Introducing myself

I didn't think you wanted to be serious. As usual, nothing but a lying, thread trolling dumbass on the left. Yay you! :palm:


Jeez, dude. Even Grokmaster knows you're the nuttiest, biggest fucking Drama Queen on JPP. Who do you really think takes you seriously?


$20 says most people noticed you haven't denied being an elderly Euro-American male bitter about dying in a shitty "retirement" home by revealing that you're really a happily married middle-age Euro-American with a well paid management job, a happy marriage and three kids plus two cars.
Maybe three cars if you get that big bonus at Christmas. ;)
I am a Capitalist, semi-conservative who sides with the Republicans and Independents. The Independents as a party have no power and it's useless to join them but I mention them anyways because that is the ideal.

Let's just get this out of the way- ARE YOU A SOCK puppet?

$20 says most people noticed I haven't denied being an elderly Euro-American male bitter about dying in a shitty "retirement" home by revealing that I'm really a happily married middle-age Euro-American with a well paid management job, a happy marriage and three kids plus two cars.
Maybe three cars if I get that big bonus at Christmas.

I wish you weren't a repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth, really I do.
