Is being gay a choice?

LOL. Not odd at all. And you, once again, are confused. I was pointing out your "blue collar existence, and the intellect (or the lack thereof) required for it. I don't go around "slapping women" (at least, "literally"), and I never admitted I have a proclivity for such. I'm the one that is "uppity", in any event. Your brain is 'scrambled", per usual. LOL

Now-Now; you are the one who said you would slap an "uppity" women.
Do you need your post quoted, to remind you?
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Now-Now; you are the one who said you would slap an "uppity" women.
Do you need your post quoted, to remind you?

Yes, indeed. Find the post where I said I would slap an uppity woman. I'm against bitches, not "women". "Uppity" is a pejorative that has been applied to President Obama, Eric Holder, and myself, as it is used in conjunction with "Negro", and almost never used with "women". And truth be told, most men would "slap a bitch", were she coming at them. A woman coming at you with a knife, or a hot pot of grits, is not actually a woman or a lady....we've been through this before. I didn't come back here, to rehash the past with you or PMP. You're still the POS you always were. And will always be. Now begone. a BS in engineering.......who refuses to study theology because it might interfere with what he already knows about it....

Bitch, please. And you with your store bought theology degree, and you thinking you're a protestant pope. I said I was through.
Are you going to read another Poem, on Gay Pride day, and are you going to stand next to the Mayor, or is she going to snub you again?

No. I never read my poetry for any Gay Pride Day. That doesn't occur. I have been asked, three years running, to read a original poem for World AIDS Day (Dec. 1st). I surmise I will be asked again. And fortunately, I have the picture of me, with the dignitaries, the mayor, Representatives Shelia Jackson Lee, and Al Green, to prove it.
Why are you concerned? Are you jealous because you don't have anything going on in your dull life? Are you still needing to invalidate me, so that you can feel better about yourself? Nothing has changed, in my absence. You're still a piece of white trailer trash.
Yes, indeed. Find the post where I said I would slap an uppity woman. I'm against bitches, not "women". "Uppity" is a pejorative that has been applied to President Obama, Eric Holder, and myself, as it is used in conjunction with "Negro", and almost never used with "women". And truth be told, most men would "slap a bitch", were she coming at them. A woman coming at you with a knife, or a hot pot of grits, is not actually a woman or a lady....we've been through this before. I didn't come back here, to rehash the past with you or PMP. You're still the POS you always were. And will always be. Now begone.

But this wasn't about a "hot pot of grits" or a knife, now was it; so why did you decide to toss thqt little tidbit into the mix?

This was about a women wagging her finger.

I love how you show your prejudice, against females, by denigrating those you don't agree with.
Even Darla "scolded" you over this.

What was that?
OH-YEAH; don't bring none, won't be none.

No. I never read my poetry for any Gay Pride Day. That doesn't occur. I have been asked, three years running, to read a original poem for World AIDS Day (Dec. 1st). I surmise I will be asked again. And fortunately, I have the picture of me, with the dignitaries, the mayor, Representatives Shelia Jackson Lee, and Al Green, to prove it.
Why are you concerned? Are you jealous because you don't have anything going on in your dull life? Are you still needing to invalidate me, so that you can feel better about yourself? Nothing has changed, in my absence. You're still a piece of white trailer trash.

My mistake, it was World Aids Day; but it was last year that you said the mayor didn't stick around and that someone else took her place; or was that a news article that said she couldn't attend.
But this wasn't about a "hot pot of grits" or a knife, now was it; so why did you decide to toss thqt little tidbit into the mix?

This was about a women wagging her finger.

I love how you show your prejudice, against females, by denigrating those you don't agree with.
Even Darla "scolded" you over this.

What was that?
OH-YEAH; don't bring none, won't be none.


Oh, really? Still "miffed at, my suggestion that President Obama should have "clocked" Gov. Jan Brewer, for wagging her finger at him, on the tarmac in Phoenix?
Don't even try to use my disdain for "bitches" as an excuse for you to show your "holier-than-thou" colors, yet again. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put the brick down, bitch. You have lied , repeatedly, and misquoted me , as well. We've already been through this. What do you hope to gain by rehashing it?
Oh, really? Still "miffed at, my suggestion that President Obama should have "clocked" Gov. Jan Brewer, for wagging her finger at him, on the tarmac in Phoenix?
Don't even try to use my disdain for "bitches" as an excuse for you to show your "holier-than-thou" colors, yet again. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put the brick down, bitch. You have lied , repeatedly, and misquoted me , as well. We've already been through this. What do you hope to gain by rehashing it?

You'd do well to put him on IA. There may be 3 posters who don't have him on IA. May be.
My mistake, it was World Aids Day; but it was last year that you said the mayor didn't stick around and that someone else took her place; or was that a news article that said she couldn't attend.

Why, again, are you concerned? My personal public appearances, and whether the mayor showed up or not are not up for discussion. A non sequitur. I find it creepy that you are obsessed with my personal life. Moving on.
Sorry, your judgement it is not righteous, you judge to put people down, not to lift them up. It is evident by your other comments, you do not do it in love or to bring other to Jesus.

Telling the truth to someone is the most sincere form of love.

and while we are are at it, why is it tolerance extends to all but Christians?
Telling the truth to someone is the most sincere form of love.

and while we are are at it, why is it tolerance extends to all but Christians?

BS. God said not to judge...and seeing as how you are just as much a sinner as I am, you need to keep "your truth" to yourself. "Christians"????
I went to your site, and was unimpressed. I categorize demagogues as "fake Christians". It's one thing to practice your faith, and to believe wholeheartedly in it, but to clobber people over the head with your brand of Christianity, is not, I'm sure, what Christ had in mind when he instructed his disciples to preach the gospel. Christ was all about tolerance, love and persuasion....not condemnation. That is not what you practice.

In fact, this was your first post response to me, upon my return to the forum:
Originally Posted by patriot66

What does being black have to do with it you racist, homosexual, elitist, libtard?

Find the "Christianity" in that.
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BS. God said not to judge...and seeing as how you are just as much a sinner as I am, you need to keep "your truth" to yourself. "Christians"????
I went to your site, and was unimpressed. I categorize demagogues as "fake Christians". It's one thing to practice your faith, and to believe wholeheartedly in it, but to clobber people over the head with your brand of Christianity, is not, I'm sure, what Christ had in mind when he instructed his disciples to preach the gospel. Christ was all about tolerance, love and persuasion....not condemnation. That is not what you practice.

In fact, this was your first post response to me, upon my return to the forum:
Originally Posted by patriot66

Find the "Christianity" in that.

I am very tolerant of queers. I can be tolerant and not want to limit what they do. They don't however get to change the definition of marriage which has been with us for thousands of years. Find another way to leave your house to your "lover"

look buttbite Im hetro and you dont own the word .

marriage will be for everyone.

I dont care if they change the title to civil unions and allow you religious nuts to have the word back but YOUR reality in this world is that what we now call marriage is going to be offered to all Americans no matter how much you wish you could control the world