Is being gay a choice?

We'll stay on the abortion topic until the people on this thread either admit they'll change their position on it or they wont.

This thread for the umpteenth time was created to bag homophobes if they don't accept the notion that homos are born homos without any scientific evidence that they are.

This isn't a one way street. You don't have the moral authority to judge others here on being homophobes over political correctness and you don't have it either over a topic that you'd rather sweep under the rug than address truthfully.

I posted several articles on the current positions of the medical community on homosexuals and you ignored them. I am sorry you refuse to educate yourself.
I did provide scientific evidence with the brain study. What you are looking for is a "gay gene". Which may very well not exist. Genes aren't the only determining factor when it comes to behavior. Perhaps you didn't see my post or simply ignored it.

The human brain is a vastly unknown entity. Mostly because the only way to study it is after a person has passed. Like in the case of Alzheimer's. Even in animals...the only way to confirm a case of rabies is to examine the brain of the destroyed animal...sure, an Alzheimer's patient displays symptoms of the disease, and a rabid animal displays symptoms of rabies...but the only way to confirm it is to actually look at the brain physically.

The bottom line is that homosexuals are a rather static group....there's no real danger of a heterosexual man or woman "turning gay". So the thoughts of our population being decimated by people who can't procreate is ridiculous and backward thinking. The religious angle only has merit if you believe that you are superior to.others and have the power of God to judge others despite your own human nature to sin....which, once ridiculous and Backward thinking.

Personally...I don't give a shit. If gays want to get married, more power to them...I hope they get that right. Because one thing(and yes, I know it's judgmental) that I don't like about the homosexual community is the promiscuity that exists within it. I think that has to do with them being viewed as outcasts though, and if they are "mainstreamed" into our society, they will find equilibrium and have more "normal" relationships. I mean, sure....there will have their share of "sluts" who stay single and fuck everything that moves, and there will be those that think they want monogamy and get married only to cheat on their spouses.....but we have that in the heterosexual arena too.

Silly rabbit ignored my articles as well, he likes his ignorance and his intolerance.
I posted several articles on the current positions of the medical community on homosexuals and you ignored them. I am sorry you refuse to educate yourself.

I'm not interested in medical theories.

Show me definite evidence that this is about gender, not behavior.
I did provide scientific evidence with the brain study. What you are looking for is a "gay gene". Which may very well not exist. Genes aren't the only determining factor when it comes to behavior. Perhaps you didn't see my post or simply ignored it.

The human brain is a vastly unknown entity. Mostly because the only way to study it is after a person has passed. Like in the case of Alzheimer's. Even in animals...the only way to confirm a case of rabies is to examine the brain of the destroyed animal...sure, an Alzheimer's patient displays symptoms of the disease, and a rabid animal displays symptoms of rabies...but the only way to confirm it is to actually look at the brain physically.

The bottom line is that homosexuals are a rather static group....there's no real danger of a heterosexual man or woman "turning gay". So the thoughts of our population being decimated by people who can't procreate is ridiculous and backward thinking. The religious angle only has merit if you believe that you are superior to.others and have the power of God to judge others despite your own human nature to sin....which, once ridiculous and Backward thinking.

Personally...I don't give a shit. If gays want to get married, more power to them...I hope they get that right. Because one thing(and yes, I know it's judgmental) that I don't like about the homosexual community is the promiscuity that exists within it. I think that has to do with them being viewed as outcasts though, and if they are "mainstreamed" into our society, they will find equilibrium and have more "normal" relationships. I mean, sure....there will have their share of "sluts" who stay single and fuck everything that moves, and there will be those that think they want monogamy and get married only to cheat on their spouses.....but we have that in the heterosexual arena too.

So you're saying that this is about behavior, not gender.

You're in the camp that is opposing this as a separate gender.

So why are you then on the homophobe bandwagon by lecturing me?

My position is that you and your associates are using a politically correct value that's part of your value system to accuse the other side of homophobia and nothing else.

It is your side, mainly the feminists and the gay lobby that has insisted for years that gays are separate genders because they were born that way.
So you're saying that this is about behavior, not gender.

You're in the camp that is opposing this as a separate gender.

So why are you then on the homophobe bandwagon by lecturing me?

My position is that you and your associates are using a politically correct value thIat's part of your value system to accuse the other side of homophobia and nothing else.

It is your side, mainly the feminists and the gay lobby that has insisted for years that gays are separate genders because they were born that way.
I did show you evidence. Medicine works differently than math. I am sorry you choose to remain willfully ignorant.

So is it gender or behavior?

You can provide all the favorable links you wish but until you provide evidence that it is indeed a separate gender which you cannot, then what I claimed is an actual reality being a politically correct position.

The last thing you want to happen is a collision between your abortion agenda and your gay agenda with you stuck in the middle.

So you will continue under the guise of political correctness to avoid that collision occasionally throwing in links from medical people who have no real idea either.
So is it gender or behavior?

You can provide all the favorable links you wish but until you provide evidence that it is indeed a separate gender which you cannot, then what I claimed is an actual reality being a politically correct position.

The last thing you want to happen is a collision between your abortion agenda and your gay agenda with you stuck in the middle.

So you will continue under the guise of political correctness to avoid that collision occasionally throwing in links from medical people who have no real idea either.

You will remain steeped in your ignorance and intolerance.

The topic of the thread is is being gay a choice. I have shown you several articles which I bet you didn't even bother to read because you have made up your mind that being gay is a choice and you wish to remain ignorant and totally ignore the meical communities findings on the subject matter.

A new study, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, reveals that sex-specific epi-marks can contribute to homosexuality. Normally, these epi-marks are not inherited and are thus lost. However when they are not lost, they are able to transfer from father to daughter or mother to son.

This is a theory Professor Rana.

It is opinion and it doesn't validate anything. If it did, it would be on the front page of every major newspaper in the country and all over the media news outlets.
A new study, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, reveals that sex-specific epi-marks can contribute to homosexuality. Normally, these epi-marks are not inherited and are thus lost. However when they are not lost, they are able to transfer from father to daughter or mother to son.

This is a theory Professor Rana.

It is opinion and it doesn't validate anything. If it did, it would be on the front page of every major newspaper in the country and all over the media news outlets.

Do you understand science, silly rabbit?
A new study, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, reveals that sex-specific epi-marks can contribute to homosexuality. Normally, these epi-marks are not inherited and are thus lost. However when they are not lost, they are able to transfer from father to daughter or mother to son.

This is a theory Professor Rana.

It is opinion and it doesn't validate anything. If it did, it would be on the front page of every major newspaper in the country and all over the media news outlets.

I bet you fully bought into the idea that it was a mental illness because it fit your agenda of intolerance and ignorance.
You will remain steeped in your ignorance and intolerance.

The topic of the thread is is being gay a choice. I have shown you several articles which I bet you didn't even bother to read because you have made up your mind that being gay is a choice and you wish to remain ignorant and totally ignore the meical communities findings on the subject matter.

I didn't say it was a choice Professor Rana, I said I don't know what it is and either do you.

It is politically correct to believe it's not a choice but it is a condition instilled in the womb which is your PC position which isn't scientifically validated.

Calling me stupid and ignorant and assuming the higher intellectual, moral ground only confirms what I said over what you progressives always do.
I bet you fully bought into the idea that it was a mental illness because it fit your agenda of intolerance and ignorance.

What are YOU going to do if they can determine a future homosexual in the womb?

You really don't believe it can be scientifically proven but you do support the medical community if they present theories supporting you.

You don't want it to be confirmed because then you have two power points at odds with each other.

Or are you planning on becoming pro life once the big announcement arrives?
I didn't say it was a choice Professor Rana, I said I don't know what it is and either do you.

It is politically correct to believe it's not a choice but it is a condition instilled in the womb which is your PC position which isn't scientifically validated.

Calling me stupid and ignorant and assuming the higher intellectual, moral ground only confirms what I said over what you progressives always do.

I show you what new research is showing and you choose to ignore it. You probably believe that cigarettes don't cause lung cancer, either, see medically there are some things that can not be proven because of all the factors that one into play, but there is strong evidence of the correlation.

They can not prove that stress causes cancer, but there is strong evidence to link the two. If you understand how science works you wouldn't remain steeped in your ignorance and intolerance.
What are YOU going to do if they can determine a future homosexual in the womb?

You really don't believe it can be scientifically proven but you do support the medical community if they present theories supporting you.

You don't want it to be confirmed because then you have two power points at odds with each other.

Or are you planning on becoming pro life once the big announcement arrives?

I don't plan on being pregnant anytime in the near future. I personally would not abort a fetus that was homosexual. I do not control the lives of others. My daughters do not believe in abortion for themselves and my granddaughters are too young to worry about at this point. I do not believe in forcing my will or belief onto others. I believe that this is a personal choice between a woman, her doctor and her G-d if she has one or many. It is simply none of my business.