Introducing myself

Well if it’s your wife or girlfriend probably to the jewelry store.

I cant afford such luxuries and everytime that I almost get there they rob me blind and demand I choose something out of the freebie bin and I always refuse, every time. You think they'd learn after the 1000th time their plan isnt gonna work, but there's no sign of life up there in their noggins.
No, just the notion that good things are likely to happen. Life is misery and pain with only the slightest of interludes that people condition themselves to think are the norms when they are really the exception.

you need to get out of Detroit......
I am a Capitalist, semi-conservative who sides with the Republicans and Independents. The Independents as a party have no power and it's useless to join them but I mention them anyways because that is the ideal.

it certainly is logical to say independents as a party have no power........since the very meaning of the name is that they have no party.....
I'm a working class man that only knows what he sees on television, so no, I can't answer your questions because I dont waste my time to learn about political topics. My only real responsibility as an American is to pay my taxes and not commit terrorism.

may I then ask........why bother to join a political board?......are you here to share with us what you haven't learned?.....
I cant afford such luxuries and everytime that I almost get there they rob me blind and demand I choose something out of the freebie bin and I always refuse, every time. You think they'd learn after the 1000th time their plan isnt gonna work, but there's no sign of life up there in their noggins.

Oi’s their job!
I'm glad I'm here, cybernauting on the electronic superhighway. If I could exist solely inside the internet, uploading my intact consciousness into it, not a copy, I would shed this mortal coil.

No steaks, milkshakes or hot chicks in the interwebs.
Real life does have things to offer as well.
that's a seizure.

get to a hospital, 'sperg.

I am reminded of a time when foodmakers started using the new computer tech to incorporate hidden messages in their food packaging, at around 2015. I went to the grocery store to purchase a DiGiorno personal pizza and incorporated into the picture of the pizza on the box you could make out a human figure holding up what appeared to be his intestine from his butt in a cartoonish manner like it was some starving skin and bone 3rd worlder. The caption coulda read, "I can feed you my butt!" I was amazed at the subtle and sly photo manipulation but ultimately I decided it was a visual statement of what was happening at the time in the super fag states of anala. I couldnt find an image of that particular box when I searched so heres a drawing I made on my phone.20201004_220603.jpg
Isnt a precise duplication but you get the idea. The image was ingeniously depicted in the sauce of the pizza with some strings of melted cheese representing the intestines.