Is being gay a choice?

there in lies the rub puddin, your kind can't proliferate. You can't procreate with your "parter" or "lover" or "significant other". You know in a marriage, there is a husband and a wife. Which are you? Do you both go by "husband"? Who honors and obeys? You?

You are right, you will never be equal to me for the sheer fact that I am more intelligent than you. But, I don't hold that against you any more than I hold your life choice to sleep with the opposite sex against you. It isn't personal puddin pop.

By proliferate I mean, join, "in union", aka, "marry". Oh, and thanks for the insight. In the traditional wedding vows, both partners agree to honor and obey...sorry. One can see that you only believe the wife/woman is supposed to. Which means that you believe that women are somehow, "less than" a man. Got it. And I'm not into role, none exists in the relationship I have. Does your wife wear the pants in your "family"?
And last time I checked my I.Q. was determined to be, I seriously doubt if you can match that. Your mindset already reveals as much. Pudding pop? Right. Girlfriend.

Interesting you say that. Then that makes these charges filed against this young man seem inappropriate doesn't it? Care to expound?

Prosecutors say Welden's murder charge applies because it falls under a rarely used federal statute known as the "Protection of Unborn Children Act."
I don't know anything about that.

BTW, since we have brought the topic of abortion into the conversation. How would you feel if the "queer" gene was discovered and parents began aborting because they don't want a "queer" child? Would your views on abortion change?

And as I've been saying for 4 or 5 posts now... the "gay gene" (not the 'queer gene", your bigotry and homophobia duly noted) has already been found. I don't believe on aborting on the grounds of gender or sexual orientation preference.

I mean, there is no parent who wishes for a "queer" child anymore than they wish for a child with Down's Syndrome. Sure they say "I love them". A parent's love is unconditional, but that isn't what they wished for. Living with something and tolerating it are not the same as wishing for something to happen. I am sure that your parents hide from you their utter disappointment in your life choice. Oh, I am sure that they say they are happy for you because that is what they are supposed to say. But, we all know and you know that this is not what they wanted for you. I actually feel sorry for your parents.

Excuse me...most "sane and normal" parents could care less what their child's sexual orientation is. And you can't say what they wish(ed) for. My mother supported me, and my progression of "boyfriends", until the day she died. My father and I were estranged, so I don't know what he thought. And you can't say what my parents wanted for me. And feel sorry for yourself, because of your intolerance and bigotry....not for me or my parents.
allowing mixed race marriages was a civil rights issue. this is not.

to compare queers with the horrors the democrat party brought upon blacks is a travesty and minimizes blacks suffering.

You should be ashamed of yourself

Right. But since you are neither gay (I'm assuming) or black, you cannot say what is a travesty for blacks, or what constitutes "black suffering".
Everyone knows that the old racist Democratic Party is now today's Republican Party.
An unfortunate truth.

not so much in frisco at least (and i suspect in other parts of the nation), i lived and worked there

now if you really want to know who lesbians dislike the most, it is bisexual women

however, LGBT, stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and these people have joined together for mutual support against the 'straight' homophobic bunch
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There. Problem solved. Demented queen, "silenced".
You didn't get aborted

Are you sure he wasn't?

The silence is deafening from the pro abort people on this thread .. isn't it?

I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-women's right to choose.

um, Socr....those folks predate "thousands of years"......marriage has in fact been one man, one woman for thousands of years.....most significantly, it has been in the US since before there was a US.......

Men were marrying men and women were marrying women in ancient Greece and Rome.

now if you really want to know who lesbians dislike the most, it is bisexual women

Another unfortunate truth.

I'd like to remind you breeders of one fact. Us queers are here to adopt and raise your unwanted children, giving them a loving life you wouldn't provide them.
allowing mixed race marriages was a civil rights issue. this is not.

to compare queers with the horrors the democrat party brought upon blacks is a travesty and minimizes blacks suffering.

You should be ashamed of yourself

Isn't that cute! You're defending the buhlacks!

Gay rights, dumbfuck, are exactly the same as what the blacks went through. They're both civil rights.
folks, lets stay on the op topic and stay away from the abortion topics, no one has changed their minds on abortion on this site and likely never will
Are you sure he wasn't?

I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-women's right to choose.

Men were marrying men and women were marrying women in ancient Greece and Rome.

Another unfortunate truth.

I'd like to remind you breeders of one fact. Us queers are here to adopt and raise your unwanted children, giving them a loving life you wouldn't provide them.

Hey...that last part was a little over the top, don't you think? There are plenty of loving parents out there....and there'd be more if we had some economic security where one parent could either stay home or even work part time and still live a reasonably comfortable life. But with the majority of us in two full time income situations, we are doing the best we can....and I'm speaking from a household income of 110k. I can't imagine trying to start a family on two incomes of 20k or so...