Interesting choice Rush...


Well-known member
Once Rush made enough money to live anywhere he chose... I find it interesting that he has chosen two of the most liberal cities in the Country to live in...

1. New York City
2. Palm Beach
I dont deny listening to him. I find him very entertaining, and sometimes, very rarely, I agree with him.

I like to hear opinions that differ from my own.
Rush is hardly a respected intellectual voice of the conservative movement.

If you're genuinely interested in hearing opinions contrary to your own expressed thoughtfully and articulately, try reading some George Will or William F. Buckley.

If, on the other hand, you are just looking for idiots on the other side then by all means continue your focus on Rush and O'Reilly. But you should know that they are not conservative intellectuals and do not claim to be. They are entertainers and pundits.
Once Rush made enough money to live anywhere he chose... I find it interesting that he has chosen two of the most liberal cities in the Country to live in...

1. New York City
2. Palm Beach
If you want to convert the sinner you must live among them.

Like Jeebus said, "Does the Doctor hang out with all the healthy people?"

Rush is hardly a respected intellectual voice of the conservative movement.

If you're genuinely interested in hearing opinions contrary to your own expressed thoughtfully and articulately, try reading some George Will or William F. Buckley.

If, on the other hand, you are just looking for idiots on the other side then by all means continue your focus on Rush and O'Reilly. But you should know that they are not conservative intellectuals and do not claim to be. They are entertainers and pundits.

LOL. Bill buckley is a fascist
Rush is hardly a respected intellectual voice of the conservative movement.

If you're genuinely interested in hearing opinions contrary to your own expressed thoughtfully and articulately, try reading some George Will or William F. Buckley.

If, on the other hand, you are just looking for idiots on the other side then by all means continue your focus on Rush and O'Reilly. But you should know that they are not conservative intellectuals and do not claim to be. They are entertainers and pundits.

Please note that the first thing I said about him is that I find him entertaining.
If you want to convert the sinner you must live among them.

Like Jeebus said, "Does the Doctor hang out with all the healthy people?"


He does hang out with healthy people, except under controlled circumstances and only duriong working hours.
He does hang out with healthy people, except under controlled circumstances and only duriong working hours.
Nah, he hangs out with the "sinner". And apparently everybody who listens are liberals hoping to catch on to what the "enemy" is thinking, because the only people who post here who listen are liberals.

You are failing. He lives among those who need the most help seeing "the light"...

Smart conservatives generally try to be dismissive of Rush's influence, but it's just not reality. Yeah, we all know he's a blowhard & an entertainer & all that, but I would have a hard time thinking of a single individual who has been more influential in American politics over the past 20 years.

This is a guy who Republican leaders & legislators shamelessly ingratiate themselves to, and whose speeches & remarks often have verbatim repititions of points Rush makes on his show.
Smart conservatives generally try to be dismissive of Rush's influence, but it's just not reality. Yeah, we all know he's a blowhard & an entertainer & all that, but I would have a hard time thinking of a single individual who has been more influential in American politics over the past 20 years.

This is a guy who Republican leaders & legislators shamelessly ingratiate themselves to, and whose speeches & remarks often have verbatim repititions of points Rush makes on his show.

I have read two of Rush's books and some of his periodical literature. He is definitely a blowhard on his show and you can see why some on the left would want to paint him as "the voice" of the right.....He always says something stupid and offensive that they can use against the right. I don't think he is any more "the voice" of the right than Bill Maher is "the voice" of the left.

That said, in reading his books and other printed materials I do find several issues that I agree with him on. In political discussions I cannot help but to repeat or say something similar to some of the statements he has made about those issues. I assume that it is the same for some "Republican leaders & legislators."
Smart conservatives generally try to be dismissive of Rush's influence, but it's just not reality. Yeah, we all know he's a blowhard & an entertainer & all that, but I would have a hard time thinking of a single individual who has been more influential in American politics over the past 20 years.

This is a guy who Republican leaders & legislators shamelessly ingratiate themselves to, and whose speeches & remarks often have verbatim repititions of points Rush makes on his show.

chris mathews
......etc, etc...
Are you joking? Oh, nevermind.
I have read two of Rush's books and some of his periodical literature. He is definitely a blowhard on his show and you can see why some on the left would want to paint him as "the voice" of the right.....He always says something stupid and offensive that they can use against the right. I don't think he is any more "the voice" of the right than Bill Maher is "the voice" of the left.

That said, in reading his books and other printed materials I do find several issues that I agree with him on. In political discussions I cannot help but to repeat or say something similar to some of the statements he has made about those issues. I assume that it is the same for some "Republican leaders & legislators."

Again, no comparison between Bill Maher and Rush. You guys on the right love to pretend there are equivalents to all of your crazies on the left and there aren't in many cases.

Bill Maher is not an honorary member of congress. He is not invited to speak as the guest of honor at anything resembling CPAC. He does not have congressmen and the chairman of the DNC calling him begging for forgiveness.
Again, no comparison between Bill Maher and Rush. You guys on the right love to pretend there are equivalents to all of your crazies on the left and there aren't in many cases.

Bill Maher is not an honorary member of congress. He is not invited to speak as the guest of honor at anything resembling CPAC. He does not have congressmen and the chairman of the DNC calling him begging for forgiveness.

OK, then pick another leftist loon who is an actual congressman now who tried to follow Rush's footsteps in the other direction and failed........try somebody like, maybe....Al Franken. My point is still the same....neither are "the voice" of either party.
OK, then pick another leftist loon who is an actual congressman now who tried to follow Rush's footsteps in the other direction and failed........try somebody like, maybe....Al Franken. My point is still the same....neither are "the voice" of either party.

Comparisons to the left don't really work. There is no one on the left who has had the kind of consistent influence & following that Limbaugh has had on the right, for 20 years now. Limbaugh is like an elder statesman at this point.

Also, no pundits really "lead" the Dem party at the moment, because Democrats - and I'm not saying this is always the case - have a pretty clear message & agenda they are putting out there. The GOP is lost at the moment, and Rush is filling the void. I think a good argument can be made that he is leading the party more than any other, at least right now.
No shit! Big suprise that an old guy with back problems would choose to live in the warmth of Florida and also live near his work. Just crazy, I know!

The dude can "work" from anywhere... Why not Jacksonville a more conservative warm town.