Is being gay a choice?

??? you ought to recall I provided you with a link to the original Hebrew text, so you could see for yourself that the words in question were not in fact the same.....your response was that you had no intention of looking at it......there is a difference between not providing sources and refusing to look at the source for, everyone should question that's like the Onion, except he doesn't realize he's a joke.....

I'm not interested in a Hebrew text, as I'm a neither Hebrew, Jewish, or emotionally invested. What is mentioned in the source that I provided, makes perfect sense.
That you disagree is neither here nor there.
Ila you closet queen!
You r in every gay thread

The only correct answer to your question is:

"I don't know"

And that means that the people on your bait post who said no are not homophobes and they have just as much validity as the people on your thread who answered yes.

You're just advancing the PC position without scientific proof.
For hundreds of thousands of years, man was deprived of technology and advancement. So fucking what. And that is only what you surmise or have been told. You don't know for certain whether there have been "essential marriages" that have existed between members of the same sex. Politics have nothing to do with equality, or rights, under the law. And my "marriage" hardly impacts yours, or anyone else's, for that matter. I'm married, and you didn't even know it. The only thing missing is acknowledgement on the state and federal level. And then, like a scumbucket you bring up the monster, Ariel Castro, who was, obviously, "heterosexual", a pedophile and a rapist, who had a daughter, by a legal marriage....proving that straight people, in traditional marriages, can wind up being "monsters". Now what?

Bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman. You will never be equal to me. You are not normal. You seek to be normal. But, alas you will never be. That doesn't mean I can't tolerate your aberrant behavior. It just doesn't mean I have to be forced to acknowledge it as a "marriage". Because it is not.

Stop with your hysterics.
The use of the Bible by 'phobes never ceases to amaze me.

They hone in on one passage in Leviticus as though it defines the gospel, but in doing so, ignore virtually everything that Christ himself (who I think Christianity is named for) said & stood for.

Are people born homosexuals then?

And use scientific evidence to back up your yes answer not political correctness.
He's a question: Why does it matter if homosexuality's a choice, or not a choice? It's still not the government's job to regulate behavior that's so harmless.
The use of the Bible by 'phobes never ceases to amaze me.

They hone in on one passage in Leviticus as though it defines the gospel, but in doing so, ignore virtually everything that Christ himself (who I think Christianity is named for) said & stood for.

Are you pro abortion on demand?
Are people born homosexuals then?

And use scientific evidence to back up your yes answer not political correctness.

It doesn't matter if they are or aren't. Why does it matter to you?

I personally think it's a choice, based on common sense. I can't remember the moment I "decided" to be attracted to the opposite sex. It's kind of absurd to think people have control over something that instinctual.
He's a question: Why does it matter if homosexuality's a choice, or not a choice? It's still not the government's job to regulate behavior that's so harmless.

Nobody is trying to regulate their behavior.

However, the government regulates behavior everyday, so don't sound like they are new to the practice.
It doesn't matter if they are or aren't. Why does it matter to you?

I personally think it's a choice, based on common sense. I can't remember the moment I "decided" to be attracted to the opposite sex. It's kind of absurd to think people have control over something that instinctual.

Because the topic starter is putting everybody who says no into the homophobe category and he's putting everybody who says yes in the social justice category.

And the whole argument is stupid to begin with without any scientific evidence.
so, did you not read what I said or are you just going to ignore it....

you can if you're a man and the person you love is a woman, because that's what a marriage is.....

If you had been around when the world defined the universe as Geocentric you would have defend that definition as well, even when things had changed. You'd be the first guy calling for the burning of Galileo.
Wingnuts luv them some man sex threads

Are you pro abortion on demand?

Would you please answer this question without any personal insults like your stupid Klan comebacks.

May I see a show of hands please for everybody on the thread who is pro abortion on demand?