Is being gay a choice?

You're the one with the narrow little mind progressive.

My mind is open to all possibilities. Your mind is locked closed and in lock step with homosexual politics.

Your narcissistic snobbery and your morally superior attitudes don't present you as the know all of society either.

Homosexual politics is what is steering your wheel. mind is locked on liberty and freedom....something you right wingers speak of continually....but don't really mean it...the only thing you care about in that regard is the "freedom" for the wealthy to keep getting richer, while the "proles", as you folk call them, keep getting poorer.

My "morally superior" attitude? Listen to the pondscum motherfucking bigot...fuck you.
So you think prostitution should be legal? Because it isn't and it would seem that what two consenting adults do sexually is none of the governments business. The government makes many things its business, you seem to only object to it being involved in sex. However in all other aspects, you are more than happy to have the government interfere in the choices of consenting adults. At least be consistent.

World's oldest profession. Why not? It's not against the law to commit adultery, it's not against the law to fornicate.
Oh boy, here we go. High powered study here:

Långström N., Rahman Q., Carlström E., & Lichtenstein P. (2008). Genetic and environmental effects on same-sex sexual behavior: A population study of twins in
Sweden. Archives of Sexual Behavior. June 7 [Epub ahead of print]

OMG...your feeble attempt at sock puppetry is very transparent...

I can quote thousands of studies that prove that study wrong, including citing a hundred or so that state the comparison field ended up only being 12 sets of twins that were self-selected.

Try this, however,

A linkage between DNA markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation

The role of genetics in male sexual orientation was investigated by pedigree and linkage analyses on 114 families of homosexual men. Increased rates of same-sex orientation were found in the maternal uncles and male cousins of these subjects, but not in their fathers or paternal relatives, suggesting the possibility of sex-linked transmission in a portion of the population. DNA linkage analysis of a selected group of 40 families in which there were two gay brothers and no indication of nonmaternal transmission revealed a correlation between homosexual orientation and the inheritance of polymorphic markers on the X chromosome in approximately 64 percent of the sib-pairs tested. The linkage to markers on Xq28, the subtelomeric region of the long arm of the sex chromosome, had a multipoint lod score of 4.0 (P = 10(-5), indicating a statistical confidence level of more than 99 percent that at least one subtype of male sexual orientation is genetically influenced.
Science 16 July 1993:
Vol. 261 no. 5119 pp. 321-327DOI:10.1126/science.8332896
Yes, an overwhelming minority of scientists don't agree that AGCC is an issue. It's no longer at a point where you can just "believe it", or "not believe it". That's where you folks run into a problem. You can't honestly accuse us of picking and choosing scientists when that's exactly what you're doing... we're just choosing to trust scientists over businessmen and politicians, looking what the science tells us, and recognizing what will almost certainly happen if we decide not to deal with this threat.

I am not going to support a political agenda based on theories which is what you are doing then you demand everybody else support it because you say so.

I haven't ruled out anything based on a political agenda nor have I picked and chosen scientists to suit what I believe or don't believe.

And I maintain that homosexual politics is what's driving this and nothing else. mind is locked on liberty and freedom....something you right wingers speak of continually....but don't really mean it...the only thing you care about in that regard is the "freedom" for the wealthy to keep getting richer, while the "proles", as you folk call them, keep getting poorer.

My "morally superior" attitude? Listen to the pondscum motherfucking bigot...fuck you.

How many genders are there narcissist?

According to Rana's feminist sisters, there are five.

Man .. woman .. gay .. lesbian .. bisexual.

Do you agree liberty lover?

Or do you go with four .. or three .. or eight .. or thirty seven?
What question's that Howey?

This one, Silly Rabbit

Silly Philly Rabbit:

Can you answer a question?

Why are you soooo concerned about this?

Why have you spent soooo much time on a thread on an anonymous internet forum to spread ignorance about homosexuality?

Do you have latent feelings?

Got a queer kid?

Wife dump you for another woman?

Feeling inadequate down there?

Now that I remember it, there's another question from long ago too...

Why do you live in Philly if you're such a diehard southerner?

Is Howey a very special person here with special rights because everything he says here is driven and motivated by homosexual politics?

I am the Queen Mother of this forum with friends in high places.

You will respect me or face banishment.
This one, Silly Rabbit

Now that I remember it, there's another question from long ago too...

Why do you live in Philly if you're such a diehard southerner?

I am the Queen Mother of this forum with friends in high places.

You will respect me or face banishment.

Don't you threaten me.

I entered this stupid thread to point out your intolerance for all those who wont accept your theories which drive your agenda.
What do you fear silly rabbit?

I certainly don't fear you Professor Rana. If I did, I would have never entered this homophobe bait thread in the first place.

Why don't you give me some links proving the existence of five genders after a scientific research study conclusion in the meantime?
Don't you threaten me.

I entered this stupid thread to point out your intolerance for all those who wont accept your theories which drive your agenda.

I am the Queen Mother of this forum with friends in high places.

You will respect me or face banishment.

Whatcha gonna do, Willis?
I certainly don't fear you Professor Rana. If I did, I would have never entered this homophobe bait thread in the first place.

Why don't you give me some links proving the existence of five genders after a scientific research study conclusion in the meantime?

What exactly do you fear about homosexuals, silly rabbit?