Is being gay a choice?

you are stupid. So stupid you conflate sexual orientation with the act of having sex.

I think this is semantics. Sure it's a choice to have sex at all and you choose the person, but first, I noticed some saying you can choose to have sex with someone of the opposite sex if you are gay, and then they even said you can choose to have sex with someone of the same sex if you are straight? Really?? I couldn't. So that is a telling remark. Now everyone is saying you choose to have sex. But sex is at its basest, not a choice it's a drive. If a person has a strong, or I guess even average sex drive, they'd have to choose to never have sex. I don't believe for a minute any person with a healthy sex drive can make that choice. Maybe if you never have any opportunities. I mean it's easy to preach celibacy as a choice when you are filled with frustration and resentment over never getting any. But if you are exposed to people who want to have sex with you, eventually the only choice is, which one? Because that dam is going to burst.

Basically you guys are just wrong here.
you said I claimed sexual orientation was a choice. I did not do that. I said participating in sex acts is a choice, which it obviously is.

Again semantics. When you have the choice to have sex, when sex is something offered to you on a regular basis, assuming at least an average sex drive, never having sex is not a choice.
You are stupid. So stupid that you deem that homosexuals should either have sex with the opposite sex or go celibate.

Let me ask you slick....what skin is it off your nose?

Right, same as saying that a straight person can have sex with a member of the same sex or never have sex at all. Any heterosexual who feels this is a choice and you would not eventually be driven to sex with a member of the opposite sex, even if you made every effort not to...guess what? You are either gay, bi, or asexual. Update your Facebook profile.
I think this is semantics. Sure it's a choice to have sex at all and you choose the person, but first, I noticed some saying you can choose to have sex with someone of the opposite sex if you are gay, and then they even said you can choose to have sex with someone of the same sex if you are straight? Really?? I couldn't. So that is a telling remark. Now everyone is saying you choose to have sex. But sex is at its basest, not a choice it's a drive. If a person has a strong, or I guess even average sex drive, they'd have to choose to never have sex. I don't believe for a minute any person with a healthy sex drive can make that choice. Maybe if you never have any opportunities. I mean it's easy to preach celibacy as a choice when you are filled with frustration and resentment over never getting any. But if you are exposed to people who want to have sex with you, eventually the only choice is, which one? Because that dam is going to burst.

Basically you guys are just wrong here.

I couldn't....there is nothing attractive to me about a man's hairy ass. I'd rather go rub one out somewhere. As a matter of fact, before and in between marriage 1&2...I found it much less of a hassle to whack off than to try to score with chicks I had no feelings for...guess I'm just not built that way.

I mean, it happened a few times when the need for human touch and loneliness took it's toll. But for all intents and purposes, I like the simplicity of monogamy with someone you care deeply about.

The cool part that I'm pushing 50? The drive has decreased significantly... so my wife and I's libidos are about equalized...we have the ability to be friends more without the sex thing getting in the way....because it was usually me that wanted it a lot and her saying she was tired...led to a lot of frustration early on. So it's kind of cool the way things work out over time.
Well, you know how it goes. The racist right wingers hold the cards on most political debate forums, and they certainly aren't going to stand for an educated, gay, black
liberal Democrat reading them the riot act....not that I'm fazed or anything. Not my first dance, as you well know.

What does being black have to do with it you racist, homosexual, elitist, libtard
A very revealing post. The conservative mind is indeed a very twisted thing.

it should reveal I am a logical thinker.....your answer also reveals you're afraid to actually answer the question.......are you unable to comprehend the parallel? ought to be obvious.....
you are stupid. So stupid you conflate sexual orientation with the act of having sex.
Conflate? A new word for you, obviously. Were you just waiting for the opportunity to use it in a sentence? One thing, invariably, leads to another, moron.