Is being gay a choice?

When did you chose to be straight?

I didn't have to choose. God made it so I like women. It is what he intended.

But I know where you are going with this. You think you are being slick.

Lets presume that being gay is a genetic abnormality and that they are "born" that way. They could still choose not to act in it correct?

Just because you are born a heterosexual couldn't you choose to have queer sex?

People are born lots of different ways, but it is our choices that define us.

So ultimately what you consider a tricky slick question has just blown up in your face.
I didn't have to choose. God made it so I like women. It is what he intended.

But I know where you are going with this. You think you are being slick.

Lets presume that being gay is a genetic abnormality and that they are "born" that way. They could still choose not to act in it correct?

Just because you are born a heterosexual couldn't you choose to have queer sex?

People are born lots of different ways, but it is our choices that define us.

So ultimately what you consider a tricky slick question has just blown up in your face.

God made you like woman! Lofl
A klansman, a Jesus freak, a market retard
You are full of it grand wizard
I'm always angry when klansman show up!
Why couldn't god make them gay!
You inbred redneck.

God could have, but they still have a choice right? Ultimately it comes down to them making a choice.

There are Klansman on your thread? Is Robert Byrd posting from the grave?
God could have, but they still have a choice right? Ultimately it comes down to them making a choice.

There are Klansman on your thread? Is Robert Byrd posting from the grave?
God made them gay!
Did god make you a klansman or dod you chose your confederate(read redneck) flag
God made them gay!
Did god make you a klansman or dod you chose your confederate(read redneck) flag

But they still have a choice. Why do you deny that? Are you saying that people have to act in every impulse? Do you?

As for the Klan, I abhor them and what they stand for as they are a democrat dream child to inflict terror on blacks.

The Confederate flag has different meaning for me and I wouldn't expect someone of such limited intelligence as yourself to understand.
Your flag is a klan flag!
If they had a choice why would they chose gay and be discriminated against!
That be like a plantation owner choosing to be born black, or a roman choosing slavery
Your flag is a klan flag!
If they had a choice why would they chose gay and be discriminated against!
That be like a plantation owner choosing to be born black, or a roman choosing slavery

You would have to ask a gay why they make that choice. But to claim they have no choice is not accurate. You didn't ask whether the choice made sense or not, you asked if it was. I clearly and logically pointed out that it is a choice.

Not everyone makes rational choice or choices that are good for them. I can no more explain the mind of a gay person than I can the mind of a liberal.
Your logic is horrific, ILA.

People are born gay. Sooooo - they do not choose the fact that they are attracted to the same sex.

What you are saying is that they can CHOOSE to not be with people who they are naturally attracted to. Which is a really dumb argument, but certainly par for the course.