Is being gay a choice?

Really? What physical evidence do you have that God designed you? Can you show me the plan? If you can, can you explain why did he design veins and arteries in front of the retina, where they disrupt vision, instead of behind it? Why was the larnyx designed in such a high position when a lower design would reduce chocking? In fact, why did God design the pharnyx which houses both the esophogus and larnyx? Wouldn't the better design be to seperate them which would prevent choking completely? Why did he/she design the female pelvis to small for a human baby's head? Why did he design hip joints laterally in humans when more joints or medially located hip joints would be more affective at bearing weight? Why did God design pre-absecessed teeth that cannot be used for mastication (e.g. wisdom teeth)? Why did he design our spine with same vertebral segmentation for quadrapeds when we are bipedal? Why didn't God design us to synthasize our own vitamen C like almost all other animals? Why did he design congenital diseases and genetic disorders? Why did God design muscles to attach to our ears that can't move the ears?

Yes, I designed him. There is a plan. I refuse to share said plan because I was extremely drunk when I created that one and it keeps embarrassing me. My bad.
Your right. The government should never issue ANY marriage licences. Marriage should be a religious institution. Protected by the first amendment. That would allow churches to decide who they will and won't marry, The church would issue a marriage certificate. That would then presented to the local, state and federal government so that the couple could file taxes in accordance with the law. But that's not what you mean either. What you want is the government to passively enforce your bigotry, by not recognizing queer marriage be cause it offends you. WHO CARES? You don't have a right to be unoffended. You have a right to be free, as do I and everyone else. So long as my rights don't affirmatively interfere with your rights, it's none of your fucking business who I marry, so long as they are consenting adults.

Normally I don't bother with little things... but this one bugs the shit out of me...


Learn the difference... damn mouthbreathin lawyers
Nice to see you, too. No...don't mind me, I'm just "slumming", until I can get back to my regular forum, after a week's banning, for confronting a rightie who uses the n-word "for fun".

Hey Poet! I'm Howey. I've heard a lot of nice things about you. I joined over there and sent you a pm but decided the place smelled too much like Yurt and 90% of the ppl here are cool.

Unlike ILA and Patriot66, who aren't gay but choose to visit public restrooms with small glory holes.

If God made them gay why would they need to fight it? It would have been divinely ordained.

God made me in His son's image.
Hey Poet! I'm Howey. I've heard a lot of nice things about you. I joined over there and sent you a pm but decided the place smelled too much like Yurt and 90% of the ppl here are cool.

Unlike ILA and Patriot66, who aren't gay but choose to visit public restrooms with small glory holes.

God made me in His son's image.

No I didn't... JC was a whore banging son of a ...