Infanticide to Address a Grievance is Monstrously Evil (Open to Everybody)


Well-known member
it should be pointed out that the Jewish faith CELEBRATES the most monstrous case of infanticide in history.
It absolutely pales in comparison to the countless killings of living humans who have committed no crime ... that you support in your monstrous evil. I know that you were only trying to virtue-signal to other, but it becomes somewhat revolting when you try to make your blood-lust out to be a virtue.

IMHO celebrating the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent children is revolting.
Yet you fight to ensure it continues to happen. You insult those who endeavor to bring it to an end. It looks the same as if you actually celebrate it. How ironic that you are casting the first stone.

This is why I will NEVER worship such a monster.
Except that you do. You worship the DNC, the root of all evil and the supporter of Planned Parenthood. In fact, the last time I merely pointed out to you your obvious lust for killing, it excited you into exclaiming how much you wish to support them with a donation. Hey, 1st Amendment and all. You are totally entitled to your revolting predilections.

Exodus 20:13 “Thou shalt not kill.”
It absolutely pales in comparison to the countless killings of living humans who have committed no crime ... that you support in your monstrous evil. I know that you were only trying to virtue-signal to other, but it becomes somewhat revolting when you try to make your blood-lust out to be a virtue.

Yet you fight to ensure it continues to happen. You insult those who endeavor to bring it to an end. It looks the same as if you actually celebrate it. How ironic that you are casting the first stone.

Except that you do. You worship the DNC, the root of all evil and the supporter of Planned Parenthood. In fact, the last time I merely pointed out to you your obvious lust for killing, it excited you into exclaiming how much you wish to support them with a donation. Hey, 1st Amendment and all. You are totally entitled to your revolting predilections.

Exodus 20:13 “Thou shalt not kill.”

Anyone who thinks what Hamas did was excusable is morally depraved.
Well let's see the babies killed by Hamas were innocent and not given a chance... babies who are aborted...innocent... and not given a chance... both examples of human life at different stages...terminated...extinguished...
Wow. What a brilliant post! So glad to have you around to say those things!

I agree with Yakiuda on what he said. The problem is he is so fucking stupid he thinks any criticism of Israel amounts to support for Hamas. He is a fucking moron. BTW, I put this in the religion area because I'm my view, that was point. The Jewish people celebrate a story of mass infanticide because the innocent children that were SLAUGHTERED weren't Jewish. They celebrate the same atrocities that were committed against them in this attack. My point was simple...... the reason these things happen is religion. It's always religion. Because those who are dogmatic believers are capable of committing monstrous atrocities in the name of God, because that can't be bad, right?

Enough said. I can't see any of the nutters posts, they are all on ignore. This thread is probably exhibit A for why.
YAAIET - Yet another abortion is evil thread
Where do you see the word "abortion"? Tell me you didn't learn how to read at your deaf studies. Killing living humans who have committed no crime is evil, and that is what this thread is about. You make people think that "deaf" includes being blind. I feel sorry for you.
Where do you see the word "abortion"? Tell me you didn't learn how to read at your deaf studies. Killing living humans who have committed no crime is evil, and that is what this thread is about. You make people think that "deaf" includes being blind. I feel sorry for you.

"Planned Parenthood". Hello?
I agree with what Concart said. The problem is he is so fucking stupid he thinks any criticism of the DNC is support for Republicans. He is a fucking moron. BTW, I put this in the religion area because I'm my view, that was point. Leftists celebrate Planned Parenthood's mass killing of living humans because the innocent children that were SLAUGHTERED were mostly black and hispanic. American Jews celebrate the same atrocities that were committed against them by Hitler in WWII. My point was simple...... the reason these things happen is religion. It's always religion. In this case, Marxism. Because those who are dogmatic believers are capable of committing monstrous atrocities in the name of their almighty government, because that can't be bad, right?

Enough said.
(sigh) You can't read. Those are two words, and neither are "abortion." Just give it up.

I accept your concession.

It is clear in your OP that you are referring to abortion, Doc Dutch. Unless you want to talk about infanticide which is morally wrong and illegal?

Pick one and stick with it.