Is being gay a choice?

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There. Problem solved. Demented queen, "silenced".

I see Poet is still the some coward that he's always been; but then, he only has the courage to slap women.
that explains why you chose to be queer. No male role model. Only a woman influence.

What a stupid bitch. My sexual orientation was "in effect", at 4 years of age, while my father was in the house. One does not choose to be "gay" (as you continue to use the pejorative "queer'). I had tons of male role models around, from uncles to cousins. Non sequitur. Explain how gays develop in perfectly traditional family homes , with fathers "intact". Thank you for exposing your retardation.
What a stupid bitch. My sexual orientation was "in effect", at 4 years of age, while my father was in the house. One does not choose to be "gay" (as you continue to use the pejorative "queer'). I had tons of male role models around, from uncles to cousins. Non sequitur. Explain how gays develop in perfectly traditional family homes , with fathers "intact". Thank you for exposing your retardation.

My nephew had a father, who owned a construction company, they rebuilt cars together, a mother, she is a paralegal, my husband a Vietnam vet is his uncle, two brothers, a grandmother and grandfather married on both sides. He is gay and he is loved and accepted by his family.

The majority of gays I know come from great families. It has nothing to do with role models in their cases. The notion is ridiculous.
I would bet that the majority of Homosexuals come from Heterosexual parents. I say most because I know a few women with turkey baster babies.
Hey...that last part was a little over the top, don't you think? There are plenty of loving parents out there....and there'd be more if we had some economic security whthe ere one parent could either stay home or even work part time and still live a reasonably comfortable life. But with the majority of us in two full time income situations, we are doing the best we can....and I'm speaking from a household income of 110k. I can't imagine trying to start a family on two incomes of 20k or so...

I'll stop making over the top claims when the homophobes are educated to the point when the absurdity of their own over the top claims is apparent.

My nephew had a father, who owned a construction company, they rebuilt cars together, a mother, she is a paralegal, my husband a Vietnam vet is his uncle, two brothers, a grandmother and grandfather married on both sides. He is gay and he is loved and accepted by his family.

The majority of gays I know come from great families. It has nothing to do with role models in their cases. The notion is ridiculous.

I came from a strict, supportive, upper middle class intact military family.

no bet, i know a few too...

Heck, I know some guys with an affection for turkey basters. Usually they're the lonely, closeted type like ILA or USF. :)
folks, lets stay on the op topic and stay away from the abortion topics, no one has changed their minds on abortion on this site and likely never will

We'll stay on the abortion topic until the people on this thread either admit they'll change their position on it or they wont.

This thread for the umpteenth time was created to bag homophobes if they don't accept the notion that homos are born homos without any scientific evidence that they are.

This isn't a one way street. You don't have the moral authority to judge others here on being homophobes over political correctness and you don't have it either over a topic that you'd rather sweep under the rug than address truthfully.
Right. But since you are neither gay (I'm assuming) or black, you cannot say what is a travesty for blacks, or what constitutes "black suffering".
Everyone knows that the old racist Democratic Party is now today's Republican Party.

I don't think one has to be black to know how democrats made them suffer with lynchings do you?

As far as the old racist democrat party, that is a meme. Tell ya what. Why don't you prove your point. And don't dredge up some NY Times article about Nixon's "Southern Strategy". Because I can dig you up LBJs quotes about how he will have blacks eating out of the palm of his hands with welfare.

No, your challenge is to name for me all of the Democrats who voted against Civil Rights in the Senate who SWITCHED to the GOP. You see if their constituents all of a sudden switched as you claim, then it would stand to reason that those same democrat senators would as well.

Additionally, the logic of your claim falls flat on its face. For some reason you think that the racist democrats of the 60s who opposed Civil Rights decided to switch to the party that was responsible for passing Civil Rights. Is that what you are peddling? It makes no logical sense. No, the truth is that it is a lie you democrats tell yourselves to assuage your guilt over your racist past. It is your way of glossing over your sordid history and not addressing it.

Whenever the horrible racist past of the democrat party is brought up, democrats immediately proclaim "Yeah, but they all became Republicans". As if that whitewashes the whole thing. Cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing isn't it?
Excuse me...most "sane and normal" parents could care less what their child's sexual orientation is. And you can't say what they wish(ed) for. My mother supported me, and my progression of "boyfriends", until the day she died. My father and I were estranged, so I don't know what he thought. And you can't say what my parents wanted for me. And feel sorry for yourself, because of your intolerance and bigotry....not for me or my parents.

Actually you are incorrect. Since you are an adherent of evolution, you would know that it is all about passing on the gene pool to the next generation. Since your abnormal genes prevent you from doing that, you violate the tenets of evolution.

There is no way your mother "wished or hoped" for a queer child. No parent does. NONE. That's a fact Jack. That doesn't mean she didn't tolerate your aberrant behavior. I am sure she did. She probably felt partly culpable for your life choices. I am sure things would have turned out much differently for you had you had a strong male role model in your life. I really feel sorry for you that you will never know a normal life.
Are you sure he wasn't?

I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-women's right to choose.

Men were marrying men and women were marrying women in ancient Greece and Rome.

Another unfortunate truth.

I'd like to remind you breeders of one fact. Us queers are here to adopt and raise your unwanted children, giving them a loving life you wouldn't provide them.

Howey, you and your associates don't really believe that there's ever going to be a scientific confirmation of a genetic link to abortion in the womb, now do you?
In fact, you really don't want that to ever happen, you don't want any other information that might upset the apple cart over this entire agenda. The ;last thing you and your associates want is a discovery that all of you are confident will never occur because if it did surface, it would eliminate an important value in your PC value system by forcing you and them to alter one part of your agenda .. abortion on demand .. to favor another part of it and that's a situation you will all avoid at any cost.

Homosexuality at birth is an important part of homosexual politics just like racial politics is to progressives and science in this case is eliminated and excused by your inner beliefs that the situation will never come about when that choice will have to be made.

Like everything else that you believe, it is based on political correctness and you want it to remain that way without any scientific interference which you are confident wont ever discover something that will upset and disfigure your overall goals.

Science will one day discover that life begins at conception which is another future possibility you'll bury under a mound of political correctness for expediency.

It's PC law that leftists like you cling to, not actual scientific evidence and this thread is evidence to it.
Howey, you and your associates don't really believe that there's ever going to be a scientific confirmation of a genetic link to abortion in the womb, now do you?
In fact, you really don't want that to ever happen, you don't want any other information that might upset the apple cart over this entire agenda. The ;last thing you and your associates want is a discovery that all of you are confident will never occur because if it did surface, it would eliminate an important value in your PC value system by forcing you and them to alter one part of your agenda .. abortion on demand .. to favor another part of it and that's a situation you will all avoid at any cost.

Homosexuality at birth is an important part of homosexual politics just like racial politics is to progressives and science in this case is eliminated and excused by your inner beliefs that the situation will never come about when that choice will have to be made.

Like everything else that you believe, it is based on political correctness and you want it to remain that way without any scientific interference which you are confident wont ever discover something that will upset and disfigure your overall goals.

Science will one day discover that life begins at conception which is another future possibility you'll bury under a mound of political correctness for expediency.

It's PC law that leftists like you cling to, not actual scientific evidence and this thread is evidence to it.

Actually you are incorrect. Since you are an adherent of evolution, you would know that it is all about passing on the gene pool to the next generation. Since your abnormal genes prevent you from doing that, you violate the tenets of evolution.

There is no way your mother "wished or hoped" for a queer child. No parent does. NONE. That's a fact Jack. That doesn't mean she didn't tolerate your aberrant behavior. I am sure she did. She probably felt partly culpable for your life choices. I am sure things would have turned out much differently for you had you had a strong male role model in your life. I really feel sorry for you that you will never know a normal life.

Bitch, please.
I do believe in evolution. I also being that propagation of the species isn't for everyone. Some folks who have "propagated", shouldn't have. And homosexuality has been deemed "normal variant" by the there are no "abnormal genes' involved.
Don't speculate on what my mother wished or not. I don't. And besides, family is off limits for discussion, or so I've been told by moderation. You didn't know her, and you don't know me. And as I stated before...a strong male role model does not guarantee heterosexual offspring. Proven, time and time again. Please talk about only things you know about, not about that which you don't.
We'll stay on the abortion topic until the people on this thread either admit they'll change their position on it or they wont.

This thread for the umpteenth time was created to bag homophobes if they don't accept the notion that homos are born homos without any scientific evidence that they are.

This isn't a one way street. You don't have the moral authority to judge others here on being homophobes over political correctness and you don't have it either over a topic that you'd rather sweep under the rug than address truthfully.

I did provide scientific evidence with the brain study. What you are looking for is a "gay gene". Which may very well not exist. Genes aren't the only determining factor when it comes to behavior. Perhaps you didn't see my post or simply ignored it.

The human brain is a vastly unknown entity. Mostly because the only way to study it is after a person has passed. Like in the case of Alzheimer's. Even in animals...the only way to confirm a case of rabies is to examine the brain of the destroyed animal...sure, an Alzheimer's patient displays symptoms of the disease, and a rabid animal displays symptoms of rabies...but the only way to confirm it is to actually look at the brain physically.

The bottom line is that homosexuals are a rather static group....there's no real danger of a heterosexual man or woman "turning gay". So the thoughts of our population being decimated by people who can't procreate is ridiculous and backward thinking. The religious angle only has merit if you believe that you are superior to.others and have the power of God to judge others despite your own human nature to sin....which, once ridiculous and Backward thinking.

Personally...I don't give a shit. If gays want to get married, more power to them...I hope they get that right. Because one thing(and yes, I know it's judgmental) that I don't like about the homosexual community is the promiscuity that exists within it. I think that has to do with them being viewed as outcasts though, and if they are "mainstreamed" into our society, they will find equilibrium and have more "normal" relationships. I mean, sure....there will have their share of "sluts" who stay single and fuck everything that moves, and there will be those that think they want monogamy and get married only to cheat on their spouses.....but we have that in the heterosexual arena too.
I don't think one has to be black to know how democrats made them suffer with lynchings do you?

As far as the old racist democrat party, that is a meme. Tell ya what. Why don't you prove your point. And don't dredge up some NY Times article about Nixon's "Southern Strategy". Because I can dig you up LBJs quotes about how he will have blacks eating out of the palm of his hands with welfare.

No, your challenge is to name for me all of the Democrats who voted against Civil Rights in the Senate who SWITCHED to the GOP. You see if their constituents all of a sudden switched as you claim, then it would stand to reason that those same democrat senators would as well.

Additionally, the logic of your claim falls flat on its face. For some reason you think that the racist democrats of the 60s who opposed Civil Rights decided to switch to the party that was responsible for passing Civil Rights. Is that what you are peddling? It makes no logical sense. No, the truth is that it is a lie you democrats tell yourselves to assuage your guilt over your racist past. It is your way of glossing over your sordid history and not addressing it.

Whenever the horrible racist past of the democrat party is brought up, democrats immediately proclaim "Yeah, but they all became Republicans". As if that whitewashes the whole thing. Cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing isn't it?

I'm not going to explain it all again. Sorry.
Bitch, please.
I do believe in evolution. I also being that propagation of the species isn't for everyone. Some folks who have "propagated", shouldn't have. And homosexuality has been deemed "normal variant" by the there are no "abnormal genes' involved.
Don't speculate on what my mother wished or not. I don't. And besides, family is off limits for discussion, or so I've been told by moderation. You didn't know her, and you don't know me. And as I stated before...a strong male role model does not guarantee heterosexual offspring. Proven, time and time again. Please talk about only things you know about, not about that which you don't.

Whether one wants to or should have is irrelevant as to evolution, if you believe in evolution being the sole determinant of mans present being. Evolution as taught is an invisible hand.

As for "normal variant", apparently you don't know what the term "variant" means. Allow me to help as I am obviously infinitely more intelligent and learned than you.

var·i·ant (vâr-nt, vr-)
1. Having or exhibiting variation; differing.
2. Tending or liable to vary; variable.
3. Deviating from a standard, usually by only a slight difference.

The word variant by its very definition means you aren't normal.