Is being gay a choice?

what about those people who choose not to recognize it as a marriage......just as some do not recognize killing an unborn child as an acceptable form of birth control......

You can choose to not recognize it as marriage, that's your personal choice. If you are required by law to treat a married couple a certain way, you will be required to treat all marriages that way, but you can still personally not consider it marriage.

If you don't want to invite them over for dinner, you will not be forced to do so.
what about those people who choose not to recognize it as a marriage......just as some do not recognize killing an unborn child as an acceptable form of birth control......

There's no law against you saying, "They're not married, even if the government gives them benefits...". The comparison to abortion would be invalid, in one instance human progeny is destroyed, in the other consenting adults enter into an agreement in how to act towards each other.

You are comparing meat to apples and calling it all fruit.
Even if and when science discovers a gay gene?

If they do, do you believe there would need to be laws against destroying progeny that are still embryos that have that gene? What about if they find a gene that shows you are more susceptible to schizophrenia? It is legal to abort an embryo that you know would be retarded, If abortion remains legal, which of these should be legal?
A gay gene?

FYI... the human genome has been mapped completely. You expect to find something new do you?

I was trying to figure that out myself. See sometimes you can sound so smart, and then you go and talk about climate change, and ech, lady boner killer. Just an fyi for when you are at happy hours, ixnay on the climate ay.
What if you ever decide to try and get into college! Jethro

At my age?

I'd rather go fishing.

And why are you using a racial slur towards myself .. you pathetic reject from a Jimmi Hendrix summer rock concert?

Aren't you a good excuse to use eugenics to eliminate you before you popped out of that wet concert blanket many years ago?
I not sure I understand what you are asking. I don't believe that the discovery of a gay gene would change my position on abortion.

It's soooo stupid. It's like, let's take this leap into the moran comic universe and say there is this gene...and? Oh yes then I will want to rob women of their rights because you know, gay fetuses? Where did this moron come from? I mean I know most of them came rushing here after USF talked about it on his bus, but this one seems like he couldn't even make it to the bus...
Marriage has not been one man one woman for thousands of years. May I introduce you to Lemech, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, and Gideon, just to name a few.
I not sure I understand what you are asking. I don't believe that the discovery of a gay gene would change my position on abortion.

So if a couple who is told they will have a homosexual child decides to abort it because of that sole reason, you're not going to change one bit on your AOD position.

Is that correct?
If they do, do you believe there would need to be laws against destroying progeny that are still embryos that have that gene? What about if they find a gene that shows you are more susceptible to schizophrenia? It is legal to abort an embryo that you know would be retarded, If abortion remains legal, which of these should be legal?

I am opposed to people having abortions based on the sex of a embryo, or even based on a genetic defect of an embryo so I suppose I would be opposed to people doing it based on the likelihood of the embryo being gay. It does not however affect my position on what should be legal regarding abortion.
It's soooo stupid. It's like, let's take this leap into the moran comic universe and say there is this gene...and? Oh yes then I will want to rob women of their rights because you know, gay fetuses? Where did this moron come from? I mean I know most of them came rushing here after USF talked about it on his bus, but this one seems like he couldn't even make it to the bus...

I'm wondering if its Dixie back under an assumed name. Maybe they unbanned him...
2 Samuel 12:8
8 And I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more.
At my age?

I'd rather go fishing.

And why are you using a racial slur towards myself .. you pathetic reject from a Jimmi Hendrix summer rock concert?

Aren't you a good excuse to use eugenics to eliminate you before you popped out of that wet concert blanket many years ago?
Jethro you are one dumbass granpaw if you don't realize outside of miss and alabubba the confederate flag is racist as it gets.
My position would remain the same.

Abortion should be legal in the first trimester for any reason. I personally find it amoral for a person to have an abortion due to the "sex" of the fetus or the "sexuality" or the genetics.