Is being gay a choice?

The only thing that slavery had to do with that war was the issue of slavery in the new territories.

The north didn't want slaves in the new territories because the whites didn't want to have to compete with slaves over wages.

And the north didn't want blacks there to begin with.

the issue of slavery started during the war for independence, northerners wanted it eliminated and southerners would not fight for independence without slavery being recognized

it was an issue that both the north and south knew would have to revisited eventually

ps there were anti-slavery societies before the revolutionary war and they continued to grow after the war
They don't feel a choice, perhaps. Its all social conditioning and genetic predispositions. If you took the same bag of flesh and genes and raised them in another environment they would turn out different.

So perhaps I mean its not a set thing, but dependent upon a wide range of social, genetic, and random variables.

But its not fixed, and nobody is born that way.
They don't feel a choice, perhaps. Its all social conditioning and genetic predispositions. If you took the same bag of flesh and genes and raised them in another environment they would turn out different.

So perhaps I mean its not a set thing, but dependent upon a wide range of social, genetic, and random variables.

But its not fixed, and nobody is born that way.

So how'd finals go, Whiz Kid? Did you get an A in reading, wring, rithmatec, and rimming?
They don't feel a choice, perhaps. Its all social conditioning and genetic predispositions. If you took the same bag of flesh and genes and raised them in another environment they would turn out different.

So perhaps I mean its not a set thing, but dependent upon a wide range of social, genetic, and random variables.

But its not fixed, and nobody is born that way.

So, if you were raised in a different environment you could be homosexual? Is this really your claim.

If it is, that is just plain ignorance.
So, if you were raised in a different environment you could be homosexual? Is this really your claim.

If it is, that is just plain ignorance.

You're welcome to prove it is. You're saying the environment has no effect on a person or their behavior?
So no environment has any influence on the expression of genes?

It does in utero, but I have too many gay friends raised in homes that were religious, the behavior was not condoned or accepted and they are still gay, several hid it for many years. Their enviroment did not make them gay, it is the way they are.
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To explain: Siblings raised in the same environment often end up with totally different personalities. Therefore proof exists that environment has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

I thought Whiz Kid just graduated middle school. They don't teach that?
To explain: Siblings raised in the same environment often end up with totally different personalities. Therefore proof exists that environment has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

I thought Whiz Kid just graduated middle school. They don't teach that?

No kidding? Perhaps youre missing half an argument, because what you said supports my statement. And its also wrong.

They don't feel a choice, perhaps. Its all social conditioning and genetic predispositions. If you took the same bag of flesh and genes and raised them in another environment they would turn out different.

So perhaps I mean its not a set thing, but dependent upon a wide range of social, genetic, and random variables.

But its not fixed, and nobody is born that way.
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They don't feel a choice, perhaps. Its all social conditioning and genetic predispositions. If you took the same bag of flesh and genes and raised them in another environment they would turn out different.

So perhaps I mean its not a set thing, but dependent upon a wide range of social, genetic, and random variables.

But its not fixed, and nobody is born that way.

denial must be a wonderful thing
I love how he puts his homophobia on full display!

Tries to keep changing the subject, from gay being a choice to abortion to the Civil War, very confused bigot!

I said I don't know what causes homosexuality, I didn't say whether or not it was a choice.

I also said that you don't know what causes homosexuality either and you're advancing it under false pretenses and calling everybody who disagrees with you morally inferior and ignorant.

And I also said that the reason you wont admit that you don't know what causes it is because you have a radical agenda.