Is being gay a choice?

If being a deviant queer isn't a choice and the left believes evolution made us what we are, then it stands to reason that being queer is a genetic defect and is not normal.

The whole basis of evolution is to pass genes on to your progeny and since queers can't do that naturally they are obviously genetic defects.
The whole basis of evolution is to pass genes on to your progeny and since queers can't do that naturally they are obviously genetic defects.

There have been many studies that have shown the possibility that in our monkey tribe days, those with the gay gene would end up helping to tend to the tribe more, helping to increase the chances of the tribes overall survival. So all though it didn't do much on the individual level, on the group level it contributed to the species propagation.

The so-called "gay uncle" hypothesis posits that people who themselves do not have children may nonetheless increase the prevalence of their family's genes in future generations by providing resources (food, supervision, defense, shelter, etc.) to the offspring of their closest relatives. This hypothesis is an extension of the theory of kin selection. Kin selection was originally developed to explain apparent altruistic acts which seemed to be maladaptive. The initial concept was suggested by J.B.S. Haldane in 1932 and later elaborated by many others including John Maynard Smith, W. D. Hamilton and Mary Jane West-Eberhard.[SUP][49][/SUP] This concept was also used to explain the patterns of certain social insects where most of the members are non-reproductive.

There have been many studies that have shown the possibility that in our monkey tribe days, those with the gay gene would end up helping to tend to the tribe more, helping to increase the chances of the tribes overall survival. So all though it didn't do much on the individual level, on the group level it contributed to the species propagation.

So how does that translate to today's queers? Come on Darwin. What are queers doing to propagate the species today?

Apparently brains aren't required to be a mod
you do realize evolution happens over millions of years, right?

If you believe that it is responsible for man in his current form, maybe.

But it would appear you want it both ways. Maybe that makes you bisexual.

It isn't a choice, but it isnt a genetic aberration. You are just trolling now.
Being a yuppy budhist is a choice

You wish. I'm a redneck Buddhist. Definitely by choice.

Anyway. I can't see why it being a "choice" would change my opinion one iota. I'm for allowing consenting adults to choose to love whomever they wish.
It isn't a choice, but it isnt a genetic aberration. You are just trolling now.

again, if you have a gene that serves to propagate the human species, that would be advantageous to have in the human genome, even if it doesn't bode well for a particular individuals genes.
There is a guy I work with. He's been institutionalized since shortly after birth. He is as feminine as the most "flaming" gay people I've ever met and is 100% attracted to men...

So, you take an institutionalized, Developmentally Disabled man who has never had access to gay society and culture and displays the same mannerisms almost stereotypically? Yeah....I firmly believe it's not a choice.

Apologies for using "flaming"....couldn't think of a better description.
I didn't have to choose. God made it so I like women. It is what he intended.

But I know where you are going with this. You think you are being slick.

Lets presume that being gay is a genetic abnormality and that they are "born" that way. They could still choose not to act in it correct?

Just because you are born a heterosexual couldn't you choose to have queer sex?

People are born lots of different ways, but it is our choices that define us.

So ultimately what you consider a tricky slick question has just blown up in your face.

I will agree with you. Even if they were born that way, they could still choose not to be. It's what they have been doing for years. Humans always adapt to surroundings.

The far Right Wing tend to have a Biker theme. Have you noticed that a large portion of gays are wearing biker gear? Black leather......spikes.........and they call each other "bears" instead of gays......

I don't understand gays because I'm not gay. But I'm not forced to. And I'm not going to force them to understand me...
well they are going to call it marriage, that's the trendline, that's where everyone is increasingly staking themselves out at. sorry dinosaur, times are a changing. enjoy being an irrelevant voice.

Explain the exact feature that separates a gay marriage from a straight marriage without talking about sexual anatomy.........:whoa:
There is a guy I work with. He's been institutionalized since shortly after birth. He is as feminine as the most "flaming" gay people I've ever met and is 100% attracted to men...

So, you take an institutionalized, Developmentally Disabled man who has never had access to gay society and culture and displays the same mannerisms almost stereotypically? Yeah....I firmly believe it's not a choice.

Apologies for using "flaming"....couldn't think of a better description.

I worked with one too. It seems to be a deep rooted issue such as; I want to be my mom because my dad was a bastard.

Maybe not always, but I don't do gay.....I'm just discussing it as if I can understand it by typing about it on the internet lol.