Is being gay a choice?

Who said anything about a law, you asked a question I answered according to what I know, and you just flame it. Do you go full retard a lot? What am I saying you all always on full retard.
I don't give a flying fuck what a Jesus freak like you thinks! Moron
The whole issue is should the law allow!
You can sacrifice all the goats you want in your pagan worship. Hillbilly
I did nothing of the kind. Participating in sex acts as a choice, is a given. Now what?

here is the exchange again:

BS. Then having heterosexual sex is also "a choice". is. Are you people retarded?

No. It isn't. I was being facetious. Sexual orientation isn't of choice. And there is documentation to support that view.

As I have said above, I was talking about sexual acts, and you immediately brought it back to sexual orientation. You were wrong. Thank you.
I am too. They just can't call it marriage. Simple.

Well, they already do call it marriage. What they seek is the same benefits of that marriage that government-blessed marriages get. I prefer to simply take the government out of it, nobody needs to "bless" my marriage with government benefits thus recognizing an established religious order to my life that the government shouldn't be messing in to begin with.
Because when gay adoption was made legal in the UK, Labour insisted that all adoption agencies should be covered by the new law. This resulted in some Catholic agencies closing down rather than comply. There is a fear, over here anyway, that sooner or later compulsion will be sought for same sex marriage in church, in the name of the great God known as equality.

you folks or at least your government is weird if it goes that far

if the uk goes that far, i will have to put the uk on my do not visit list
Homosexuality was "a sin", according to the Old Testament, in the Levitical's also a sin to each shellfish and pork, according to it....and my guess is you have no problem with a ham sandwich or shrimp salad. And according to Paul, who is rumored to have been a latent homosexual and misogynist; Christ didn't mention it, so it must not have been of such salvation-shaking importance. In any event, that is what I believe, and am free to.
And newsflash...abortion is not a sin.

lol...except when you were shown that the above claim was not true you refused to read it because it might influence what you already "knew" abut the Bible.......I see that ignorance remains supreme in your world-view.....
Well, they already do call it marriage. What they seek is the same benefits of that marriage that government-blessed marriages get. I prefer to simply take the government out of it, nobody needs to "bless" my marriage with government benefits thus recognizing an established religious order to my life that the government shouldn't be messing in to begin with.

Damocles, in theory I agree with you... but..

In our culture people get married, then give up a portion of their life because of the promise that the other person made... To be a team until death.

Well educated and intelligent people could enter into contracts to get the government to enforce those agreements. Alimony, division of marital property, visitation in hospitals, there are thousands of things that marriage affords married people. Us lawyers could come up with standard marriage contracts, those contracts could be edited and changed and we would have thousands of types of legal "marriages", but...

We have many uneducated people, and many mentally unstable people. Often couples enter into marriage in very unequal bargaining positions. Take the example of the couple who believe a woman should never question the man. In those situations, a woman who was weak and impressionable at 18 could "marry" a man and obtain for herself zero safeguards for situations that were unimaginable to her at age 18. So lets pretend the woman gets pregnant, has four babies never works or goes to school. Now the women is 30, has no education and no work experience (the husband had promised to provide for her) and he finds a new 18 year old girl and leaves her flat.

If this couple did not "marry" and the woman did not insist on a contract to protect her, she could be left destitute with four mouths to feed. Who will pick up the cost for that? The taxpayers, that's who.
Well, they already do call it marriage. What they seek is the same benefits of that marriage that government-blessed marriages get. I prefer to simply take the government out of it, nobody needs to "bless" my marriage with government benefits thus recognizing an established religious order to my life that the government shouldn't be messing in to begin with.

damo this is stupid, no one wanted to get government out of marriage until the gays spoke up. Now we have to do a kabuki dance to make sure gays can't have government sanctioned marriage, something straight people have had for hundreds of years in our country? What a coincidence of timing it is for that opinion to form.

Secondly, we need to stop acting like marriage is only a religious institution, it isn't. It has never been. Every "benefit" that comes with being married has been due to the government sanctioning marriage for thousands of years. The institution of marriage and government are very much related to each other. You act as if marriage is this pure thing that was encapsulated by the government, but the truth is, that's how it always has been. Marriage has also been just as much of a secular union as it has been a religious one, if not more so.

Do you know how much more laborious of a process it would be to "get government out of marriage?" Do you not realize how stupid it is to have massive reforms in how government handles and approaches marriage, rather than simply allowing another group of people to claim a word? Seriously, that's what this whole debate is over. Even the mouthbreather rednecks are saying stuff like "yeah sure... give them equal rights, they just can't have my special power word!"

And that's what this whole debate and standoff is all about, adults stamping their feet because another group wants to use their special word which is only for normal people.
damo this is stupid, no one wanted to get government out of marriage until the gays spoke up. Now we have to do a kabuki dance to make sure gays can't have government sanctioned marriage, something straight people have had for hundreds of years in our country? What a coincidence of timing it is for that opinion to form.

Secondly, we need to stop acting like marriage is only a religious institution, it isn't. It has never been. Every "benefit" that comes with being married has been due to the government sanctioning marriage for thousands of years. The institution of marriage and government are very much related to each other. You act as if marriage is this pure thing that was encapsulated by the government, but the truth is, that's how it always has been. Marriage has also been just as much of a secular union as it has been a religious one, if not more so.

Do you know how much more laborious of a process it would be to "get government out of marriage?" Do you not realize how stupid it is to have massive reforms in how government handles and approaches marriage, rather than simply allowing another group of people to claim a word? Seriously, that's what this whole debate is over. Even the mouthbreather rednecks are saying stuff like "yeah sure... give them equal rights" We are literally on a standoff because one group doesn't want to give up their powerword.

This is the best political post you have ever made. Of course most of your political posts suck, but still...
I don't give a flying fuck what a Jesus freak like you thinks! Moron
The whole issue is should the law allow!
You can sacrifice all the goats you want in your pagan worship. Hillbilly

listen dweeb you asked a question I answered, you asked another I answered, if you ask just so you can insult opinions then don't ask, or just shut your yap. Go smoke another bong ya freak!
listen dweeb you asked a question I answered, you asked another I answered, if you ask just so you can insult opinions then don't ask, or just shut your yap. Go smoke another bong ya freak!
Fuck you Jesus freak, you know the deal is about legal marriage for them.
Otherwise your as dumb as your white trash friends.
Homosexuality was "a sin", according to the Old Testament, in the Levitical's also a sin to each shellfish and pork, according to it....and my guess is you have no problem with a ham sandwich or shrimp salad. And according to Paul, who is rumored to have been a latent homosexual and misogynist; Christ didn't mention it, so it must not have been of such salvation-shaking importance. In any event, that is what I believe, and am free to.
And newsflash...abortion is not a sin.

you are ill informed, or read the Bible to suit yourself, the book of Romans 1st chapter talks about homosexuality, and Jesus cleared up the whole what you can eat law, with it's not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, except in your case cocksucker

oh and abortion is the taking of an innocent life so yeah it would be a sin
then explain why the left applies so much energy to demanding that everyone attends to the question of who can marry?.......
Because nanny state righties like you think that if we allow same sex marriage we will all turn into a pillar of salt. The minute your ilk gives up the fight to keep rights from some, you will hear nothing about it.
After the instinct to feed yourself, sex is the second strongest drive in humans. Yes you can refrain from eating, for a while. Ultimately you WILL eat. Sex is much the same, albeit more so with men than women. Meaning men have a harder time remaining celibate. Most humans will not lasting long being celibate before, as Darla said, the damn breaks. If I go more than about 4 days without I become a grumpy mother fucker.