Is being gay a choice?

Don't you threaten me.

I entered this stupid thread to point out your intolerance for all those who wont accept your theories which drive your agenda.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you've got to be careful; because Howard does have friends in high places; or at least his "friends" think they're in high places.
Weren't you aware the Grind is Howards

You might just find yourself on 1/2 of a forced ignore, which Howard hides behind, which is something new added to the forced ignore and it's only used for Grind's BFF's.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you've got to be careful; because Howard does have friends in high places; or at least his "friends" think they're in high places.
Weren't you aware the Grind is Howards

You might just find yourself on 1/2 of a forced ignore, which Howard hides behind, which is something new added to the forced ignore and it's only used for Grind's BFF's.

I noticed that Howey has this strange hobby of threatening people with banning's if they do not kiss his homosexual special ring.

Rabbit to Howey - you're fulla sh*t Howey.

Continue on.
The abhorrence of war is something that shouldn't be celebrated. The war between the federal government and the southern states was one of the worst atrocities committed by any government in world history.

Really? It put an end to one of the most atrocious acts against humanity......slavery, in the US. There is nothing wrong with the South, per se, it's the racists that live there that is the problem.
What exactly do you fear about homosexuals, silly rabbit?

I care more about homosexuals than you do Professor Rana.

You are using these people with your phony theories, your stupid creations such as five genders, and your phony, fake impressions of finding the abortion of babies who will be homosexuals as morally reprehensible.

Hogwash! What about all the other babies who are aborted in the tune of still around 3,000 a day in America? Why don't they count? Why don't they receive any moral reprehension from you and the rest of your feminist sisterhood?

If it wasn't for you and the other political pushers of this homo agenda, most states would have laws on their books that gave homo couples unions by now in fact with full and equal benefits as married hereto couples.

And I will predict right now that the day will arrive when homosexuals will be thrown under a bus by you and yours as soon as they no longer are politically expedite for you and they become counter to your relentless secular progressive agenda. And that includes everybody's favorite homo activist, little Howey.

There is a moderate gay community out here with spokespersons such as Elton John the entertainer. But they are being drowned out by the radical gay element and their supporting allies in the media.
The abhorrence of war is something that shouldn't be celebrated. The war between the federal government and the southern states was one of the worst atrocities committed by any government in world history.

civil wars are terrible, only religious wars are worse

in war there are no true winners, only those that survive better than the other

until antibiotics were discovered and their use became widespread, more soldiers were lost to disease than combat. this was true of our civil war. the south's only hope of winning was for the stronger north to tire of the war and quit.

the flags of the southern civil war participants are symbols of losers.

jackson was killed by his own men by accident

there is no question that war sucks
Really? It put an end to one of the most atrocious acts against humanity......slavery, in the US. There is nothing wrong with the South, per se, it's the racists that live there that is the problem.

racists are a problem throughout our nation, there are just more in the south than the rest of the nation

i doubt that the problem of racism will ever be solved as long are there is want and poverty in the world and here in the good old u s of a
racists are a problem throughout our nation, there are just more in the south than the rest of the nation

i doubt that the problem of racism will ever be solved as long are there is want and poverty in the world and here in the good old u s of a
I wonder if the south has more minorities.
I care more about homosexuals than you do Professor Rana.

You are using these people with your phony theories, your stupid creations such as five genders, and your phony, fake impressions of finding the abortion of babies who will be homosexuals as morally reprehensible.

Hogwash! What about all the other babies who are aborted in the tune of still around 3,000 a day in America? Why don't they count? Why don't they receive any moral reprehension from you and the rest of your feminist sisterhood?

If it wasn't for you and the other political pushers of this homo agenda, most states would have laws on their books that gave homo couples unions by now in fact with full and equal benefits as married hereto couples.

And I will predict right now that the day will arrive when homosexuals will be thrown under a bus by you and yours as soon as they no longer are politically expedite for you and they become counter to your relentless secular progressive agenda. And that includes everybody's favorite homo activist, little Howey.

There is a moderate gay community out here with spokespersons such as Elton John the entertainer. But they are being drowned out by the radical gay element and their supporting allies in the media.
Patent BS.