Interesting choice Rush...

Comparisons to the left don't really work. There is no one on the left who has had the kind of consistent influence & following that Limbaugh has had on the right, for 20 years now. Limbaugh is like an elder statesman at this point.

Also, no pundits really "lead" the Dem party at the moment, because Democrats - and I'm not saying this is always the case - have a pretty clear message & agenda they are putting out there. The GOP is lost at the moment, and Rush is filling the void. I think a good argument can be made that he is leading the party more than any other, at least right now.

I can agree with part of this. I will at least say that informal leadership of the Democratic Party is more diversified. There is not a direct equivalent of Rush on the left, but instead more individuals who command personal influence. Keith Olberman, Paul Krugman, Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, Bill Maher, and Al Franken to name a few.

Where the Democratic Party is shamefully subservient is its dealings with groups like Moveon. After the vote to denounce the "Betray Us" ad, many Democratic legislators had to go and beg forgiveness at that alter as well.
I swear liberals apparently listen to Rush more than any conservative I've ever met.

I would agree. I would bet that the vast majority of threads where Rush is mentioned, the first mention is by some liberal that either listens to him or is spoon fed talking points from some left wing site that has their panties in a bunch about the latest Rush comments.

Rush to New York, go fuck yourself and your tax hikes....

I announced that I was officially vacating New York after these stupid, punitive, massive tax increases, and basically I go to New York now for hurricane relief, whenever a hurricane hits. No other reason to go there. If it weren't for hurricanes down here, I would never go up there. New York is the escape valve in case hurricanes are showing up in our area, because of the loss of electricity. So I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to look for an alternative studio somewhere outside New York, perhaps Texas -- another no-income-tax state -- and I'm going to get the hell over there, when a hurricane starts coming our way, 'cause I told Mayor Bloomberg: I'll be the first to lead the way. You know, this is just... I'll sell my apartment. I'll sell my condominium. I'm going to get out of there totally, 'cause this is just absurd, and it's ridiculous -- and it isn't going to work. It's punishing the achievers for the mistakes and the lack of discipline on the part of a bunch of corrupt politicians that have run that city and state into the ground for I don't know how many years -- and I, for one, am not going to take the blame for it.
Rush is hardly a respected intellectual voice of the conservative movement.

If you're genuinely interested in hearing opinions contrary to your own expressed thoughtfully and articulately, try reading some George Will or William F. Buckley.

If, on the other hand, you are just looking for idiots on the other side then by all means continue your focus on Rush and O'Reilly. But you should know that they are not conservative intellectuals and do not claim to be. They are entertainers and pundits.
I find this humorous. The Vaunted Joe Six Pack, the bread and butter of the Republican party, the only party that has any voice for the conservatives in this country, looks at Buckley and Will as intellectual effete and not connected with the base of their party.
Smart conservatives generally try to be dismissive of Rush's influence, but it's just not reality. Yeah, we all know he's a blowhard & an entertainer & all that, but I would have a hard time thinking of a single individual who has been more influential in American politics over the past 20 years.

This is a guy who Republican leaders & legislators shamelessly ingratiate themselves to, and whose speeches & remarks often have verbatim repititions of points Rush makes on his show.

Oh yea, sure nuff..Rush has me BRAINWASHED, I can't make up my own thoughts, I wish he would stop that..
and the Democrats are the ones who continually increase his audience by their obsession with'd think they'd learn by now, but....:cof1:
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I find this humorous. The Vaunted Joe Six Pack, the bread and butter of the Republican party, the only party that has any voice for the conservatives in this country, looks at Buckley and Will as intellectual effete and not connected with the base of their party.

When did Epic switch to the republican party?
I have read two of Rush's books and some of his periodical literature. He is definitely a blowhard on his show and you can see why some on the left would want to paint him as "the voice" of the right.....He always says something stupid and offensive that they can use against the right. I don't think he is any more "the voice" of the right than Bill Maher is "the voice" of the left.

That said, in reading his books and other printed materials I do find several issues that I agree with him on. In political discussions I cannot help but to repeat or say something similar to some of the statements he has made about those issues. I assume that it is the same for some "Republican leaders & legislators."

Bill Maher is "the voice" of the left.
I have read two of Rush's books and some of his periodical literature. He is definitely a blowhard on his show and you can see why some on the left would want to paint him as "the voice" of the right.....He always says something stupid and offensive that they can use against the right. I don't think he is any more "the voice" of the right than Bill Maher is "the voice" of the left.

That said, in reading his books and other printed materials I do find several issues that I agree with him on. In political discussions I cannot help but to repeat or say something similar to some of the statements he has made about those issues. I assume that it is the same for some "Republican leaders & legislators."

Bill Maher is "the voice" of the left.

Plus Rush has pill DR's lined out in NY and Miami. Hard to get confidential prescription sources.
the funny thing about all this, is people actually give a hoot about where Rush
Yea, I know....I've lived a good chunk of my life in rural areas. Just pointing out Rush's hyporacy which, granted, is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Am I a hypocrite for being right leaning and living in S.F.? Must we all live around only people who agree with us? Considering the type of work he does can't a good argument be made that it is beneficial for him to living around the "enemy"?
Am I a hypocrite for being right leaning and living in S.F.? Must we all live around only people who agree with us? Considering the type of work he does can't a good argument be made that it is beneficial for him to living around the "enemy"?

But then we wouldn't be able to make fun of Rush....Oh well....I guess I'll have to go back to making fun of his being an uneducated fat ass.
I dont care where he lives, except I find it an interesting observation that he chooses to live in VERY liberal areas.

Ive heard him go on and on about the hartland and how the small towns and the interror of the nation are where the soul of america exists.

Why not live there?
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