Is being gay a choice?

After the instinct to feed yourself, sex is the second strongest drive in humans. Yes you can refrain from eating, for a while. Ultimately you WILL eat. Sex is much the same, albeit more so with men than women. Meaning men have a harder time remaining celibate. Most humans will not lasting long being celibate before, as Darla said, the damn breaks. If I go more than about 4 days without I become a grumpy mother fucker.

you must be old if feeding yourself is a stronger drive for you than sex...:indeed:
Yeah, the whole get the government out of marriage business is a bit of fantasy by those who are sincere that is abused by the insincere to stall the progression of equality. The courts will have to handle dissolution of the marriage either through divorce or the death of one party to the marriage. Even if the parties draw up their own contracts the state is involved. If they are allowed to endlessly customize their contracts it will increase the difficulty of dissolving a marriage. The state has a valid interest in ensuring that the rights of the individuals that are a party to the contract are protected and has a valid case for refusing to enforce contracts that lead to unjust outcomes.

In the legal context (which is the only one relevant to this) marriage is defined by the case law and statutory laws that have defined its benefits and responsibilities. Religion should have nothing to do with that and it is not a necessary part.

I do think the government involvement in licensing could possibly be done away with, but the government will always be involved in marriage.
IN 50 years homosexuals will be normal and boring. Once coming out of the closet is no longer considered heroic the gay community will die off. Heterosexuals have nothing in common and the same is for homosexuals. It is oppression that holds the gay community together.
Yeah, the whole get the government out of marriage business is a bit of fantasy by those who are sincere that is abused by the insincere to stall the progression of equality. The courts will have to handle dissolution of the marriage either through divorce or the death of one party to the marriage. Even if the parties draw up their own contracts the state is involved. If they are allowed to endlessly customize their contracts it will increase the difficulty of dissolving a marriage. The state has a valid interest in ensuring that the rights of the individuals that are a party to the contract are protected and has a valid case for refusing to enforce contracts that lead to unjust outcomes.

In the legal context (which is the only one relevant to this) marriage is defined by the case law and statutory laws that have defined its benefits and responsibilities. Religion should have nothing to do with that and it is not a necessary part.

I do think the government involvement in licensing could possibly be done away with, but the government will always be involved in marriage.
Absolutely. NM does not grant same sex couples the right to marry, but our courts have held if legally married in another state, then they can divorce here.
Oh come on, are you seriously telling that equality and diversity are alien concepts in the US??

hardly, however, we have a constitution that prohibits the government from messing with religious least as far as telling a religion who it may or may not marry

there is some regulation of religious institutions as they are not for profit organizations and must operate within the rules of such (even though most religions violate some of those rules)
Christ also taught repentance of sins, homosexuality is sin, as is supporting abortion.

Do you look at pretty women as they walk by? Do you look at a sports car and say, man...I wish I had one of those? Do you masturbate? Do you watch porn? Do you eat shellfish? Do you feel that it's ok to have more money and possessions than you need? Would you shoot an burglar if you caught him walk through your lvimg room with your flatscreen in his hand?

There are lots of sins Skippy. I'd be willing to bet you of them on a regular basis...sin is sin in God's eyes...there is no sin "worse than another". Why haven't you repented?

You really don't understand Christ's message. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU DO THE LORD, Judge not...lest ye be judged, take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in your brother's. Let the person without sin cast the first stone. Love your enemy as well as your neighbor.
Do you look at pretty women as they walk by? Do you look at a sports car and say, man...I wish I had one of those? Do you masturbate? Do you watch porn? Do you eat shellfish? Do you feel that it's ok to have more money and possessions than you need? Would you shoot an burglar if you caught him walk through your lvimg room with your flatscreen in his hand?

There are lots of sins Skippy. I'd be willing to bet you of them on a regular basis...sin is sin in God's eyes...there is no sin "worse than another". Why haven't you repented?

You really don't understand Christ's message. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU DO THE LORD, Judge not...lest ye be judged, take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in your brother's. Let the person without sin cast the first stone. Love your enemy as well as your neighbor.

I change the channel when Victoria Secret commercials come on does that answer your question? i love my wife and am enraptured by her. I drive a ford focus and love the gas mileage, no porn, no masturbation. Jesus covered diet in Matthew 15:11. Money does not guide me, and Jesus did not say let a man steal from you, in fact thou shalt not steal! Now I am not perfect, and I am a sinner saved by grace. If I am not a homosexual that plank is not in my eye. I am simply telling the truth as my faith guides me. Oh by the way, your tolerance is showing.
you are ill informed, or read the Bible to suit yourself, the book of Romans 1st chapter talks about homosexuality, and Jesus cleared up the whole what you can eat law, with it's not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, except in your case cocksucker

oh and abortion is the taking of an innocent life so yeah it would be a sin

The whole problem is that people such as myself and many others, do not believe that the Bible is God's word. We also believe that one's religious views should not be used to make policy.

If you don't approve of homosexuality, that is your problem and you should not involve yourself in it.
If you don't approve of abortions, then don't have one.

I think the best argument is the one Steel gave, you believe G-d gave humans free will, if G-d allows humans free will then who are you to question G-d? If G-d is who you believe, then don't you think he has the power to make a just call?

You argued once that the slaughter of innocents was just to keep greater harm from occurring, well, using this argument, maybe war, and abortion are used by your G-d for the same purpose.

Jesus warned you that those who think they will be at the VIP table will most likely end up eating with the dogs. You have no idea how your G-d will judge you, let alone anyone else.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to G-d what is G-d's.
Do you look at pretty women as they walk by? Do you look at a sports car and say, man...I wish I had one of those? Do you masturbate? Do you watch porn? Do you eat shellfish? Do you feel that it's ok to have more money and possessions than you need? Would you shoot an burglar if you caught him walk through your lvimg room with your flatscreen in his hand?

There are lots of sins Skippy. I'd be willing to bet you of them on a regular basis...sin is sin in God's eyes...there is no sin "worse than another". Why haven't you repented?

You really don't understand Christ's message. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU DO THE LORD, Judge not...lest ye be judged, take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in your brother's. Let the person without sin cast the first stone. Love your enemy as well as your neighbor.

Edited .. wrong poster.
I change the channel when Victoria Secret commercials come on does that answer your question? i love my wife and am enraptured by her. I drive a ford focus and love the gas mileage, no porn, no masturbation. Jesus covered diet in Matthew 15:11. Money does not guide me, and Jesus did not say let a man steal from you, in fact thou shalt not steal! Now I am not perfect, and I am a sinner saved by grace. If I am not a homosexual that plank is not in my eye. I am simply telling the truth as my faith guides me. Oh by the way, your tolerance is showing.

Sorry, your judgement it is not righteous, you judge to put people down, not to lift them up. It is evident by your other comments, you do not do it in love or to bring other to Jesus.
I change the channel when Victoria Secret commercials come on does that answer your question? i love my wife and am enraptured by her. I drive a ford focus and love the gas mileage, no porn, no masturbation. Jesus covered diet in Matthew 15:11. Money does not guide me, and Jesus did not say let a man steal from you, in fact thou shalt not steal! Now I am not perfect, and I am a sinner saved by grace. If I am not a homosexual that plank is not in my eye. I am simply telling the truth as my faith guides me. Oh by the way, your tolerance is showing.

I don't trust anything that has "true" in front of it. If they need to put that there...the odds are? They are lying.

So, you've repented your sins?. You never answered.
Do you look at pretty women as they walk by? Do you look at a sports car and say, man...I wish I had one of those? Do you masturbate? Do you watch porn? Do you eat shellfish? Do you feel that it's ok to have more money and possessions than you need? Would you shoot an burglar if you caught him walk through your lvimg room with your flatscreen in his hand?

There are lots of sins Skippy. I'd be willing to bet you of them on a regular basis...sin is sin in God's eyes...there is no sin "worse than another". Why haven't you repented?

You really don't understand Christ's message. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU DO THE LORD, Judge not...lest ye be judged, take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in your brother's. Let the person without sin cast the first stone. Love your enemy as well as your neighbor.

I would ask the burglar to put the tv down prior to shooting him... I mean... who wants to have to buy another tv? Surely the bastard would drop it on purpose if I shot him while he was still holding the TV. We can't be having any of that!
I would ask the burglar to put the tv down prior to shooting him... I mean... who wants to have to buy another tv? Surely the bastard would drop it on purpose if I shot him while he was still holding the TV. We can't be having any of that!

Who owns a TV they can carry by themselves, lol
I would ask the burglar to put the tv down prior to shooting him... I mean... who wants to have to buy another tv? Surely the bastard would drop it on purpose if I shot him while he was still holding the TV. We can't be having any of that!

So your TV is worth more than a human life? A most likely INSURED TV at that.