Is being gay a choice?

And many more see my avatar of a symbol of resistance to government and self determination.

Would anything change your first trimester pro abortion on demand position or is it etched in stone?
Klansman and hillbillies would.
The educated populous would mock you, deservedly so
is it the government's job to redefine marriage so that it meets the requirements of a small special interest group?.......can I redefine "intelligence" so that it means something conservatives have and liberals don't?........wait.....that wouldn't be a re-definition, would it.....

Its the governments job to broadly define anything that provides benefits provided to a few as openly as possible so that access is not limited unfairly to only a few. To allow as much freedom as possible to all citizens and not to make moral decisions for the people.
If you want a symbol of resistance to government and self determination, might I suggest some symbol that wont automatically turn off a huge percent of people who might be sympathetic to your case.

I see, pro-choice laws being the result of resistance to government intrusion in our lives and the right to self determination for women. You should read R v. W sometime and get to understand the "Right to Freedom" AKA "The Right to Privacy" from excessive government intrusion.

You didn't answer my question.

Is your position on abortion on demand final and conclusive?
only if by "constantly" you mean never since this country began.....

Sure its been redefined since this Country began. Look at the evolution of divorce laws, alimony, property ownership rights of married women, polygamy, and interracial marriage.
Its the governments job to broadly define anything that provides benefits provided to a few as openly as possible so that access is not limited unfairly to only a few. To allow as much freedom as possible to all citizens and not to make moral decisions for the people.

sort of like when they redefined killing your unborn children from being "murder" to being a protected constitutional right?.........
How did a thread about gays turn into an abortion thread? Just goes to show no righty likes to get off the subject of controlling the bitches for too long. They get uncomfortable. They start jones'ing.
And many more see my avatar of a symbol of resistance to government and self determination.

Would anything change your first trimester pro abortion on demand position or is it etched in stone?

That flag represents the Armies of the south. The south did not believe in "self determination" it believed in inequality based upon skin color. It was not about state's rights because under the Confederate Constitution no state could EVER decide that slavery was illegal inside its own borders.
It's racist, you fucking redneck

And the ass hats at the NAACP say it's a Nazi flag.

So how does that shake your family tree and not find any racists falling out of it?

You don't even have enough intelligence to start an interesting debate. You authored this homophobe witch hunt based solely on political correctness and now you're further justifying your hippy refuse legacy with this moronic attempt at topic diversion.
Sure its been redefined since this Country began. Look at the evolution of divorce laws, alimony, property ownership rights of married women, polygamy, and interracial marriage. hasn't....through all of those marriage has always meant exactly the same thing......the closest you can come is the question of polygamy and except for the members of the Mormon Church polygamy was considered abnormal by society....if you recall, the reason they left and set up their own community in Utah (which was not a state at that time) was the fact that polygamy was NOT accepted by society.....racists had to set up laws prohibiting interracial marriage BECAUSE a man and a woman could marry......that isn't the case for same sex marriage......thats why the LG community wants the definition of marriage changed.....
sort of like when they redefined killing your unborn children from being "murder" to being a protected constitutional right?.........

IN that case they never defined it as "murder" or "killing", but they redefined abortion from "Criminal" to "legal".
And the ass hats at the NAACP say it's a Nazi flag.

So how does that shake your family tree and not find any racists falling out of it?

You don't even have enough intelligence to start an interesting debate. You authored this homophobe witch hunt based solely on political correctness and now you're further justifying your hippy refuse legacy with this moronic attempt at topic diversion.
Your willfully racist now! So your saying you feel obligated to continue the families racism.
And the ass hats at the NAACP say it's a Nazi flag.

So how does that shake your family tree and not find any racists falling out of it?

You don't even have enough intelligence to start an interesting debate. You authored this homophobe witch hunt based solely on political correctness and now you're further justifying your hippy refuse legacy with this moronic attempt at topic diversion.

Half my family tree branches into Alabama, many racists would fall from that branch, in fact most of them were racists. hasn't....through all of those marriage has always meant exactly the same thing......the closest you can come is the question of polygamy and except for the members of the Mormon Church polygamy was considered abnormal by society....if you recall, the reason they left and set up their own community in Utah (which was not a state at that time) was the fact that polygamy was NOT accepted by society.....racists had to set up laws prohibiting interracial marriage BECAUSE a man and a woman could marry......that isn't the case for same sex marriage......thats why the LG community wants the definition of marriage changed.....

Polygamy may not have been considered normal or acceptable, but it was legal in much of the US. Nobody is saying that the government should say gay marriage is normal or considered acceptable by society, just that it should be legal under the law.
That flag represents the Armies of the south. The south did not believe in "self determination" it believed in inequality based upon skin color. It was not about state's rights because under the Confederate Constitution no state could EVER decide that slavery was illegal inside its own borders.

You must've have gotten an A in your humanities class.
????.....did you think it was "criminal" because it was gambling?.......

No not gambling, it was called abortion, it was not called murder. And it did not carry the same punishment as murder. People convicted of having or performing abortions were not convicted of murder.
The South stood for the government protecting the rights of an "elite" few based on social class, not freedom from Government or self determination.