In Memoriam - Dixie, Iconic Poster and original crew, passed away 1/22/2018

I wonder, if each of us died, why did we wait so long to say such kind words.

I don't know any of you posters personally, Beefy was a tough one because someone I knew talked to him personally. And they became friends.

With posters like Dixie, I rarely, if ever become friends.

Yet, through his death we (left and right) come together.

Why the flunk does it take death for that to happen for most folks?

you are are a worthless dickhead, but you are right.......
I believe that the incident actually occurred over on FP, the predecessor of this site. The only person who could possibly retrieve it for you is an inactive user called SR. But, he probably doesn't have any saved files from FP, despite his association with breaching the privacy of his users.

no....I remember it and I wasn't around in FP......
Remember his ode to George W. Bush in blue jeans?

Remember when Jesus gave him financial advice in the shower?

I am sure there are more...
Dixie, the iconic poster, passed away on Monday 1/22/2018.

For many on this forum Dixie was iconic- we all recall the 1/3 controversy (for those who don't remember, Dixie took the part where 1/3 doesn't exist). In real life Dixie lived a simple life filled with friends and family who shared his love for rock-a-billy/bluegrass music.

He was doing really well with his music these past few years. He put together a regular gig at his home referred to as the Lake House. A summer music series called “on the back deck “. It brought him endless hours of joy.

His last night on this earth was spent with a boyhood friend talking and playing music into the wee hours. He passed unexpectedly in his sleep.

Did we mention he was a huge Roll-Tide fan?

Please be respectful, if you have nothing nice to say, just stay away for a bit.
My greatest protagonist ever on JPP no one could make me claw the air in exasperation or make me laugh till my ribs hurt like Dixie. Dixie was a Grandmaster of the fine Southern tradition of the rant. To those who did not know Dixie nothing could make you stand in awe and often with complete befuddlement like reading one of Dixie’s rants and for a long period of time he was the heart and soul of JPP. No one can or has since created as many 500 post threads as Dixie did with regularity.
I believe he was just 57.
Scares me. I knew Dixie and I are the same age. Tough blow for him and his family. It was too soon.

Well I know Dixie liked a good Cigar and Whisky. I have an excellent bottle of craft made single barrel Texas Whisky that a friend sent me. I shall drink one for Dixie. It may not be Alabama moon shine but at least it’s Southern Whisk. I think under the Circumstances Dixie would approve. Hell I may even do a Rebel yell in honor of the contrary SOB.
My greatest protagonist ever on JPP no one could make me claw the air in exasperation or make me laugh till my ribs hurt like Dixie. Dixie was a Grandmaster of the fine Southern tradition of the rant. To those who did not know Dixie nothing could make you stand in awe and often with complete befuddlement like reading one of Dixie’s rants and for a long period of time he was the heart and soul of JPP. No one can or has since created as many 500 post threads as Dixie did with regularity.

But he never stooped to the mean or vindictive!
Some Dixie you are. Dixie would squabble at the drop of a hat and more often than not he’d drop the hat.

Dixie rarely used the techniques many on the right here use now, he did not obfuscate or play obtuse. He never changed the subject. He took on an argument head on and was at the least intellectually consistent. I really respected him, glad I told him so!
Dixie rarely used the techniques many on the right here use now, he did not obfuscate or play obtuse. He never changed the subject. He took on an argument head on and was at the least intellectually consistent. I really respected him, glad I told him so!
The word character had multiple meanings with Dixie. He had character and he was a character. Glad I got to cross swords with him and I miss him.
But he never stooped to the mean or vindictive!

What you talking about? Dixie could be meaner than a snaggill toothed rattle snake if you crossed him the wrong way but that was part of his charm. His burns could be hilarious. I remember him posting on time after Darla and I were arguing passionately over something and Dixie posted;

“Oh Boy. A pinhead fight!”