Is being gay a choice?

Bitch, please. And you with your store bought theology degree, and you thinking you're a protestant pope. I said I was through.

don't ever try to use Bruce as a source in an argument with's hard to continue a debate while exhausted from laughing.....
Oh shit ill lose a nano second of sleep! A klansman doesn't like me

These gay threads are always the most popular on internet message boards. I usually ignore them because they are a waste of my internet time.

I only read this one because I wanted to see if you actually had something to say that was substantial and interesting.

As usual you predictably didn't and instead you only asked a stupid question to start it.
I am very tolerant of queers. I can be tolerant and not want to limit what they do. They don't however get to change the definition of marriage which has been with us for thousands of years. Find another way to leave your house to your "lover"

Excuse me? "Queer" is a pejorative. You already have shown your bigotry and intolerance by labeling gays "queers". And we haven't changed the definition of marriage, we've merely demanded equality, under the law, which has been denied us, by bigots and homophobes. Momentum and public opinion, is, apparently, on our side, as is history. I suggest you find another scapegoat for your hate.
don't ever try to use Bruce as a source in an argument with's hard to continue a debate while exhausted from laughing.....
I'll use whatever source I please. I find it funny that you don't provide sources to bolster your arguments, but want to question the sources of others and their validity.
I won't be arguing with you, is the revelation.....the point is moot.
Excuse me? "Queer" is a pejorative. You already have shown your bigotry and intolerance by labeling gays "queers". And we haven't changed the definition of marriage, we've merely demanded equality, under the law, which has been denied us, by bigots and homophobes. Momentum and public opinion, is, apparently, on our side, as is history. I suggest you find another scapegoat for your hate.

For thousands of years marriage has been defined as 1 man and 1 woman. You seek to change that for your political motives of tearing down the traditional form of "family". Hell, Ariel Castro thinks his was a "family". Was it?
For thousands of years marriage has been defined as 1 man and 1 woman. You seek to change that for your political motives of tearing down the traditional form of "family". Hell, Ariel Castro thinks his was a "family". Was it?

If it was, it was an illegal family because the partisipitants were forced to be a part of it against their will. You see there is a huge difference, gay marriage involved consenting adults, its about freedom to make your own choices as long as doing so does not materially and negatively interfere with the rights of others.
For thousands of years marriage has been defined as 1 man and 1 woman. You seek to change that for your political motives of tearing down the traditional form of "family". Hell, Ariel Castro thinks his was a "family". Was it?

That is simply not true, it was often defined over the last thousands of years as 1 man and many women. Even today, its defined for some as a series of 1 man and 1 women unions.
That is simply not true, it was often defined over the last thousands of years as 1 man and many women. Even today, its defined for some as a series of 1 man and 1 women unions.

Well, that is true, but notice how it was never defined as 1 man and 1 man or 1 woman and 1 woman. Check mate
Well, that is true, but notice how it was never defined as 1 man and 1 man or 1 woman and 1 woman. Check mate
So what? The definition has changed over time... It can, and will, change again. And you should probably stick to checkers... I don't think you've got the mental chops to actually play chess.
I find it funny that you don't provide sources to bolster your arguments

??? you ought to recall I provided you with a link to the original Hebrew text, so you could see for yourself that the words in question were not in fact the same.....your response was that you had no intention of looking at it......there is a difference between not providing sources and refusing to look at the source for, everyone should question that's like the Onion, except he doesn't realize he's a joke.....
The use of the Bible by 'phobes never ceases to amaze me.

They hone in on one passage in Leviticus as though it defines the gospel, but in doing so, ignore virtually everything that Christ himself (who I think Christianity is named for) said & stood for.
The solider who came out recently. Grew up with a mother who delivered children and an evangelical priest for a father. Then he went to west point and was sent to Iraq, abiding by the don't ask, don't tell policy. His career was basically finished after the army got word of his sexuality.

Tell me: Why would this person choose to be gay? He would have had a stable career and better relations with his family if he was straight.
for those who may have forgotten, from the "About" section of

Almost all of the over 6,000+ essays and menus on this web site (as of 2012-AUG) were written by our main author, and coordinator Bruce A. Robinson. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto, class of 1959, with a BaSc (Bachelor of Applied Science) degree in Engineering Physics.....
Many visitors to our web site question our authors' theological credentials. We explain that none of our staff have theological degrees. We feel that a formal theological degree would be counter-productive in our work. It would probably tend to bias our authors' understanding of religious matters in a liberal direction. A Bible school diploma would also be counter-productive as it would bias us in a conservative direction. Either would probably bias our authors in favor of Christianity and against other faith groups.

in other words, he knows jack-shit about theology and he's proud of it.....
For thousands of years marriage has been defined as 1 man and 1 woman. You seek to change that for your political motives of tearing down the traditional form of "family". Hell, Ariel Castro thinks his was a "family". Was it?

For hundreds of thousands of years, man was deprived of technology and advancement. So fucking what. And that is only what you surmise or have been told. You don't know for certain whether there have been "essential marriages" that have existed between members of the same sex. Politics have nothing to do with equality, or rights, under the law. And my "marriage" hardly impacts yours, or anyone else's, for that matter. I'm married, and you didn't even know it. The only thing missing is acknowledgement on the state and federal level. And then, like a scumbucket you bring up the monster, Ariel Castro, who was, obviously, "heterosexual", a pedophile and a rapist, who had a daughter, by a legal marriage....proving that straight people, in traditional marriages, can wind up being "monsters". Now what?
Well, that is true, but notice how it was never defined as 1 man and 1 man or 1 woman and 1 woman. Check mate

King James (of England)...the one whom the King James Bible was named for, had a lengthy and serious long term relationship...a "marriage", if you will, until his death. Queen to Knight 4, Check.