Is being gay a choice?

/shrugs....except that you have claimed the admonition about homosexuality uses the same language as the admonition regarding shellfish......that isn't a matter of opinion.....the words in the original Hebrew are not, in fact, the same......if you wish to compare admonitions that use the same language then you need to compare homosexual activity to incest and human sacrifice, not shrimp.......

that isn't a matter of interpretation, that's simply a matter of reading the text.....if you will recall, you have refused to do so......

now I don't really care if you choose to believe that or not, but it is wrong for you to post drivel here and pretend its only a matter of which you choose to truth, its a matter of of intentional misrepresentation......

The whole Levitical Code is irrelevant, by today's standards. Do you really believe that Methuselah lived 900 years? God didn't write the Bible...not one jot or tittle. I'll give you that some, maybe most of it is "divinely inspired", but God speaks to men in their hearts and minds...not in thin air. I don't accept the Bible as "gospel". I accept the words of Christ, in the New know the words "in red"???? And who is to say that it isn't a matter of interpretation. The words have been transcribed from Aramaic and Greek. Did you know that there was no word for "homosexual"? I don't give a shit what you've studied, or what you think you's important, only to you. And this is a free and open forum and I post what I want, within the TOS. You're not a mod....may I remind you? Call my posts whatever you will. Find those who subscribe to your view.
whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery. Soooooo, we should deny marriage to any breeders that have been married once before and divorce for ANY reason other than immorality.

I don't trust anything that has "true" in front of it. If they need to put that there...the odds are? They are lying.

So, you've repented your sins?. You never answered.

Ha! What BS.

That's his regular source. The nutcase that writes it is an ex-con or something retarded like that.

As I stated before, "True Christianity".com is Patriot's goto source for his religious propoganda. Note: Patriot66 is also one of the right wingers who accuse every left winger on here of making money for the left wing shills. Heh...he gets paid for every link to the site, so don't go there, I'll just post some of the stupidity. There's also an incredible amount of sales work involved too.

It's obvious this guy is nutty as hell.

Political Solutions

I also have a web site with a lobby group and many suggestions that aim to help overcome some of the country's problems. It is at Some of the solutions include fair wealth sharing, lower costs, more good regulation and less bad regulation. There are Christian values, and a more efficient and fair system using the best available methods. Solutions to help small business are included. The webpage contains ideas that many people do not think of.


I live in Tolga, which is a small rural town in North Queensland, Australia. I was born in Atherton. It is a pleasant safe area on the Atherton Tablelands near Cairns. There is more information on another website of mine at . Since losing my leg I have been living with my parents. I have three sisters and one brother. I am 36 years old and have never been married. However I would like to be in a relationship with a girl at some stage. In some ways it would be nice to get married. I am seeking committed Christians for friendship and I would like to have a close relationship with God. I have some strong views but I am willing to change them if I learn something different. I believe that we need to keep an open mind, be honest and seek the truth. I spend a lot of time on the computer answering emails and writing. I also continue to work on many different inventions.


At school I was interested in pursuing a Science career. I had an obsession to get high marks and to try and excel. As a result of the pressure of the education system I didn't continue past Grade 12, despite getting a very high TE score. Some of the maths and physics that the majority were not interested in, I found very useful. I became an inventor afterwards, where I used many of the applications. I had an interest in statistics and enjoyed practical mathematical problems even after I left school. I got on well with most of the teachers and I still like to talk to them.
Although I used many of the things that I learned at school, the majority of things learned were impractical and added to the pressure. If we had been taught more practical things it would have been more enjoyable and challenging. There are much better options than the mainstream education system where everyone would enjoy their work and learn only what is useful for them. This would enable people to be positive and interested in what they are learning.
After school I attempted to get a local job in an office and to become a salesman. I tried visiting the local businesses, but no suitable positions were available. I then tried to get into network marketing. It sounded good but after some time I realized that there were too many people working for it to be viable, and like almost all small businesses, there was no clear profit. I then thought that I could personally discover a more accurate way to forecast the weather. Many times I was right and predicted more accurately than the Bureau of Meteorology. It was very time consuming to go through and find similar patterns. I was also selling some carnivorous and indoor plants. Then I became very interested in bush walking and climbed most of the highest mountains in far North Queensland, Australia near to where I was born in Atherton. I would take the opportunities when perfect weather arrived to climb in many of the mountains, which are only clear and out of cloud a few times a year. Around 1991 I did most of my walks. The weather was very good and I took some terrific photographs on days that you would be lucky to see in many years. I also kept a detailed written account of the terrain and routes taken.
Then I shifted away from home and developed and patented many inventions listed above. I read that only one out of a thousand inventors succeeded to make a living from their inventions. However, I thought that my inventions were better than most others that I had seen. My designs were an improvement on existing products, so I thought that I could make a decent living by selling them directly to shops and the public. Many other inventors, tried large companies who were either not interested or took their ideas. Inventing took many years of hard work. I sometimes worked all through the night and day. Also it was many thousands of dollars spent on materials, postage, labour and patents (which I wrote myself). First I thought it would be easy to invent something commercially viable. Reality proved otherwise and the tasks took much longer than expected. Like other inventors, it took dozens of prototypes to come up with the best most improved model, fit for commercial production. It is nothing like this if inventions are made for non-commercial purposes to save yourself and friends time and money. There is still hope that someone will manufacture and market my inventions. If so they would benefit a large number of people.
In February 1998 I had a major car accident, which resulted in my right leg being amputated above the knee. I had a head on collision when another car veered on to the wrong side of the road. Afterwards I bought a computer to market my inventions over the Internet. Designing and promoting web pages occupied most of my time. The hype of the Internet promised great things commercially, and this deluded many people including myself. Initially I tried to use the web to make money by not only selling my inventions but also joining associate programs. With these programs I could make a commission after my web site directed people to their site to buy their product. Then I realized after reading many statistics from reliable resources, that only approximately 5% of businesses were making a profit on the Internet. Small businesses not operating on the Internet had similar success. Please see for details.
In the past making money was one of my motivating factors. However, I now realize that people are usually better off if they volunteer and share. Many people focus overly on money and as a result lose more that they make. This leads to many problems in society. I developed other websites with information on how a better life and system could be developed. The websites also included warnings that people need to be aware of, along with solutions.
I was motivated to do this after realizing that many people, including myself, were not making a profit despite working hard. The most honest hard working people were often the poorest. As a result many people were not benefited. Some became a burden on others instead. I tried seeking better ways to do things instead. I read and studied statistics that indicated that approximately only one out of every thousand inventors made a living from their invention, and that approximately 95% of small businesses made a loss. Many did not remain in business for very long. There is a problem with the way that things are currently done, as most people in small businesses spend most of their time trying to gain money. Instead they can end up worse as a result. Things would need to be done differently to overcome the problem.
I have now come up with many ideas and solutions so that people will be better off. There are plenty of solutions to the world's problems, so I thought that if I could get enough people interested, it could help others and perhaps the country as a whole. It could make a difference, even if only one or two quality members of parliament were elected with the balance of power (that is if they implemented some good solutions). The page that I created for a planned lobby group states the solutions, but the problem is the lack of interest, money and publicity. There are too many groups trying to solve the problem in different ways and they are not working together. I think that what we need is to do a survey to see what people want. Many groups are promoting many good things. However, they also make statements that give the public a bad perception of them. There are better ways that they could do it, and many solutions that are not promoted. That is why public feedback is important. I have drafted a survey that could be shared. It would help different lobby groups and political candidates to gain policies which would encourage people to vote for them. Please see for more information.
I have been brought up to believe in Christianity and the Bible. However, a lot of things remained unanswered. So I developed a Christian website asking a number of questions on a forum. I uploaded people’s answers to the Internet if they wanted me to. I believe we need to seek the truth and be willing to change our views if reality proves otherwise. I became concerned that many people believed that they are saved when in fact they were not. So I was motivated to find and share the truth through the website. I read the Bible and the examples of the apostles. What they did and how they were led by God was very different to the church today. I feel that this is because the church today focuses too much on money and worldly things. The apostles did not seek money for themselves, but volunteered and shared instead. I am also concerned that supernatural miracles are very rare today. Perhaps this is because we are not obeying God in many ways. I would like to be able to find those who are obviously led and helped by God.

True Christianity has the solutions

I am inviting Christians to come to work with us so that we can pray for and minister to people who need help. I also have some other practical projects in mind. If you know of anyone who can help, please let me know.
The Bible says that believers will experience trials, problems, and persecution, but the end result should work out for the best and be positive and purposeful because Rom 8:28 says: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." Therefore, many frustrating problems will be overcome if we can find a genuine relationship with God. Then we would be able to do God's work more efficiently and have much more time to achieve this.
For the righteous God promises blessings, answered prayer and help with their needs. He promises the opposite for those who disobey. Therefore, there should be a dramatic and measurable difference between what happens to those who obey Him and what happens to those who disobey Him. I am concerned because I do not see this difference in anyone that I know. Some of my Christian friends and I are yet to meet anyone that can produce evidence that God answers prayer or supernaturally guides and helps in the ways asked of in my questions on the website. So I began asking people the following questions. Who do you know that:
1. God helps to make the correct decisions and find what they need, so there is no doubt that it is God and not a natural coincidence?
2. God helps and answers their prayers so that they have a lower percentage of frustrating problems and a higher percentage of desirable outcomes than any unbelievers?
3. prays for people so that they receive any of the following? 1. Supernatural healings. 2. More frequent healings than could naturally happen. 3. The breaking of curses? 4. The casting out of demons which should set an ill and possessed person free of what is binding and hindering them.
If we associated with such people, it would help us find or walk with God so that we can do His ministry more efficiently. Then we would be more easily able to encourage people to walk with God and form Christian groups. If you know the contacts of any committed Christians or Christian groups who could help in ways described please let me know.
My concern is that God is not obviously helping those that we know as explained above. Instead our lives consist of chaos and relentless frustrating problems without an obvious positive purpose. I feel that God is angry with myself and other people that I know because what God promises the righteous is not occurring in our lives. I know that we should not blame God and that it is the devils fault or our fault. However, I find it hard to be righteous and as a result I often feel angry with God and feel that He does not love me or the others that I know. This is especially so when things go wrong. I feel that I need some people who are obviously led and helped by God for fellowship so that they can pray for me. This would hopefully help me overcome psychological problems and find a close relationship with God. Like those that I know, I have experienced so many disappointments. I have had ideas that could help people. However, frustrating problems consistently set me back. As a result what I plan to do is taking too long to achieve, and I am running out of time. Things mostly take longer than I hope, and work out to be more complicated than I hope. I have not gotten enough people interested so far.
I feel that if only I had a close relationship with God and if He was helping me, I would be so much better off. The main problems are finding what or whom I need, and making the correct decisions. God could help us in these ways. Hopefully this will change soon and I do have some ideas so that things will improve.
The Bible states that there will be widespread deception and a falling away in the last days, where few will be saved. Many people imagine that they have a relationship with God when in fact they don’t. This is obvious because people are led into error and disagreement when they claim to be led by God. Therefore they cannot be led by God. I am concerned that if the status quo prevails that none of us may be saved. I feel that we need to warn people of this possibility so that they will seek the truth and not become complacent. As an act of caring, It is important to warn people of any danger even if it is not certain that it will occur. However, we should also offer a solution and hope as described below.
The Christians in the Bible were very strong outspoken characters who cared about people. As a result they had much hope and many friends and followers. The Apostles in the Bible who followed Jesus, did things God's way and everyone was well off. They all worked hard for God's purpose. Those with money and possessions distributed their wealth to help spread the gospel and provide for those financially in need. They did not compete against each other but served each other. They also did not have to work with unbelievers or for a corrupt system but worked together for God. This is a terrifically fair system, which the church sadly does not practice today. If the church did do this there may be less problems and the church could have more impact and a closer relationship with God as the Apostles did.
God's system is not a system of serious competition where people are taking and disadvantaging other people. Instead it is a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone.
Many people including myself believe in the first steps to salvation explained in this paragraph. This is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. He sacrificed himself so that we could be saved. It is God's will that we worship his son, the Lord Jesus. If people repent and obey God, He will forgive and cleanse them of their past sins and will transfer his righteousness to the one forgiven.
My concern is that scriptures indicate that there are more steps involved than this. However, many people do not believe this or consider those scriptures which state that salvation is conditional to obeying God. Even the basic scriptures like John 3:16 could indicate this, as the term “believe” can also mean to believe what God stands for. It could not simply mean to believe that God exists, as in the previous paragraph. Scriptures state that even the demons believe that God exists. Please see more information about this and how the scriptures suggest we should obey God on my site at .
The scriptures are clear in many ways on what we should do to obey. However, there are controversial doctrines and beliefs that we are not sure of. If we can find those who are obviously led and helped by God, it is likely that they would be on the correct path and could show us any other truths that we need to know. If we could find them, the benefits would be enormous as they would be able to pray for us and their prayers should noticeably help us unlike the prayers of those that we know. If we could find some committed believers who are obviously led and helped by God they would:
1. encourage us so that we can serve and obey God better.
2. pray for us so that God would help us with our daily needs.
3. Work with us so that we could find what we need, make the correct decisions and achieve more.
4. Teach us the truth.
I have letters, articles and advertisements to help us to do this. It is just a matter of working out the best way to promote them. It could be done by people sharing emails with people that they know who are interested. Recently I have developed an ad that is suitable for newspapers. However, this can be expensive. Please let me know of anyone who may be able to help me share the information. Also, please let me know of any committed believers who are definitely led by God or who are interested in sharing the message at .
I know that we need to seek God first. However, the Bible states that it is important to have people to encourage and pray for us. The sick and possessed people in the Bible were mostly set free or healed by Godly people coming to visit and pray for them. Generally the prayers of the unsaved were not enough to receive healing or enable them to find God. The problem is that people who disengage from others and seek God by themselves often end up in error. Getting someone to show you who has done it successfully would be a great help. Otherwise it would be like someone trying to land an airplane by only reading about it without ever having been shown. It is psychologically difficult to seek and obey God when you do not know of anyone who has succeeded to the degree that the Bible states.
Now we get to the conspiracy shit...

True Conspiracies Affecting Everyone that You Should be Aware of

It concerned me that a lot of the honest people in the world are suffering and that there is so much corruption. I had heard about widespread conspiracies in the past so I did some research because the suggestions sounded like a likely explanation for the problems of the world. This is because there are so many solutions which are ignored by those with power. Inefficient practices are used instead that benefit large, corrupt corporations who made huge profits. They gain enormous wealth and power while the majority suffer in poverty.
I realize the system is deceiving people to over focus on gaining wealth and as a result they do not have time to share the truth. People are deceived to seek money instead of seeking to share the truth and help people. As a result, what most people do is like gambling, where they tried to gain money and then lose it to those with wealth and power. For example when people spend a lot of money to start a business and then go broke, or someone spends a lot of time and money searching for paid work but cannot not find anything suitable.
I believe it is important to warn people of dangers and also give people the option of doing something much better than is offered by the current system. This will benefit them and others more. That way they need not become a victim of resulting problems, and have a much happier life. These dangers can be avoided but one needs to be aware of them, and of what the plan of the system is. I started a site at to warn people of deceptions and also offered a solution with ideas of a better system. I have also listed a summary of many true conspiracies I have researched with references to reliable resources. I know of many people who go overboard with conspiracies and make claims about things without any evidence. As a result they state things that are not true, and give people who study the subject a bad name. Therefore I only focus on listing things where there is a lot of evidence to support the claims.
The Bible speaks of many conspiracies and also states that in the last days before Jesus' return man will become more wicked.
Many sources including the Bible indicate that some secret societies with the richest people in the world are subtly trying to take complete control of the entire world. A one-world government is well planned.
These secretive evil societies have enormous amounts of money therefore they can control and infiltrate the media, the education system, and the work force. They have shares in companies and make political donations so that they can control and influence large companies and the government. Their men are in parliament and form many bureaucracies. They are privatizing, buying and controlling government assets. These secret societies destroy small businesses so there will be less competition for the big ones, which they control. They cause wars and many of the world's problems so the countries will become more in debt to them. This puts the countries under greater control and they are only forgiven some debt if they undertake certain conditions under the conspirators' terms. They are deceiving people to convince them that they must seek excessive money for themselves to be a good person. Then these world Government initiators deceive people into spending their money on unnecessary products, services and investments. They distract people from being aware of what is going on by media entertainment and by making people busy but doing the wrong things. They control the major banks and companies. The conspirators' therefore gain control of the average persons money. They convince people that it is easy to make excessive money when the reality is otherwise. This is causing people to be bankrupt and come under the banker's control. They cause boom and bust cycles so that people lose their money. The international bankers and many other groups are involved.
The system convinces people that all jobs are good but the hidden truth is that many are doing more harm than good. This is because many occupations are fulfilling the conspirators' plans, despite being deceptively good on the surface. People are working for the conspirators' system without actually knowing they are really deceiving people. The conspirators' overeducate people with unnecessary things in order to control them. They suppress inventions and good discoveries to avoid competition and continue their evil system. They deliberately make redundant products which waste peoples time and resources. Free energy devices and cures for cancer and aids have already been invented, according to many sources. Instead people are forced to use wasteful methods and harmful treatments such as drugs, which bring the conspirators' great profit.
Due to suppression and wasteful methods the system's workforce is very inefficient. The solutions to these problems are explained towards the end of this report, and in more detail on the website. Much of the workforce is losing efficiency as people are forced to work longer hours and less staff are employed. Such manipulation is causing many problems, from accidents to fatigue. Also many professions under the systems authority, including scientists and doctors encourage suppression of the truth. For example, conflicts of interest occur. If the truth were told, it could mean people are put off from a particular profession or are subject to extensive ridicule. People are therefore likely not to tell the truth to avoid these things. Much corruption has been suppressed, which is to the detriment of society. Some occupations force people to use harmful or wasteful methods and prevent people from using better ones. Those controlling the system encourage the waste of money, so that they can profit from the interest gained from the money that they create. They are also trying to control, corrupt and weaken people and force them to worship Satan.
Bible prophecies are known to be 100% accurate. The Bible predicts that a one-world dictator known as Beast or Antichrist will fool the elect of many religions that he is God by doing miracles and promising peace. He will break his peace agreement, totally rule the world and force everyone to worship him and accept a satanic mark in order to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17). Satan will dwell in the coming dictator along with his partner, the false prophet. There is much more information on this at . The Bible warns that if you accept the satanic mark, and worship the Beast or his image you will come under the control of the Devil and be destined for Hell (Rev 14:9, 10, 2Thes 2:11, 12).
It is better to die instead, and give your life to Jesus by surrendering to him, and asking him to forgive your sins, and to gain eternal life (John 3:16, Rom 10:9, Rev 3:19-21, Acts 17:30). Then you will have a glorious future. There is more information on how to get saved at .
The whole Levitical Code is irrelevant, by today's standards.
That is true...and the admonitions regarding shrimp are part of the Levitical code.....however, those regarding homosexual activity are not....they are part of the Mosaic Laws.....

God didn't write the Bible...not one jot or tittle.
you are free to believe that....however, when you say "the Bible says...." and you make something up, then it is no longer simply a matter of what you believe.....then it becomes a matter of misrepresentation.....

The words have been transcribed from Aramaic and Greek. Did you know that there was no word for "homosexual"?
no, they were transcribed from Hebrew.....and the words are "a man who lays with a man as if he were a woman"......doesn't matter if they had a single word for it, I think the message comes across clearly.....
That is true...and the admonitions regarding shrimp are part of the Levitical code.....however, those regarding homosexual activity are not....they are part of the Mosaic Laws.....]And you're a moron. The Ancient Hebrews, strangers in a foreign land, couldn't have the men pairing up with other men, or spilling their seed on the ground...they needed "bodies", to defend their newfound turf, and that meant some serious heterosexual "fucking" and resulting they instituted "laws" to secure that, you imbecile.

you are free to believe that....however, when you say "the Bible says...." and you make something up, then it is no longer simply a matter of what you believe.....then it becomes a matter of misrepresentation....

The only thing I have said is that the Christ didn't speak to homosexuality, and the Bible doesn't speak to abortion. There is nothing to misinterpret or misrepresent about that.

no, they were transcribed from Hebrew.....and the words are "a man who lays with a man as if he were a woman"......doesn't matter if they had a single word for it, I think the message comes across clearly.....

A man cannot lay with a man as a don't have vaginas.
Various interpretations of Leviticus 20:13:
•Conservative Christians generally interpret the passage as condemning all male homosexual activity. Some would extend it to lesbians as well. A comment on the capital punishment aspect of this passage by an Evangelical authority is: ◦T.Crater: stated that the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) are a covenant between God and Israel, which also set up a civil state and decreed its laws. The Christian Scriptures (New Testament) is an agreement "between God and a multinational body called the church. It is not a state, so it doesn't engage in state functions like capital punishment." 2 Thus, the death penalty called for in Leviticus 20:13 is no longer binding for Christians.

•Liberal Christians Some comments on the death penalty aspect of this passage by pastors and academics taking a liberal position are: ◦J. Nelson: "It is grounded in the old Jewish understanding that women are less worthy than men. For a man to have sex with another man 'as with a woman' insults the other man, because women are to be treated as property." She added that this passage is not part of the 10 Commandments, but merely part of almost 600 additional rules put forth via Israel's religious leaders.
◦D. Bartlett: "Nobody I know, even the most conservative, is saying homosexuals should be executed. I think people who think they take the Bible literally don't take it so literally as to want to execute people."
◦Krister Stendahl: "If you look at the whole chapter, a lot of things come in for capital punishment that no Southern Baptist would argue that capital punishment is appropriate for. So their reading is a little selective." 2

Many religious liberals believe that this passage does not refer to all homosexual behavior, but only to a specific form of homosexual prostitution - that performed in a Pagan temple.
National Gay Pentecostal Alliance (NGPA) interpretation: They state that a word-for-word translation of this verse from the original Hebrew is:

"And a man who will lie down with a male in beds of a woman, both of them have made an abomination; dying they will die. Their blood is on them." 3

In modern English this could be translated as:

"If two men engage in homosexual sex while on a woman's bed, both have committed an abomination. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
This does not generally forbid homosexual behavior between two men. It only limits where the act can be done.

And this is the last thing I have to say about it. I didn't come back here, to go round and round with you, over things I went round and round with you, before. You don't get it. Not my problem. End of line.
I change the channel when Victoria Secret commercials come on does that answer your question? i love my wife and am enraptured by her. I drive a ford focus and love the gas mileage, no porn, no masturbation. Jesus covered diet in Matthew 15:11. Money does not guide me, and Jesus did not say let a man steal from you, in fact thou shalt not steal! Now I am not perfect, and I am a sinner saved by grace. If I am not a homosexual that plank is not in my eye. I am simply telling the truth as my faith guides me. Oh by the way, your tolerance is showing.

i know that you have seen this before, but how do you ignore the Christ's basic message that god is love and while one may hate the sin (hate sucks in general) one is also requested to love the sinner - to my way of thinking, there is insufficient love in the world and the more the better

oh and the saying is 'cast out the log in your own eye before attempting to cast out the mote in another's eye'

dq aka rev. rich
A man cannot lay with a man as a don't have vaginas.
Various interpretations of Leviticus 20:13:
•Conservative Christians generally interpret the passage as condemning all male homosexual activity. Some would extend it to lesbians as well. A comment on the capital punishment aspect of this passage by an Evangelical authority is: ◦T.Crater: stated that the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) are a covenant between God and Israel, which also set up a civil state and decreed its laws. The Christian Scriptures (New Testament) is an agreement "between God and a multinational body called the church. It is not a state, so it doesn't engage in state functions like capital punishment." 2 Thus, the death penalty called for in Leviticus 20:13 is no longer binding for Christians.

•Liberal Christians Some comments on the death penalty aspect of this passage by pastors and academics taking a liberal position are: ◦J. Nelson: "It is grounded in the old Jewish understanding that women are less worthy than men. For a man to have sex with another man 'as with a woman' insults the other man, because women are to be treated as property." She added that this passage is not part of the 10 Commandments, but merely part of almost 600 additional rules put forth via Israel's religious leaders.
◦D. Bartlett: "Nobody I know, even the most conservative, is saying homosexuals should be executed. I think people who think they take the Bible literally don't take it so literally as to want to execute people."
◦Krister Stendahl: "If you look at the whole chapter, a lot of things come in for capital punishment that no Southern Baptist would argue that capital punishment is appropriate for. So their reading is a little selective." 2

Many religious liberals believe that this passage does not refer to all homosexual behavior, but only to a specific form of homosexual prostitution - that performed in a Pagan temple.
National Gay Pentecostal Alliance (NGPA) interpretation: They state that a word-for-word translation of this verse from the original Hebrew is:

"And a man who will lie down with a male in beds of a woman, both of them have made an abomination; dying they will die. Their blood is on them." 3

In modern English this could be translated as:

"If two men engage in homosexual sex while on a woman's bed, both have committed an abomination. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
This does not generally forbid homosexual behavior between two men. It only limits where the act can be done.

And this is the last thing I have to say about it. I didn't come back here, to go round and round with you, over things I went round and round with you, before. You don't get it. Not my problem. End of line.

while there are some wonderful statements in the old testament (especially the songs of Solomon) too much of it is hateful and does not agree with the Christ's teachings
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I will say this again (I've lost track of how many times)......I don't give a fuck about your sins or can screw anyone you want and enter into a relationship with anyone or anything you want.....but don't ask the government to pass a law requiring everyone else to treat your relationship as the equivalent of a normal want the right to marry, I want the right to pay no attention to who you marry.....

Oh you don't care about your sins or mine? You just care about what queers and scared, poor pregnant girls do then?

Fucking hypocrite.

Well...if we putting it into "You and I"....I don't need the right to marry...I already have it., I know a straight guy sticking up for the rights of GAY people....but let's suppose for a second I didn't.

You don't have the right to pay no attention to whom I marry when my rights and liberties are being violated. I am an American citizen, contribute to society, pay my taxes, served my country honorably and LITERALLY defended the Constitution of the United States of America. But yet...I can't marry the person that I love. My church says they'll do the ceremony when it becomes legal.

But some asshole hypocrite "doesn't want to hear about it" so my rights stay violated while he can swim in his blissful sea of ingnorance and bigotry.
Oh you don't care about your sins or mine? You just care about what queers and scared, poor pregnant girls do then?

Fucking hypocrite.

Well...if we putting it into "You and I"....I don't need the right to marry...I already have it., I know a straight guy sticking up for the rights of GAY people....but let's suppose for a second I didn't.

You don't have the right to pay no attention to whom I marry when my rights and liberties are being violated. I am an American citizen, contribute to society, pay my taxes, served my country honorably and LITERALLY defended the Constitution of the United States of America. But yet...I can't marry the person that I love. My church says they'll do the ceremony when it becomes legal.

But some asshole hypocrite "doesn't want to hear about it" so my rights stay violated while he can swim in his blissful sea of ingnorance and bigotry.

by now you should know why i keep PimP on ignore, i suggest that you do the same
Does the right for you to pay no attention to who someone marries become compromised in any way if they marry someone of the same gender? What fucking difference does it make to you, especially since you've expressed your desire to pay no attention to such a choice in any case?



  1. Derision; ridicule.
  2. An absurd misrepresentation or imitation of something.
Darling, it's happening every other month or so. States are falling, one by one. My relationship is a "normal one". Please, don't pay attention. It doesn't matter what you think, in any event. I'm looking for the State of Texas to recognize my relationship.....not you.

Hey Poet, good to have you back, I think......but lets not stretch the truth here.....most deviates think that what do is normal....that don't make it so.
Lets can the Bible thumping......religion has nothing to do with it unless you're a evangelical nutjob.
Lets can the Bible thumping......religion has nothing to do with it unless you're a evangelical nutjob.'re right... civil rights, liberty and equality under the law is what is pertinent....either way, you are on the wrong side of the argument.
I's been since Xmas since I've been here. He could have switched to Arby's, by now. But nothing else has changed....he's still the racist, bigoted, homophobe, he's always been....having to stoop to disclosing forum members personal info, in lieu of debate and discourse. I'm not playing that game this time.

Are you going to read another Poem, on Gay Pride day, and are you going to stand next to the Mayor, or is she going to snub you again?
I just always find it very dumb when government workers take an anti-government stance.... as if every other job is unnecessary and will be cut but theirs. I have a co-worker like that...used to be our harp player when we were a trio.

I told him, you know you're voting yourself out of a job...right? He said no....they'll go after the big wigs first...I then reminded him that they didn't get to be big wigs without connections... he still doesn't listen.

Was that when you were still proficient at playing the skin flute?