Interesting happenings with auto bailout

No, it wouldn't. It would look like a gov't takeover of the auto industry. Conservatives throughout the country would scream bloody murder about it - the gov't essentially dictating who can & cannot run a company.

They get this; as much as I'm sure everyone in that Congress wants someone new at the helm of GM, they understand their limits on this.

I'm really sick and tired of this commie, Superfreak, defending labor unions and advocating the govt controlling the means of production.
No, it wouldn't. It would look like a gov't takeover of the auto industry. Conservatives throughout the country would scream bloody murder about it - the gov't essentially dictating who can & cannot run a company.

They get this; as much as I'm sure everyone in that Congress wants someone new at the helm of GM, they understand their limits on this.

No, it wouldn't. The government would not be telling the companies who the new leadership would be. The government would simply be telling them that the companies would not get the bailout loans if the executives who put the big 3 in this position were still there.

That is a loan covenant. Nothing more. When the government provides a bailout package to a company, they have every right to dictate terms that are in the best interest of the tax payers who are funding this bailout. Their job is to protect the tax payer. Giving money to failed leaders does not protect the tax payer. If the companies do not like it, they do not have to accept the tax payers money. They can seek alternate funding.
Umm, controlling the means of production?

Do I really have to school you on this? There will be a charge.

How are they controlling the means of production? Are they supposed to just give these loans out with no protection for the tax payer?
I'm really sick and tired of this commie, Superfreak, defending labor unions and advocating the govt controlling the means of production.

I had no idea that he hated America so much. He's probably one of those Code Pinkers....
I'm really sick and tired of this commie, Superfreak, defending labor unions and advocating the govt controlling the means of production.

While I believe the labor unions are a part of the problem, they at least have conceded some of the points I did not like and made arrangements to end the companies liability for the retirees pensions.

Management hasn't done shit to make me think they are going to do any better. Their complete lack of foresight makes me believe that they are just going to piss away my money. If the government lets them do so... they are not acting in our best interests.
Management hasn't done shit to make me think they are going to do any better. Their complete lack of foresight makes me believe that they are just going to piss away my money. If the government lets them do so... they are not acting in our best interests.

You mean like the CEO of Merrill Lynch looking for a $10M bonus for this year? No lie, I just saw it on MSNBC! These people, I swear, live on an entirely different planet.
No bonus, you drove the company into the ground. No stock options, no bonus, you are lucky we don't sue for your salary back.
You mean like the CEO of Merrill Lynch looking for a $10M bonus for this year? No lie, I just saw it on MSNBC! These people, I swear, live on an entirely different planet.

I think requiring the resignation of the CEO of any bank or financial institution receiving bailout money would be an excellent idea.
You mean like the CEO of Merrill Lynch looking for a $10M bonus for this year? No lie, I just saw it on MSNBC! These people, I swear, live on an entirely different planet.

yes, he is trying to justify his request because he got shareholder's $50 billion for the company when it is now worth half that. Of course he is ignoring the fact that Merrill started the year around $90b.

They should give him ten million lashes.... definitely not $10mm
Are those companies requesting tax payer funding?

Just because your company fails during a recession doesn't make you a bad CEO. It's a stupid litmus test that will get rid of more good CEO's than it gets rid of bad. The stockholders can decide whether or not he's good for the company, and they have more knowledge of it than your blanket firing.
Just because your company fails during a recession doesn't make you a bad CEO. It's a stupid litmus test that will get rid of more good CEO's than it gets rid of bad. The stockholders can decide whether or not he's good for the company, and they have more knowledge of it than your blanket firing.

sure they do. :D

History of late proves the stockholders are very intelligent :rolleyes:
Just because your company fails during a recession doesn't make you a bad CEO. It's a stupid litmus test that will get rid of more good CEO's than it gets rid of bad. The stockholders can decide whether or not he's good for the company, and they have more knowledge of it than your blanket firing.

1) I don't think any analyst believes the management of the Big three has done a good job for the past two decades. This isn't just about it being during a time of recession. This is about piss poor management who lacked the foresight to diversify their product line up enough to be able to adapt to changing markets.

2) No one is advocating the government going to companies at will and telling them to fire their executives due to poor performance. We are suggesting that those failed firms that are requesting money from tax payers not get a dime unless management changes. These firms did not fail just because of the recession.

3) I agree that stockholders and boards of directors are capable of making decisions. But AGAIN... NOT when MY tax dollars are being handed to them. If they want to make the decisions on their own... then no tax dollars should float their way. If the government is going to give them our money, then they are responsible to US, not to the shareholders of the big 3.