Is being gay a choice?

Homosexuality is just a sign of the plasticity of life and our society, that's for sure. It mutual masturbation on a societal level. Another indication that our materialistic society has decided to laud sensation and immediate pleasure as its doctrine.
I'll give you a bump.

You and your progressive playmates have to go. You had your turn at bat and you turned the whole country into a cess pool of collectivist socialism and division while at it.

This radical queer agenda of yours is just a part of your playbook but an important part because it divides and conquers or so you think it does because the fight to restore America's republic is far from over and only beginning at the grass roots.

Oh, brother, spare me your over dramatization.

Why do you fear gays?
According to scientific research, there are also physical differences in the brain between straights and gays...,8599,1815538,00.html

Rightward hemispheric asymmetry was found in the brains of 14 of 25 heterosexual males and 11 of 20 homosexual females, but in only 13 of 25 heterosexual females and 10 of 20 homosexual males.

Soooo about half the brains of straights are different than about half the brains of gays.
The Evil Professor Rana strikes again.

You don't have any facts backing you up .. you moron.

Everything you touch turns to helplessness and despair. You're nothing but an agenda driven, morally bankrupt feminist operative who burned all your human bridges behind you many years ago.

What soap opera are you auditioning for?
Homosexuality is just a sign of the plasticity of life and our society, that's for sure. It mutual masturbation on a societal level. Another indication that our materialistic society has decided to laud sensation and immediate pleasure as its doctrine.

i rarely use the following language, but your state of denial or living in the bubble, take your pick, prompts this...good luck getting your head past your anal sphincter as you extract it from your rectum
The Evil Professor Rana strikes again.

You don't have any facts backing you up .. you moron.

Everything you touch turns to helplessness and despair. You're nothing but an agenda driven, morally bankrupt feminist operative who burned all your human bridges behind you many years ago.

I thanked this post because it is the best laugh of the morning. What a drama queen.
For some, this is not a choice. For many others, this is a choice and for many others, this is a disastrous choice that was influenced and encouraged by the progressive radicals like the crew on this thread who are conducting their homophobe witch hunt. This agenda begins in the public school system which explains why lesbianism has been a major problem for young girls in both middle and high schools across the country. for those encouraged into this life style as a choice while being presented as an attractive alternative lifestyle with them being young and influential, it results in a lifetime of misery, despair, and mental illness and never results in any semblance of a normal life of marriage and children but often ends in suicide and lifetime drug dependency.

Honesty and understanding are cast aside by these pathetic radical queer pushers and the youthful populace of the country becomes expendable for the overall goal of ends-means justification.

And so what do we get if we can't find the ever elusive so-called gay gene? We now get brain waves and phony Evil Doctor Rana theory links but the one thing you will never get from these people is the word choice and an admission of not knowing what causes the condition. Those who have no choice and there are many out there should not be given absolute dominance over those who do have a choice and it should always be remembered that recruitment within the ranks of the country's youth is essential simply because these people do not pro create.

Your choice, to remain a homophobe, steeped in your ignorance.
Homosexuality is just a sign of the plasticity of life and our society, that's for sure. It mutual masturbation on a societal level. Another indication that our materialistic society has decided to laud sensation and immediate pleasure as its doctrine.

I think there is a lot of difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins.

yes, monozygotic twins are called identical twins while dizygotic twins are call fraternal twins

i think that the post that you are referring to is talking about identical twins
i rarely use the following language, but your state of denial or living in the bubble, take your pick, prompts this...good luck getting your head past your anal sphincter as you extract it from your rectum

Do you deny that the American society is materialistic, or that we value pleasure more than internal, mental, philosophical experience? Don't be a tool; even the most liberal amoung us agree with me on this much.
Do you deny that the American society is materialistic, or that we value pleasure more than internal, mental, philosophical experience? Don't be a tool; even the most liberal amoung us agree with me on this much.

Yes, but you made it sound like it is only the "gays" when apparently you, yourself are as guilty, unless you're living in a hut with just your hair shirt, and eating honey and locusts.
Do you deny that the American society is materialistic, or that we value pleasure more than internal, mental, philosophical experience? Don't be a tool; even the most liberal amoung us agree with me on this much.

proof of this have you? if so, please provide a link
Well aside form personal experience, Hollywood stereotypes, foreign interpretations of America . . .

Some philosophy website

Good ol' APA and greed in America

Actually an interesting point, and I hope I don't go too far to say our society encourages frequent persona shifts.

And if you only search consumerism, America is about the only result.

Even our media has seen a shift from social accountability to sensationalism since the 80s, as compared to a more 'social accountability' model of ethics since WWII.
What's your compromise? Never saw one....not in this thread.

As for the rest? Typical blathering. But OK....let's explore choice for a second...what if it is a choice? Do people not have the right to choose? You see....even if it is a choice, it still doesn't change the fact that their rights are being trampled on. But once only want to hear about rights if it involves shit you're OK with.

You'll support the "choice" if it's the right choice being a heterosexual becoming a homosexual.

You will oppose the "choice" and insist the choice isn't possible if a homosexual decides to become a heterosexual.

Freedom is about choices. Your agenda isn't about choices, it's about recruitment for political power whatever the cost might be for people.
You'll support the "choice" if it's the right choice being a heterosexual becoming a homosexual.

You will oppose the "choice" and insist the choice isn't possible if a homosexual decides to become a hetero sexual.

Freedom is about choices. Your agenda isn't about choices, it's about recruitment for political power whatever the cost might be for people.

This is just so silly, rabbit is getting desperate, I wonder what homosexual beat him up and took his boyfriend?
You'll support the "choice" if it's the right choice being a heterosexual becoming a homosexual.

You will oppose the "choice" and insist the choice isn't possible if a homosexual decides to become a heterosexual.

Freedom is about choices. Your agenda isn't about choices, it's about recruitment for political power whatever the cost might be for people.

What does homosexual choice cost you?
You'll support the "choice" if it's the right choice being a heterosexual becoming a homosexual.

You will oppose the "choice" and insist the choice isn't possible if a homosexual decides to become a heterosexual.

Freedom is about choices. Your agenda isn't about choices, it's about recruitment for political power whatever the cost might be for people.

Homosexuals are an extreme minority and they are not likely to grow in numbers much. Your cynical ad hom is just a bunch of paranoid nonsense.