Is being gay a choice?

It's soooo stupid. It's like, let's take this leap into the moran comic universe and say there is this gene...and? Oh yes then I will want to rob women of their rights because you know, gay fetuses? Where did this moron come from? I mean I know most of them came rushing here after USF talked about it on his bus, but this one seems like he couldn't even make it to the bus...

The topic is about homosexuals being gay at birth vs. homosexuals developing their behavior by change.

The topic starter did this post to place all the behavior people in the homophobic category, I didn't take any sides. I was the only person on this thread who gave the correct answer in fact.

I have now included a scientific possibility to this thread which was never mentioned at it's genesis.

Then I asked a question about abortion to the people here who feel morally superior to the other people who wont declare that homosexuals are born that way.

I have turned the tables is all.
My position would remain the same.

Abortion should be legal in the first trimester for any reason. I personally find it amoral for a person to have an abortion due to the "sex" of the fetus or the "sexuality" or the genetics.

But wouldn't that be a homophobic hate crime?

What do you mean you would find it amoral?

You'd find it immoral if a couple decided to abort because of a homosexual child, wouldn't you?
But wouldn't that be a homophobic hate crime?

What do you mean you would find it amoral?

You'd find it immoral if a couple decided to abort because of a homosexual child, wouldn't you?

I mean immoral, I just spelled it wrong.

I would say having an abortion during the first trimester because you thought the fetus would be homosexual is homophobic and hateful, I would not say it should be a crime.
If you want to talk about abortion start another thread.

You tried to divert the topic to me by bringing up the confederate flag.

I'm simply pointing out here that you and your associates are claiming that the people who don't accept homosexuality at birth confirms them as homophobes and you're doing it based solely on political correctness and not science.

Now I've offered a distinct possible scientific discovery to the topic and I'm finding out how you the accuser will react if and when this scientific discovery comes into play.
I mean immoral, I just spelled it wrong.

I would say having an abortion during the first trimester because you thought the fetus would be homosexual is homophobic and hateful, I would not say it should be a crime.

What about a gay couple who find out that their baby will be a hetero sexual and aborts him / her?
Is that immoral?

Do you think that the homosexual lobby is going to support aborting gay babies without claiming the act as being a hate crime and unlawful?
What about a gay couple who find out that their baby will be a hetero sexual and aborts him / her?
Is that immoral?

Do you think that the homosexual lobby is going to support aborting gay babies without claiming the act as being a hate crime and unlawful?
You didn't get aborted
Oh, really? Still "miffed at, my suggestion that President Obama should have "clocked" Gov. Jan Brewer, for wagging her finger at him, on the tarmac in Phoenix?
Don't even try to use my disdain for "bitches" as an excuse for you to show your "holier-than-thou" colors, yet again. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put the brick down, bitch. You have lied , repeatedly, and misquoted me , as well. We've already been through this. What do you hope to gain by rehashing it?

I can see you're struggling Poet; because your attempt to suggest that I would react as you do and slap a women, is weak.
Nice to see how you justify your abusive behavior, by denigrating women and calling them bitches.

The really sad part is that there are liberals, on this forum, that will now "excuse" your behavior and gladly accept you back into their fold, with open arms.
But then; that says more about liberal behavior, then it does anyone else's.
Bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman. You will never be equal to me. You are not normal. You seek to be normal. But, alas you will never be. That doesn't mean I can't tolerate your aberrant behavior. It just doesn't mean I have to be forced to acknowledge it as a "marriage". Because it is not.

Stop with your hysterics.

Great...they'll never be normal to you think that'll cause wailing and gnashing of teeth...they aren't asking for your blessing. They are looking for equal protection under the LAW of a free country.
Why, again, are you concerned? My personal public appearances, and whether the mayor showed up or not are not up for discussion. A non sequitur. I find it creepy that you are obsessed with my personal life. Moving on.

I was just asking a question.
You were obviously very excited over being invited last year and then I remember how terrible it was, when you were snubbed by the Mayor.
Your post could be an example that it still bothers you.
At 5:32AM - Response to PMP
And? I'm not having a further discussion with you on the subject. Period.

At 5:34AM - Response to PMP
I'll use whatever source I please. I find it funny that you don't provide sources to bolster your arguments, but want to question the sources of others and their validity.
I won't be arguing with you, is the revelation.....the point is moot.

If you are required by law to treat a married couple a certain way, you will be required to treat all marriages that way

thank you....can we now put to rest the ridiculous claim that allowing gay marriage will have no impact upon the rest of us?.........
Marriage has not been one man one woman for thousands of years. May I introduce you to Lemech, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, and Gideon, just to name a few.

um, Socr....those folks predate "thousands of years"......marriage has in fact been one man, one woman for thousands of years.....most significantly, it has been in the US since before there was a US.......
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