Infanticide to Address a Grievance is Monstrously Evil (Open to Everybody)

All of her comments are stupid, shit-for-brains. She hasn't shown any signs of intelligence on JPP, only extreme cowardice of the type of which you suffer.

Heh. You're a coward for not answering questions directly. Though I gave you props for answering questions about Venus. I was surprised.
Stupid, stupid comment. I suppose if someone uses a Cutco knife to stab someone, the blood is on Americans' hands because the knife was made in America. How geniuth.
Quite right. Is a baseball bat manufacturer responsible for every murder with a baseball bat? Is Ford responsible for everyone that uses one to murder people by running over them?
In the case of Hamas, the rockets they use are made by Hamas (and Iran). They are simple sugar rockets, using only fins for guidance (like a large model rocket). The warhead is RDX or TNT, whatever they scavenge. I imagine Iran is supplying them with this material as well. The casing is essentially steel pipe. The warhead is a simple contact fuse.

These rockets are CHEAP to build, and Hamas and Iran build them.

For small arms, Hamas favors the Russian made AK47.
Hebrew version in English fashion: Thou shalt not murder.
Convicting someone for a capital offense is not murder.
I totally get it. I received comments on this post of mine that was purely intended in jest.

MAV (Modern Atheist Version)
Exodus 20:13 - “Thou shalt not kill anyone not convicted of a capital offense under due process.”

There is no such thing as an modern atheist version of the Bible, although, maybe such a version might prove interesting. Anyway, it's fictitious.
I totally get it. I received comments on this post of mine that was purely intended in jest.

There is no such thing as an modern atheist version of the Bible, although, maybe such a version might prove interesting. Anyway, it's fictitious.

Actually there are.
It absolutely pales in comparison to the countless killings of living humans who have committed no crime ... that you support in your monstrous evil. I know that you were only trying to virtue-signal to other, but it becomes somewhat revolting when you try to make your blood-lust out to be a virtue.

Yet you fight to ensure it continues to happen. You insult those who endeavor to bring it to an end. It looks the same as if you actually celebrate it. How ironic that you are casting the first stone.

Except that you do. You worship the DNC, the root of all evil and the supporter of Planned Parenthood. In fact, the last time I merely pointed out to you your obvious lust for killing, it excited you into exclaiming how much you wish to support them with a donation. Hey, 1st Amendment and all. You are totally entitled to your revolting predilections.

Exodus 20:13 “Thou shalt not kill.”

" Monstrously Evil" Now that's getting hot and heavy.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Where Islam Ha Mas ! Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom pedophilia instead of Infanticide addresses grievance of SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia in McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists rite to "one nation under God with equal justice under law"....
Where Islam Ha Mas ! Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom pedophilia instead of Infanticide addresses grievance of SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia in McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists rite to "one nation under God with equal justice under law"....
^^^^ What he said. (???)