Is being gay a choice?

He's such a drama queen.

The thing with hypervigilant Christians is that they only are concerned and outraged about sins that don't affect them. They are no better than the Taliban in mentality...because it's not about God's love that they care's about God's wrath...and they use it to acquire power and control.

The dumbest thing is....they are also the first ones to scream.about freedom when it comes to the Greed of our society. They paint the poor as lazy and the wealthy as demigods.

I can't understand how they could get things so bass ackward.
I'm quite familiar with scripture, having such liturgical music for 6 out of 7 days for 3 years, in an Episcopal Boys Choir School, in Chicago, one of 5, at that time in the U.S.
I believe the aforementioned to be true, and that's really all that matters, isn't it? I simply don't subscribe to your world view or your beliefs concerning the Bible, as is my prerogative.

just so long as we're clear on that what you posted about what the Bible said isn't actually what the Bible said, that I have provided you with proof that it isn't what the Bible said, and that the prerogative you are exercising is to misrepresent what it says.....
damo this is stupid, no one wanted to get government out of marriage until the gays spoke up. Now we have to do a kabuki dance to make sure gays can't have government sanctioned marriage, something straight people have had for hundreds of years in our country? What a coincidence of timing it is for that opinion to form.
Well, you are incorrect. Government shouldn't be establishing laws based on any form of religious ceremony such as Marriage. This has been an argument of many libertarians since the government first stepped in to license your religious ceremony and to bless it with specific benefits.

Secondly, we need to stop acting like marriage is only a religious institution, it isn't. It has never been. Every "benefit" that comes with being married has been due to the government sanctioning marriage for thousands of years. The institution of marriage and government are very much related to each other. You act as if marriage is this pure thing that was encapsulated by the government, but the truth is, that's how it always has been. Marriage has also been just as much of a secular union as it has been a religious one, if not more so.
Just because government has "always" sanctioned a religious ceremony and tried to push more into it by granting government "blessings" doesn't change what it is.

Do you know how much more laborious of a process it would be to "get government out of marriage?" Do you not realize how stupid it is to have massive reforms in how government handles and approaches marriage, rather than simply allowing another group of people to claim a word? Seriously, that's what this whole debate is over. Even the mouthbreather rednecks are saying stuff like "yeah sure... give them equal rights, they just can't have my special power word!"
I don't care, it is the right thing to do. Nobody should use the argument that "we shouldn't do what is the right thing because it would be hard and we've always done it wrong since time immemorial."

The government does not need to define my relationships by blessing one type but not another, etc. They have a place, to ensure that there is no fraud (multiple wives/husbands who have no idea of the others), that children are protected (an age of consent), and to ensure that nobody stretches it to cover their love of roller coasters (consenting adults, not dogs, chickens, etc.)

And that's what this whole debate and standoff is all about, adults stamping their feet because another group wants to use their special word which is only for normal people.
And that's my point, the whole thing was created by government sticking their dirty hands where they didn't belong to begin with.
And you... Supposedly a lawyer, and a post graduate degree in theology.... And, despite that, you remain an immature obnoxious prick. How did that happen?
The thing with hypervigilant Christians is that they only are concerned and outraged about sins that don't affect them.

I will say this again (I've lost track of how many times)......I don't give a fuck about your sins or can screw anyone you want and enter into a relationship with anyone or anything you want.....but don't ask the government to pass a law requiring everyone else to treat your relationship as the equivalent of a normal want the right to marry, I want the right to pay no attention to who you marry.....
I will say this again (I've lost track of how many times)......I don't give a fuck about your sins or can screw anyone you want and enter into a relationship with anyone or anything you want.....but don't ask the government to pass a law requiring everyone else to treat your relationship as the equivalent of a normal want the right to marry, I want the right to pay no attention to who you marry.....

Does the right for you to pay no attention to who someone marries become compromised in any way if they marry someone of the same gender? What fucking difference does it make to you, especially since you've expressed your desire to pay no attention to such a choice in any case?
Does the right for you to pay no attention to who someone marries become compromised in any way if they marry someone of the same gender? What fucking difference does it make to you, especially since you've expressed your desire to pay no attention to such a choice in any case?

can we have a law then that says they are "married" but that no one will be required by law to treat their partner as a "spouse" under any contracts? would seem to me that contradicts everything they are trying to do by changing the law......
just so long as we're clear on that what you posted about what the Bible said isn't actually what the Bible said, that I have provided you with proof that it isn't what the Bible said, and that the prerogative you are exercising is to misrepresent what it says.....
No, darling...again, you're confused. So we aren't clear. You are still trotting out that dribble about "what the Bible actually says". If everyone believed the same thing, there would be no need for different denominations and/or faiths. Or an endless supply of interpreters of scripture. You don't run anything, at long last. Stop thinking that it's your way or the highway. Geez. Grow the fuck up.
if you choose to not pay attention to what I say then you forfeit the opportunity to comment on what I believe....I would consider that to be self-evident.....

What a confused boy you are. You don't run anything PMP. And I just watched Django Unchained, last night....I wouldn't be making any demands or commands if I were I'm still quite "heated", behind the movie.
And you... Supposedly a lawyer, and a post graduate degree in theology.... And, despite that, you remain an immature obnoxious prick. How did that happen?
Baby, anyone can get an internet theology degree, and still know nothing. Illusions of grandeur is all that PMP is about.
I will say this again (I've lost track of how many times)......I don't give a fuck about your sins or can screw anyone you want and enter into a relationship with anyone or anything you want.....but don't ask the government to pass a law requiring everyone else to treat your relationship as the equivalent of a normal want the right to marry, I want the right to pay no attention to who you marry.....

Darling, it's happening every other month or so. States are falling, one by one. My relationship is a "normal one". Please, don't pay attention. It doesn't matter what you think, in any event. I'm looking for the State of Texas to recognize my relationship.....not you.
No, darling...again, you're confused. So we aren't clear. You are still trotting out that dribble about "what the Bible actually says". If everyone believed the same thing, there would be no need for different denominations and/or faiths. Or an endless supply of interpreters of scripture. You don't run anything, at long last. Stop thinking that it's your way or the highway. Geez. Grow the fuck up.

/shrugs....except that you have claimed the admonition about homosexuality uses the same language as the admonition regarding shellfish......that isn't a matter of opinion.....the words in the original Hebrew are not, in fact, the same......if you wish to compare admonitions that use the same language then you need to compare homosexual activity to incest and human sacrifice, not shrimp.......

that isn't a matter of interpretation, that's simply a matter of reading the text.....if you will recall, you have refused to do so......

now I don't really care if you choose to believe that or not, but it is wrong for you to post drivel here and pretend its only a matter of which you choose to truth, its a matter of of intentional misrepresentation......