Inflation down to 2.2%, paving the way for more Fed interest rate cuts

Inflation cooled last month, paving way for borrowing costs to come down more​

The Fed’s favorite inflation gauge, the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index, showed consumers paid 2.2% more for goods and services for the year ended in August, versus 2.5% in July. This marks another step closer toward the Fed’s 2% inflation target, as well as the lowest inflation rate seen since February 2021, when inflation clocked in at 1.9%.

The annual increase was below the 2.3% rate economists projected, according to FactSet consensus estimates. On a monthly basis, prices rose 0.1% in August versus the 0.2% increase in July, matching estimates.

The progress seen in recent months — with inflation getting closer to 2% as well as cooling labor market conditions — pushed central bankers to cut rates by an unusually large half point earlier this month instead of the more traditional quarter-point move. Friday’s inflation report signals that another big cut that helps alleviate borrowing costs for Americans may be on its way.

Not an economist, but the goal of most nations is 2%. A stable 2%, not a fluctuating one because that creates distrust and distrust creates instability.

Looks like the we're heading in the right direction.

The Federal Reserve has a target annual inflation rate of 2%, and it uses monetary policy to keep inflation in check and stabilize the economy when inflation rises above that benchmark.
Of course it does. Stomping your feet doenst make you right soy boy.

Really. Tell much what paragraph or what chart shows that inflation rose .5% under Trump. You claimed that's what the link says. Tell me where. I won't hold my breath, because IT DOESN'T SAY THAT ANYWHERE.

Why can't any of you EVER admit you are wrong? Character flaw? Lack of integrity? Emotional insecurity? Did mommy hurt you as a little boy?
Really. Tell much what paragraph or what chart shows that inflation rose .5% under Trump. You claimed that's what the link says. Tell me where. I won't hold my breath, because IT DOESN'T SAY THAT ANYWHERE.

Why can't any of you EVER admit you are wrong? Character flaw? Lack of integrity? Emotional insecurity? Did mommy hurt you as a little boy?
When you read the Trumpian far-right posters who have no respect for the truth, you have to factor in that they may be getting paid.

Inflation cooled last month, paving way for borrowing costs to come down more​

The Fed’s favorite inflation gauge, the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index, showed consumers paid 2.2% more for goods and services for the year ended in August, versus 2.5% in July. This marks another step closer toward the Fed’s 2% inflation target, as well as the lowest inflation rate seen since February 2021, when inflation clocked in at 1.9%.

The annual increase was below the 2.3% rate economists projected, according to FactSet consensus estimates. On a monthly basis, prices rose 0.1% in August versus the 0.2% increase in July, matching estimates.

The progress seen in recent months — with inflation getting closer to 2% as well as cooling labor market conditions — pushed central bankers to cut rates by an unusually large half point earlier this month instead of the more traditional quarter-point move. Friday’s inflation report signals that another big cut that helps alleviate borrowing costs for Americans may be on its way.

I hope not. I've got a bunch of money earning more than 5.5% in bonds, which are getting called en masse.

Inflation needs to be negative IMO. The fact that corporations stopped increasing the rate at which we are getting raped is not enough. Prices need to come DOWN on many items.

I think the crashing price of oil is a big factor in the inflation numbers. We all know that it can change in a big way on a moment's notice.
AND did you notice the economy Trump was given compared to what Biden was given.
And it was okay with you to blame Trumps mess on COVID but when it comes to Biden we don't hear a word out of you about that do you?
Have a nice day
You have to get a good chuckle when people reference housing costs being Biden's fault. Investors have been sucking up properties since the Bush market crash. The reason housing is so expensive is because hedge funds/investors own millions of properties.

Investors Have Been Busy Gobbling Up Homes

In the first three months of 2024, investors bought 14.8 percent of homes sold according to In some cities, such as Springfield, Kansas City, and St. Louis Missouri, investors purchased around one in five homes. Investor-owned homes hit their peak in December 2022, accounting for 28.7 percent of all home sales in America. Per MetLife Investment Management, institutional investors may control 40 percent of U.S. single-family rental homes by 2030.

Robert Reich posted a wonderful video to Twitter explaining how Wall Street investors could be driving up rents. He explains that home ownership—the primary vehicle for accumulating wealth—is out of reach for many Americans. Investors are not randomly making home purchases across the country, as Darling’s question above presumes, but instead are targeting bigger cities and neighborhoods that are homes to communities of color in particular. In one neighborhood in Charlotte, North Carolina, Wall Street investors bought half the homes that sold in 2021 and 2022.
Exactly. Use Covid when it suits your purpose and advances your agenda. Ignore it when it doesn't. It's why an economic discussion is impossible on these boards. One side views every single thing that happens through a hyperpartisan lens. I think they would debate the direction in which the sun rises if Trump told them to. A poster here just literally denied an objective fact after I posted a link proving that objective fact. It's the donkey that claims Kevin Bacon wasn't in footloose. There is no point.
Good to see you! I guess that means your power isn't out.
He neglects to mention that wages have increased at a faster pace than inflation. Because that is an inconvenient truth. It is what it is. The economy is in absolutely great shape, and Trump paints this dystopian picture of life in America. Voters are not buying. It's become more obvious with each passing day.
Unfortunately, young males believe they were better off under trump.
Don't say ONE word about the COVID checks sent out that drove inflation up.
Don't say one word about all the lies and confusing, conflicting LIES and disinformation Trump put out.
I see you don't thing any of those things could have had an effect on the economy.
Yak's been on my ignore list for years. It saves thousands of keystrokes.
If they are paying Yakuda they are getting ripped off.
Some of them are very stupid. You cannot reach them. You keep from putting them from ignore just to see how deep under the Trump con they are. It is scary to see how susceptible to con men some people are. It is like watching a train wreck.
Some of them are very stupid. You cannot reach them. You keep from putting them from ignore just to see how deep under the Trump con they are. It is scary to see how susceptible to con men some people are. It is like watching a train wreck.
Yes it is scary to watch just how susceptible to con men the MAGA are.
When that con man comes right our and tells you he doesn't give a shit about you he just wants your vote and money and they just laugh , Those people are not too bright.
then to back some one who says he wants to be a dictator , a person that says he will go on a revenge tour as soon as he gets in going after his political opponents, That is NOT what a President of the USA does that IS what a DICTATOR does,
And they still back him.
Trump is ONLY out for Trump he couldn't give two shits about America or the American people.
As you said it is scary and these MAGA don't seem to bright.
Have a nice day