Is being gay a choice?

What you are saying is that they can CHOOSE to not be with people who they are naturally attracted to. Which is a really dumb argument, but certainly par for the course.

??? shouldn't even have to be an argument......if it wasn't obvious to you before he said it, you should at least be grateful he's pointed it out to you now.....otherwise you would have continued to look incredibly stupid......
How old we're you when you chose to be straight?

As a man, it is the way God designed me, desiring the opposite sex, therefore making survival of the species possible, and were I to choose to be gay, it would go against how I was designed, and be unnatural. You asked, I answered, if you don't like the answer don't ask.
I didn't have to choose. God made it so I like women. It is what he intended.

But I know where you are going with this. You think you are being slick.

Lets presume that being gay is a genetic abnormality and that they are "born" that way. They could still choose not to act in it correct?

Just because you are born a heterosexual couldn't you choose to have queer sex?

People are born lots of different ways, but it is our choices that define us.

So ultimately what you consider a tricky slick question has just blown up in your face.

No truer words were spoken. You didn't have to choose, because sexual orientation is not of choice. And God made it so I like men. It is what he intended. Just like you dididn't choose your height, or your eye color, or your race. You are what you are. And there is no "praying the gay away", just like you couldn't pray away your
heterosexuality, if you wanted to. Many straight men (and women) "experiment", and have gay encounters, but at their core they remain attracted to the opposite sex. Many gays have had straight encounters, but are basically attracted to the same sex. I know several gay men who are obviously "bi" and have had straight marriages,
and children.,8599,1815538,00.html#ixzz2TO2ralQp
Ever since 1991, when Simon LeVay first documented differences in the hypothalamus of gay and straight men, researchers have been struggling to understand what causes these differences to occur. Until now, the brain regions that scientists have come to believe play a role in sexual orientation have been related to either reproduction or sexuality. The Swedish study, however, is the first to find differences in parts of the brain not normally involved in reproduction — the denser network of nerve connections, for example, was found in the amygdala, known as the emotional center of the brain. "The big question has always been, if the brains of gay men are different, or feminized, as earlier research suggests," says Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of human genetics at University of California Los Angeles, "then is it just limited to sexual preference or are there other regions that are gender atypical in gay males? For the first time, in this study it looks like there are regions of the brain not directly involved in
sexuality that seem to be feminized in gay males."
As a man, it is the way God designed me, desiring the opposite sex, therefore making survival of the species possible, and were I to choose to be gay, it would go against how I was designed, and be unnatural. You asked, I answered, if you don't like the answer don't ask.
No supernatural paganism in law making!
I didn't have to choose. God made it so I like women. It is what he intended.

But I know where you are going with this. You think you are being slick.

Lets presume that being gay is a genetic abnormality and that they are "born" that way. They could still choose not to act in it correct?

Just because you are born a heterosexual couldn't you choose to have queer sex?

People are born lots of different ways, but it is our choices that define us.

So ultimately what you consider a tricky slick question has just blown up in your face.
Christ Failius that's like saying God made you an idiot so there's no reason or purpose for you to read a book (one without pictures that is).
Nice to see you, too. No...don't mind me, I'm just "slumming", until I can get back to my regular forum, after a week's banning, for confronting a rightie who uses the n-word "for fun".'ve been banned? totally unexpected......
Your logic is horrific, ILA.People are born gay. Sooooo - they do not choose the fact that they are attracted to the same sex.

What you are saying is that they can CHOOSE to not be with people who they are naturally attracted to. Which is a really dumb argument, but certainly par for the course.
What logic?'ve been banned? totally unexpected......
Well, you know how it goes. The racist right wingers hold the cards on most political debate forums, and they certainly aren't going to stand for an educated, gay, black
liberal Democrat reading them the riot act....not that I'm fazed or anything. Not my first dance, as you well know.
As a man, it is the way God designed me, desiring the opposite sex, therefore making survival of the species possible, and were I to choose to be gay, it would go against how I was designed, and be unnatural. You asked, I answered, if you don't like the answer don't ask.
Really? What physical evidence do you have that God designed you? Can you show me the plan? If you can, can you explain why did he design veins and arteries in front of the retina, where they disrupt vision, instead of behind it? Why was the larnyx designed in such a high position when a lower design would reduce chocking? In fact, why did God design the pharnyx which houses both the esophogus and larnyx? Wouldn't the better design be to seperate them which would prevent choking completely? Why did he/she design the female pelvis to small for a human baby's head? Why did he design hip joints laterally in humans when more joints or medially located hip joints would be more affective at bearing weight? Why did God design pre-absecessed teeth that cannot be used for mastication (e.g. wisdom teeth)? Why did he design our spine with same vertebral segmentation for quadrapeds when we are bipedal? Why didn't God design us to synthasize our own vitamen C like almost all other animals? Why did he design congenital diseases and genetic disorders? Why did God design muscles to attach to our ears that can't move the ears?
God could have, but they still have a choice right? Ultimately it comes down to them making a choice.

There are Klansman on your thread? Is Robert Byrd posting from the grave?
If God made them gay why would they need to fight it? It would have been divinely ordained.
filing a law suit demanding that a marriage license be issued is a choice......
Your right. The government should never issue ANY marriage licences. Marriage should be a religious institution. Protected by the first amendment. That would allow churches to decide who they will and won't marry, The church would issue a marriage certificate. That would then presented to the local, state and federal government so that the couple could file taxes in accordance with the law. But that's not what you mean either. What you want is the government to passively enforce your bigotry, by not recognizing queer marriage be cause it offends you. WHO CARES? You don't have a right to be unoffended. You have a right to be free, as do I and everyone else. So long as my rights don't affirmatively interfere with your rights, it's none of your fucking business who I marry, so long as they are consenting adults.