dixie lived a simple life filled with friends and family who shared his love for rock-a-billy/bluegrass music.

He was doing really well with his music these past few years. He put together a regular gig at his home referred to as the Lake House. A summer music series called “on the back deck “. It brought him endless hours of joy.

His last night on this earth was spent with a boyhood friend talking and playing music into the wee hours. He passed unexpectedly in his sleep.

Did we mention he was a huge Roll-Tide fan?

Please be respectful, if you have nothing nice to say, just stay away for a bit.

Fare Thee Well Dixie

Gone From My Sight
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side,
spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts
for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck
of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then, someone at my side says, "There, she is gone."

Gone where?

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast,
hull and spar as she was when she left my side.
And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me -- not in her.

And, just at the moment when someone says, "There, she is gone,"
there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices
ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!"

And that is dying...

Oh, I thought you meant you agree with his point. Do you? Let us carry this on in PM if you don't mind, or I can create an off topic thread. I feel we are wandering past the sanctimony of this thread.

Though I bet Dixie would be dancing the jig if he knew people were already squabbling or debating his ideas.

Ill not squabble.
Dixie's rants were epic.

He and I had some spirited debates. But he stayed on topic. I don't recall him ever getting personal. I mean, no more than him calling a dumbass or something. And he was usually well prepared.

Those were good times here.
Dixie's rants were epic.

He and I had some spirited debates. But he stayed on topic. I don't recall him ever getting personal. I mean, no more than him calling a dumbass or something. And he was usually well prepared.

Those were good times here.

As far as I could tell, Dixie was here to discuss politics and the issues of the day. I never got the sense that Dixie indulged in personal grudges, washerwoman gossip, harbored lingering resentment, bore petty grievances, or had the slightest interest in any posters personal life. And, oh man, the Iraq War debates with him were absolute classics. I think, in hindsight, good times were had by all that participated!
I wonder, if each of us died, why did we wait so long to say such kind words.

I don't know any of you posters personally, Beefy was a tough one because someone I knew talked to him personally. And they became friends.

With posters like Dixie, I rarely, if ever become friends.

Yet, through his death we (left and right) come together.

Why the flunk does it take death for that to happen for most folks?
Hey, can one of you mods pull up the 1/3 thing? I’ve heard a lot about it, and would like to see his position on it.

I believe that the incident actually occurred over on FP, the predecessor of this site. The only person who could possibly retrieve it for you is an inactive user called SR. But, he probably doesn't have any saved files from FP, despite his association with breaching the privacy of his users.
I wonder, if each of us died, why did we wait so long to say such kind words.

I don't know any of you posters personally, Beefy was a tough one because someone I knew talked to him personally. And they became friends.

With posters like Dixie, I rarely, if ever become friends.

Yet, through his death we (left and right) come together.

Why the flunk does it take death for that to happen for most folks?

It's called having good manners. I used to talk trash to Dixie, and continued to badmouth him for running away from the site, but, I wasn't even going to bring-up the 1/3 or the blue jeans controversies, yet, other posters have seen fit to do so.
I believe that the incident actually occurred over on FP, the predecessor of this site. The only person who could possibly retrieve it for you is an inactive user called SR. But, he probably doesn't have any saved files from FP, despite his association with breaching the privacy of his users.

Bummer- I had always wanted to read the comments. Dixie laughed about it a lot.
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