Iraq and oil prices



It's hard to say whether the net economic effects would be positive or negative. There are enormous uncertainties about what might happen. It depends on the prosecution of the war. But under every plausible scenario, the negative effect is quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war," he said.
"The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil," which would tend to lower oil prices, he said.
We lost thousands of jobs over terrorism insurance that did not get passed ?
What the heck is that about ?
Bush said "major combat operations in Iraq have ended" and declared that "the battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 -- and still goes on."

How many years ago was he standing on an aircraft carrier saying this shit with a big banner saying "Mission accomplished"?
Bush was the slap in the face America desperately needed. Unfortunately, it comes at tremendous cost in lives, money, resources, and incredible damage to American power and stature.

The contrived deceptions of the neocon horde, like those stated in this article, didn't take rocket science intelligence to see them for what they were.

Added to what was clearly obvious, the neocons were bold enough to come right out and say what was behind the deception.

"The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil," which would tend to lower oil prices, he said.

The only thing not clearly stated in that comment is that the war was never intended to "lower oil prices", but rather to raise the coffers of the neocon horde and corporations .. and to that end, Mission Accomplished.

That echoes the exact same thing documented in the PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses." They didn't care that what they were doing was obvious because they knew the American people were far too timid and afraid of our shadows to do anything about it.

Now, Iran is in a much stronger position than it was before the war .. a position so strong that they can say keep your American dollars. If you want Iranian oil pay up in euros motherfuckers. America handed Iraq to Iran like a wonderful christmas present at the cost of tens of thousands of dead and wounded US soldiers.

The only question history will have to answer is how in the fuck could the American people have been so dumb. That's just how history will ask .. how in the fuck could that happen?

Of course that question will have to be answered after its figured out how in the hell could anyone have believed the 9/11 story/fairytale. How in the hell could that have happened?

Yeah, Bush is a clueless puppet and Cheney is the Prince of Darkness, but the ultimate responsibility rested in the laps of the American people and we failed miserably. History will judge us as it judges the German people of 1939.

Hopefully, as did the German people, we've gotten smarter.
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Blackass your right on most things but like most turbo-libs you boarderline ignorant on business and economics. Your too smart for me to call you a moveon.orger but you haven't spent much time in business class either have you?
Blackass your right on most things but like most turbo-libs you boarderline ignorant on business and economics. Your too smart for me to call you a moveon.orger but you haven't spent much time in business class either have you?

My brother .. you called me "borderline ignorant", but at least you didn't call me a "MoveOner", so at least there is one truth is what you've said.

Part of the reason for your distorted view of me is because you're sitting on the fence. I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to get your ass down off that fence and come down here with those of us who know that quality of life is not solely equated in dollars, and those of us who really understand what forces are really behind America's decline. It isn't George Bush and it isn't the Republican Party. They're just the puppets in the left hand.

You and I agree on some issues, perhaps most issues, but you're a centrist my brother, and the spectre of money has you by the balls. It distorts your vision and it sometimes makes you crazy. Your friends tell you that, don't they? C'mon, be for real.

Let's assume that I'm "borderline ignorant" on economic issues and most certainly not as economicall astute and brilliant as you. Please take this opportunity to demonstrate to me just how wrong I was in my post and what an economic genius such as your self would have said.

Keep in mind, this is a test.
You way wrong an your ignorance is maybe rightfully rootted in distrust of the white man and the system.
first your corps are evil speal is beneath you, tell that to the founder of BET. He's created more black millionaires than anybody.
Second, if you want to play the oil card for money in the war scenerio don't be a community college grad and forget the first war for oil. Now you telling me the power brokers weren't scared shitless in 1991 ish that Sadam controlling Kuwait's reserves wouldn't get him to much power. Please don't further embarass yourself by saying they went to war to keep Sadam from making oil cheap???????????????
You way wrong an your ignorance is maybe rightfully rootted in distrust of the white man and the system.

Please stop with the stupid. Let's have this discussion with at least some degree of intellgence. Your failure to defend what you say has absolutely nothing to do with race, or my so-called "distrust of the white man" .. which is stupid. Read the Declaration of Independance .. the system is supposed to be distrusted.

first your corps are evil speal is beneath you, tell that to the founder of BET. He's created more black millionaires than anybody.

Wrong, BET didn't create black millionaires, they created themselves .. AND, once again you demonstrate your illness of money and ignorance of quality of life issues. Bob Johnson made his money off the degradation of women and the glorification of drugs, pimps, gangsterism, and violence. If you love Bob Johnson, then you should love people who sell dope to children. After all, to you it seems, it's alll about the money irrespective of how you got it.

Second, if you want to play the oil card for money in the war scenerio don't be a community college grad and forget the first war for oil. Now you telling me the power brokers weren't scared shitless in 1991 ish that Sadam controlling Kuwait's reserves wouldn't get him to much power. Please don't further embarass yourself by saying they went to war to keep Sadam from making oil cheap???????????????

WOW, that in itself is an amazingly blind statement, but you've never gotten around to demonstrating your economic brillance, only your complete lack of political acumen.

They went to war for profit and power dude. I wouldn't be so quick to put down community college grads if I were you given such a silly response.

You, all by yourself, answer the question of how could Americans be so dumb.

The war is still foggy to you.

That's amazing.
"under every plausible scenario, the negative effect is quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war,"

Man Bush's own guy must agree with us at this point.
thanks blackass just as I thought, don't face an issue divert it.
They originally went to war to keep oil cheap and flowing, you ignorance won't let you admit too it.
thanks blackass just as I thought, don't face an issue divert it.
They originally went to war to keep oil cheap and flowing, you ignorance won't let you admit too it.

Seriously .. that's what you think?

If you believe the neoons went to war to keep oil cheap then you prove exactly what I've said my brother. Your fixation on money sometimes makes you crazy.

Let me give you a fact and let's see if you can dispute it .. since the beginning of the war, the profits of oil companies have risen dramatically and they've made more profit than any corporations in history.

You really don't have to answer that because it isn't a fact you can dispute. So answer this .. you don't think they knew the above indisputable fact would happen when we went to war?

If they went to war to keep "oil cheap and flowing" don't you think other countries would have seriously participated in the war instead of the symbolic contingents they sent even after the arm-twisting and ransom paid by the Bush Administration?

How many countries are there fully participating in the "coalition" today .. let me help you .. ONE .. the United States and nobody else.

If the goal was to keep "oil cheap and flowing" wouldn't the people of other countries been all in for that as well? How many countries have the majority of there citizens supporting the war .. let me help you .. NONE .. including the United States. NOBODY believes that bullshit you just said .. because it's an incredibly ignorant thought. I'm not calling you ignorant, but your rationale most definately is.

Brother, are you awake? If you have a mirror close by, go look in it .. see if you're awake. While you're looking it, tell yourself that you should not be so free with the word ignorant. Perhaps you have stock in an oil company or energy-related business that has benefitted from the evil that created this horror and you think your profit justifies your 30 pieces of silver .. but it does not. Nor does it justify you stating such a mindlessly ridiculous rationale in the face of all that is known about the fraud of Iraq today. It's an insult to your own intelligence.

I don't have to try to ridicule you my friend, because when it comes to MONEY, you do it to yourself.
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Blackass, as typical of a brother you don't know jack shit about money.
Whitey has kept you down and you rebel against any authority, it's kinda sad.
You would be laughed out of any serious discussion besides black panthers and moveon.morons group if you held to us going to kick Sadam out of Kuwait to make oil more expensive. That's comical really.
Blackass, as typical of a brother you don't know jack shit about money.
Whitey has kept you down and you rebel against any authority, it's kinda sad.
You would be laughed out of any serious discussion besides black panthers and moveon.morons group if you held to us going to kick Sadam out of Kuwait to make oil more expensive. That's comical really.

1) The above contains even more ignorance than normal for you.

2) They did NOT go to Iraq to keep oil cheap. With regards to the oil, their goal was to maintain more consitent control. Capacity issues dictated that they could not keep oil cheap. All they can do with Iraqi oil is try to keep it flowing at full capacity. Demand increases are what drove the price so friggin high.
freak your at your himler shit again.
If Sadam had kuwait's oil he could have set the Price easily at $200. Control is by definition not as high as it could be. You juvinile following me around with you lame as micro-economic try's are admirable but junior assistant level. So have a cookie and go make a cold call. the big boys will talk about the real money.
Instability caused by the war raised oil prices, so did increased speculation. Demand is an issue, but India and China combined are only 12.5% or something like that.