Is being gay a choice?

Whether one wants to or should have is irrelevant as to evolution, if you believe in evolution being the sole determinant of mans present being. Evolution as taught is an invisible hand.

As for "normal variant", apparently you don't know what the term "variant" means. Allow me to help as I am obviously infinitely more intelligent and learned than you.

var·i·ant (vâr-nt, vr-)
1. Having or exhibiting variation; differing.
2. Tending or liable to vary; variable.
3. Deviating from a standard, usually by only a slight difference.

The word variant by its very definition means you aren't normal.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Bitch, please. How could you possibly be more intelligent or learned than're a conservatard/Republican. And I'm a wordsmith, bitch...writing is my profession, along with music. There aren't a handful of words that I don't know, having studied Latin for 4 years, I could work it out, sooner, rather than later. You've lost your monkey mind.
No. No concession. No translation. No "I give up". That is a fantasy, in your head. I'm simply not explaining anything else to you... a racist moron.

Because you can't explain shit. Just list all of those democrat politicians who switched to the GOP.

And BTW until very recently democrat registration outnumbered GOP registration in many southern states.

I understand your feelings are hurt having your myth thrown back in your face. You aren't the first left winger to go huffing and puffing off because of an inability to support ones contention.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Bitch, please. How could you possibly be more intelligent or learned than're a conservatard/Republican. And I'm a wordsmith, bitch...writing is my profession, along with music. There aren't a handful of words that I don't know, having studied Latin for 4 years, I could work it out, sooner, rather than later. You've lost your monkey mind.

Well, for a so called writer it is rather shameful that you don't understand the meaning of the word variant. You are a variant. I am normal. It is that simple.

If your queerness is not a choice then it stands to reason based on your beliefs that you are a genetic anomaly lacking the ability to pass on your DNA using your preferred "partner".

Your choice. :)
I didn't say it was a choice Professor Rana, I said I don't know what it is and either do you.

It is politically correct to believe it's not a choice but it is a condition instilled in the womb which is your PC position which isn't scientifically validated.

Calling me stupid ignorant and assuming the higher intellectual, moral ground only confirms what I said over what you progressives always do.

Dumbfucks like you used to say there would never be a cure to polio.
So is it gender or behavior?

You can provide all the favorable links you wish but until you provide evidence that it is indeed a separate gender which you cannot, then what I claimed is an actual reality being a politically correct position.

The last thing you want to happen is a collision between your abortion agenda and your gay agenda with you stuck in the middle.

So you will continue under the guise of political correctness to avoid that collision occasionally throwing in links from medical people who have no real idea either.

Is gender or behavior the only two options in your narrow little mind? Obviously a gay male has male sexual organs. A gay female has female sexual organs. The difference, at least as far as the studies in the brain. Gay males have(through the miracle of what's known to the "politically correct" as a FUCKING CAT SCAN) brains similar in shape of a heterosexual female...and gay females have similar brains in shape of a heterosexual male. This was a consistent finding...along with a difference in the hypothalmus.

Could it be chemical, hormonal, or genetic? But the fact's a physiological difference...not merely a "choice".
Silly Philly Rabbit:

Can you answer a question?

Why are you soooo concerned about this?

Why have you spent soooo much time on a thread on an anonymous internet forum to spread ignorance about homosexuality?

Do you have latent feelings?

Got a queer kid?

Wife dump you for another woman?

Feeling inadequate down there?
I did provide scientific evidence with the brain study. What you are looking for is a "gay gene". Which may very well not exist. Genes aren't the only determining factor when it comes to behavior. Perhaps you didn't see my post or simply ignored it.

The human brain is a vastly unknown entity. Mostly because the only way to study it is after a person has passed. Like in the case of Alzheimer's. Even in animals...the only way to confirm a case of rabies is to examine the brain of the destroyed animal...sure, an Alzheimer's patient displays symptoms of the disease, and a rabid animal displays symptoms of rabies...but the only way to confirm it is to actually look at the brain physically.

The bottom line is that homosexuals are a rather static group....there's no real danger of a heterosexual man or woman "turning gay". So the thoughts of our population being decimated by people who can't procreate is ridiculous and backward thinking. The religious angle only has merit if you believe that you are superior to.others and have the power of God to judge others despite your own human nature to sin....which, once ridiculous and Backward thinking.

Personally...I don't give a shit. If gays want to get married, more power to them...I hope they get that right. Because one thing(and yes, I know it's judgmental) that I don't like about the homosexual community is the promiscuity that exists within it. I think that has to do with them being viewed as outcasts though, and if they are "mainstreamed" into our society, they will find equilibrium and have more "normal" relationships. I mean, sure....there will have their share of "sluts" who stay single and fuck everything that moves, and there will be those that think they want monogamy and get married only to cheat on their spouses.....but we have that in the heterosexual arena too.

i missed your link for the cat scan of homosexual brains, could you im it to me or just respond to this post, thank you
Is gender or behavior the only two options in your narrow little mind? Obviously a gay male has male sexual organs. A gay female has female sexual organs. The difference, at least as far as the studies in the brain. Gay males have(through the miracle of what's known to the "politically correct" as a FUCKING CAT SCAN) brains similar in shape of a heterosexual female...and gay females have similar brains in shape of a heterosexual male. This was a consistent finding...along with a difference in the hypothalmus.

Could it be chemical, hormonal, or genetic? But the fact's a physiological difference...not merely a "choice".

Thats explains why is was called a mental illness a mere 30 years ago.....a in, not normal.
The topic is about homosexuals being gay at birth vs. homosexuals developing their behavior by change.

The topic starter did this post to place all the behavior people in the homophobic category, I didn't take any sides. I was the only person on this thread who gave the correct answer in fact.

I have now included a scientific possibility to this thread which was never mentioned at it's genesis.

Then I asked a question about abortion to the people here who feel morally superior to the other people who wont declare that homosexuals are born that way.

I have turned the tables is all.

? You haven't turned the tables. You ran off the rails.
If I could choose to be gay, I would. The gay community have produced some really great activism as of late - of all the demographics in this country, they're the one I have the most respect for. The solidarity expressed by the marriage rights movement is admirable.
Sadly, religion is not for many of America's children. Millions are forced into it by abusive parents who will warp their minds with horror stories.
If I could choose to be gay, I would. The gay community have produced some really great activism as of late - of all the demographics in this country, they're the one I have the most respect for. The solidarity expressed by the marriage rights movement is admirable.

Yeah, activism is what I live for as well.