Interesting choice Rush...

I just think its funny, he could live anywhere in the world, Witchata, Kansas to the conservative bastion of Mecca... but he has chosen two of the most liberal cities in the country to work and play.
I just think its funny, he could live anywhere in the world, Witchata, Kansas to the conservative bastion of Mecca... but he has chosen two of the most liberal cities in the country to work and play.

I guess our brains just see things differently because I see it as smart business.

If your show is talking about liberals and claiming to know how they think etc. it reasons to me you would pick up far more living in a liberal area than a small town conservative one.

New York speaks for itself. It is (was) the financial capital of the world. My understanding is he has a small office there that he visits on occassion. If you are a developer and a Republican would you say I don't want to build in New York because its strongly Democratic? Makes no sense to me.

Like I said I live in S.F. You know my views why would I live there? Must people only live around people who think like them politically? That's just very parochial thinking imo.
If your show is talking about liberals and claiming to know how they think etc. it reasons to me you would pick up far more living in a liberal area than a small town conservative one.

New York speaks for itself. It is (was) the financial capital of the world. My understanding is he has a small office there that he visits on occassion. If you are a developer and a Republican would you say I don't want to build in New York because its strongly Democratic? Makes no sense to me.

Like I said I live in S.F. You know my views why would I live there? Must people only live around people who think like them politically? That's just very parochial thinking imo.

I dont belive where Rush lives has anything to do with what he belives about liberals. He mostly relies on the internet. Using your logic, he should live in Washington, D.C..
I dont belive where Rush lives has anything to do with what he belives about liberals. He mostly relies on the internet. Using your logic, he should live in Washington, D.C..

Actually I would argue a big part of his appeal is from not being in Washington D.C. And remember he was successful well before the internet. However you entitled to your opinion so I will respect that.
He was successfull before he moved to NYC...

Yes. My understanding from reading an article the other day was (according to him) he has the NYC office/studio so he can do his show if a hurricane hits Florida and knocks out his power or whatever he needs to do his show there.
I dont deny listening to him. I find him very entertaining, and sometimes, very rarely, I agree with him.

I like to hear opinions that differ from my own.

Plus, the old adage, know your enemy!
Rush is hardly a respected intellectual voice of the conservative movement.

If you're genuinely interested in hearing opinions contrary to your own expressed thoughtfully and articulately, try reading some George Will or William F. Buckley.

If, on the other hand, you are just looking for idiots on the other side then by all means continue your focus on Rush and O'Reilly. But you should know that they are not conservative intellectuals and do not claim to be. They are entertainers and pundits.

George Will, excuse, I got a little throw up in my mouth.

Why not Christina Todd Whitman?