Is being gay a choice?

i suspect they tried.

That's not very nice now.

Keep my mom out of this. I expect degenerate remarks from juicehead but let's keep family out of these arguments.

I'm here because my mom and dad loved each other .. I don't know what your excuse is but don't go over the line for cheap laughs.
Bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman. You will never be equal to me. You are not normal. You seek to be normal. But, alas you will never be. That doesn't mean I can't tolerate your aberrant behavior. It just doesn't mean I have to be forced to acknowledge it as a "marriage". Because it is not.

Stop with your hysterics.

No hysterics. No histrionics, either. A marriage is between a "man and a woman", in your world, and others who think like you. Not in my world, and others that think like me. I will never be equal to you. I certainly hope not. I am not normal. According to you. Whoever said you were normal? I seek to have my relationship acknowledged as legal and binding as yours or anyone else's, is all. States are subscribing to my view, every other few months or so. Your way of thinking is going the way of the dinosaurs. Soon, you and your kind will "die out", and my kind will prosper and proliferate. You don't have to "tolerate my aberrant behavior". If I have my way, you'll never come in contact with me, and will know nothing of my behavior, aberrant or not. And I don't get where you're so important that you have to acknowledge anything. Mine's is a marriage, with or without you...with acknowledgment or without. I'm waiting on the State of Texas...not you.
That's not very nice now.

Keep my mom out of this. I expect degenerate remarks from juicehead but let's keep family out of these arguments.

I'm here because my mom and dad loved each other .. I don't know what your excuse is but don't go over the line for cheap laughs.

Your right, I'm sorry. I apologise.
Are people born homosexuals then?

And use scientific evidence to back up your yes answer not political correctness.

My attraction towards males was self evident at 4 years of age. I believe sexual orientation to be of early onset, and perhaps, as early as "in the womb".
An examination of family pedigrees revealed that gay men had more homosexual male relatives through maternal than through paternal lineages, suggesting a linkage to the X chromosome. Dean Hamer24 found such an association at region Xq28. If male sexual orientation was influenced by a gene on Xq28, then gay brothers should share more than 50% of their alleles at this region, whereas their heterosexual brothers should share less than 50% of their alleles. In the absence of such an association, then both types of brothers should display 50% allele sharing. An analysis of 40 pairs of gay brothers and found that they shared 82% of their alleles in the Xq28 region, which was much greater than the 50% allele sharing that would be expected by chance.25 However, a follow-up study by the same research group, using 32 pairs of gay brothers and found only 67% allele sharing, which was much closer to the 50% expected by chance.26 Attempts by Rice et al. to repeat the Hamer study resulted in only 46% allele sharing, insignificantly different from chance, contradicting the Hamer results.27 At the same time, an unpublished study by Alan Sanders (University of Chicago) corroborated the Rice results.28 Ultimately, no gene or gene product from the Xq28 region was ever identified that affected sexual orientation. When Jonathan Marks (an evolutionary biologist) asked Hamer what percentage of homosexuality he thought his results explained, his answer was that he thought it explained 5% of male homosexuality. Marks' response was, "There is no science other than behavioral genetics in which you can leave 97.5% of a phenomenon unexplained and get headlines."29
sort of like when they redefined killing your unborn children from being "murder" to being a protected constitutional right?.........
Feti (fetuses) are not unborn children...they are undeveloped or underdeveloped "potential" human beings. And abortion is not murder, as much as you want it to be.
That flag represents the Armies of the south. The south did not believe in "self determination" it believed in inequality based upon skin color. It was not about state's rights because under the Confederate Constitution no state could EVER decide that slavery was illegal inside its own borders.

And the ass hats at the NAACP say it's a Nazi flag.

So how does that shake your family tree and not find any racists falling out of it?

You don't even have enough intelligence to start an interesting debate. You authored this homophobe witch hunt based solely on political correctness and now you're further justifying your hippy refuse legacy with this moronic attempt at topic diversion.

Liar. Post a link to that claim. You cannot speak for the NAACP.
No hysterics. No histrionics, either. A marriage is between a "man and a woman", in your world, and others who think like you. Not in my world, and others that think like me. I will never be equal to you. I certainly hope not. I am not normal. According to you. Whoever said you were normal? I seek to have my relationship acknowledged as legal and binding as yours or anyone else's, is all. States are subscribing to my view, every other few months or so. Your way of thinking is going the way of the dinosaurs. Soon, you and your kind will "die out", and my kind will prosper and proliferate. You don't have to "tolerate my aberrant behavior". If I have my way, you'll never come in contact with me, and will know nothing of my behavior, aberrant or not. And I don't get where you're so important that you have to acknowledge anything. Mine's is a marriage, with or without you...with acknowledgment or without. I'm waiting on the State of Texas...not you.

there in lies the rub puddin, your kind can't proliferate. You can't procreate with your "parter" or "lover" or "significant other". You know in a marriage, there is a husband and a wife. Which are you? Do you both go by "husband"? Who honors and obeys? You?

You are right, you will never be equal to me for the sheer fact that I am more intelligent than you. But, I don't hold that against you any more than I hold your life choice to sleep with the opposite sex against you. It isn't personal puddin pop.
I can see you're struggling Poet; because your attempt to suggest that I would react as you do and slap a women, is weak.
Nice to see how you justify your abusive behavior, by denigrating women and calling them bitches.

The really sad part is that there are liberals, on this forum, that will now "excuse" your behavior and gladly accept you back into their fold, with open arms.
But then; that says more about liberal behavior, then it does anyone else's.

Oh, please. A scumbucket as moral authority. You exposed my personal info in open forum. You have denigrated me, on several fronts (i.e. race, sexual orientation, honesty, my achievements, etc...) And now you want to claim morality because you refuse to distinguish between a woman with integrity, class and grace vs. one, without.
Sorry, but some women are "bitches". Just as some men are "whores", and serial killers, and rapists, and pedophiles. I'm sure you fit one or two of those categories...only you know which one(s).
Don't be trying to smear all liberals by your perception of me. I, personally, think you're a fine representation of the right. Racist, bigoted, and homophobic. Oh, yeah, and retarded.
Feti (fetuses) are not unborn children...they are undeveloped or underdeveloped "potential" human beings. And abortion is not murder, as much as you want it to be.

Interesting you say that. Then that makes these charges filed against this young man seem inappropriate doesn't it? Care to expound?

BTW, since we have brought the topic of abortion into the conversation. How would you feel if the "queer" gene was discovered and parents began aborting because they don't want a "queer" child? Would your views on abortion change?

I mean, there is no parent who wishes for a "queer" child anymore than they wish for a child with Down's Syndrome. Sure they say "I love them". A parent's love is unconditional, but that isn't what they wished for. Living with something and tolerating it are not the same as wishing for something to happen. I am sure that your parents hide from you their utter disappointment in your life choice. Oh, I am sure that they say they are happy for you because that is what they are supposed to say. But, we all know and you know that this is not what they wanted for you. I actually feel sorry for your parents.
I was just asking a question.
You were obviously very excited over being invited last year and then I remember how terrible it was, when you were snubbed by the Mayor.
Your post could be an example that it still bothers you.

WTF??? I was asked to read an original poem, not knowing who would be in attendance. I don't go to events based on who is going to be there, as witnesses. You, obviously are doing drugs again. And though I voted for the mayor, I have found her performance "lackluster", and plan to vote for someone else, next election. Lesbians, generally, have disdain for gay men. Many whites, generally, have disdain for minorities. Who would know that better than you? I'm not "feeling" her, or you.
Abraham was born 1948 years after Adam, so that would be 3815 years ago plus or minus. That is WELL within your "thousands of years". David was king of Israel from 1002-970 BCE, so JUST barely 1000 years, again, way inside your "Thousands of Years" one man, one woman bogus claim. The fact that it has been the norm in the western world since we were colonies and then a country makes no difference at all. Marriage was one man, one woman so long as both were white until the 60's in the US. Loving v. Virginia changed your precious definition there and looky looky you survived.
Abraham was born 1948 years after Adam, so that would be 3815 years ago plus or minus. That is WELL within your "thousands of years". David was king of Israel from 1002-970 BCE, so JUST barely 1000 years, again, way inside your "Thousands of Years" one man, one woman bogus claim. The fact that it has been the norm in the western world since we were colonies and then a country makes no difference at all. Marriage was one man, one woman so long as both were white until the 60's in the US. Loving v. Virginia changed your precious definition there and looky looky you survived.

allowing mixed race marriages was a civil rights issue. this is not.

to compare queers with the horrors the democrat party brought upon blacks is a travesty and minimizes blacks suffering.

You should be ashamed of yourself
Oh, please. A scumbucket as moral authority. You exposed my personal info in open forum. You have denigrated me, on several fronts (i.e. race, sexual orientation, honesty, my achievements, etc...)

I see your memory has gotten worse; because I revealed nothing and even Damo said that it was you who posted all the information.
Don't you remember your lie, when you attempted to get DY/SM banned?
As for your feelings of denigration; don't bring none, won't be none.

And now you want to claim morality because you refuse to distinguish between a woman with integrity, class and grace vs. one, without.
Sorry, but some women are "bitches". Just as some men are "whores", and serial killers, and rapists, and pedophiles. I'm sure you fit one or two of those categories...only you know which one(s).

It's a shame that you have such low regard for women, that you would want to create a sub-class of them; because it allows you to act abusive towards them.
I'm sorry that you felt so desperate that you had to bring your family's behavior into the discussion and then attempt to project it on those you aren't related to.

Don't be trying to smear all liberals by your perception of me. I, personally, think you're a fine representation of the right. Racist, bigoted, and homophobic. Oh, yeah, and retarded.

But a fact isn't a perception and it's not racist, if it's true.

WTF??? I was asked to read an original poem, not knowing who would be in attendance. I don't go to events based on who is going to be there, as witnesses. You, obviously are doing drugs again. And though I voted for the mayor, I have found her performance "lackluster", and plan to vote for someone else, next election. Lesbians, generally, have disdain for gay men. Many whites, generally, have disdain for minorities. Who would know that better than you? I'm not "feeling" her, or you.

From your recent posts, it's apparent that your memory is failing you; because you were really excited that you were going to be standing next to her, while you read your poem.
Later you went on to say how she left early and you ended up reading it, while one of her subordinates stood in for her.