Is being gay a choice?

Have you noticed how much Bravo loves writing explicit depictions of things men can do with other men's penises?

Why beat around the bush with flowery euphemisms......we all know what we're talking about don't we....
Sorry if reality offends you, but reality can 'harsh'....
Why beat around the bush with flowery euphemisms......we all know what we're talking about don't we....
Sorry if reality offends you, but reality can 'harsh'....

Bravo, USF, Patriot66,and SJ participate in a public restroom crawl every Sunday afternoon.
Thats a really good question for both gays and straights.

How old were you when you got that overwhelming desire to suck a cock or have one shoved up your ass, Dude ?

I say you think about this far more than any hetro male should. Come out of the closet, Vanilla, you will be a happier person!
Yeah but you still have to get your arms around it. I have a 46' and I had to be talked into that. I had no problem with my old 37' tv. I don't get the whole giant tv thing. I don't care for them that big.

I must say, it is my guilty pleasure! I fel like I am at my own private theater! Sporting events seem live!
I say you think about this far more than any hetro male should. Come out of the closet, Vanilla, you will be a happier person!

Ahhh.. thats the beauty of the 1st Amendment, you can say any ridiculous thing you want.
In an episode of American Dad Stan Smith discovered that people can't choose to be gay as he tried and failed at it but he realized that people choose to be democrats and that republicans waste to much time hating gays when they could be hating democrats.
lol...except when you were shown that the above claim was not true you refused to read it because it might influence what you already "knew" abut the Bible.......I see that ignorance remains supreme in your world-view.....
I'm quite familiar with scripture, having such liturgical music for 6 out of 7 days for 3 years, in an Episcopal Boys Choir School, in Chicago, one of 5, at that time in the U.S.
I believe the aforementioned to be true, and that's really all that matters, isn't it? I simply don't subscribe to your world view or your beliefs concerning the Bible, as is my prerogative.
you are ill informed, or read the Bible to suit yourself, the book of Romans 1st chapter talks about homosexuality, and Jesus cleared up the whole what you can eat law, with it's not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, except in your case cocksucker

oh and abortion is the taking of an innocent life so yeah it would be a sin

Excuse me? Written by Paul, who was rumored to have been a latent homosexual, himself, as well as a woman hater. Christ didn't say one word to the matter of homosexuality, so it must not have rated with him. Cocksucker??? Projecting, again? You don't know me...don't pretend that you do.
Fetuses are not alive, independent of the mother, so abortion is not a sin, as I have provided documentation to support that notion. You're free to believe whatever you choose, as is everyone else.
IN 50 years homosexuals will be normal and boring. Once coming out of the closet is no longer considered heroic the gay community will die off. Heterosexuals have nothing in common and the same is for homosexuals. It is oppression that holds the gay community together.

What a retarded and uninformed response.
I change the channel when Victoria Secret commercials come on does that answer your question? i love my wife and am enraptured by her. I drive a ford focus and love the gas mileage, no porn, no masturbation. Jesus covered diet in Matthew 15:11. Money does not guide me, and Jesus did not say let a man steal from you, in fact thou shalt not steal! Now I am not perfect, and I am a sinner saved by grace. If I am not a homosexual that plank is not in my eye. I am simply telling the truth as my faith guides me. Oh by the way, your tolerance is showing.
Ha! What BS.
are you really still clueless about why I object to gay marriage?....I've been posting about it for should be embarrassed that in all that time you've never bothered to read anything I've written......
Why would anyone pay attention to anything that you've written, really? You're not that important or relevant, actually. Time and time again.