Is being gay a choice?

Your choice, to remain a homophobe, steeped in your ignorance.

Tell me why what I've stated is homophobic and makes me a homophobe Professor.

Why do you ignore your sacrificial lambs .. young people who make the wrong decision and become homos and destroy their lives because they did.

Why do you insist that a heterosexual can easily transform into a homosexual but a homosexual can't transform into a heterosexual?

....... if you don't have an agenda with this.
Tell me why what I've stated is homophobic and makes me a homophobe Professor.

Why do you ignore your sacrificial lambs .. young people who make the wrong decision and become homos and destroy their lives because they did?

Why do you insist that a heterosexual can easily transform into a homosexual but a homosexual can't transform into a heterosexual?

....... if you don't have an agenda with this.

Silly rabbit, you are making thing up now.

Why do you fear homosexuals and what have they cost you?
Silly rabbit, you are making thing up now.

Why do you fear homosexuals and what have they cost you?

Why don't you answer the questions Professor?

Why is it impossible for a homosexual to transform into a heterosexual if this is about choices and you don't have an agenda.
Why don't you answer the questions Professor?

Why is it impossible for a homosexual to transform into a heterosexual if this is about choices and you don't have an agenda.

Silly rabbit, I don't have any agenda except equal rights. You were the one who claimed it was a choice.

Why do you fear homosexuals and what have they cost you?
Silly rabbit, I don't have any agenda except equal rights. You were the one who claimed it was a choice.

Why do you fear homosexuals and what have they cost you?

Probably his know....the people that yell the loudest and all of that?
Homosexuals are an extreme minority and they are not likely to grow in numbers much. Your cynical ad hom is just a bunch of paranoid nonsense.

Sorry, you're wrong. Homosexuals consist of 8-10% of our society. If the social mores would change in this country that number will most likely double or triple.
Sorry, you're wrong. Homosexuals consist of 8-10% of our society. If the social mores would change in this country that number will most likely double or triple.

20% is the extreme upper estimate, so . . . I'ma ask for a citation.
Silly rabbit, I don't have any agenda except equal rights. You were the one who claimed it was a choice.

Why do you fear homosexuals and what have they cost you?

I don't fear them professor, I support them.

You're just using them with your phony demands and your theories and your intolerance.

My assertions are much more supported by the evidence way more than yours are being that this condition is both a choice and instilled at birth.

And my honesty about what causes the condition which isn't known.

This is called honesty and a willingness to compromise and an understandable solution without the radical fascist force of your PC agenda and Chappel's anti religious bigotry along with all the other fag libertarians jumping on your radical bandwagon.

There's no answer to the topic question because none has been found but it's noteworthy to point out that you would never recommend to a person who is self destructing because of his lifestyle choice that he choose another lifestyle which is something you cannot do.

If people want to self destruct because of a lifestyle choice then all power to them, I wont stop them but you cannot also suggest to them a lifestyle change if it involves queer politics.
I don't fear them professor, I support them.

You're just using them with your phony demands and your theories and your intolerance.

My assertions are much more supported by the evidence way more than yours are being that this condition is both a choice and instilled at birth.

And my honesty about what causes the condition which isn't known.

This is called honesty and a willingness to compromise and an understandable solution without the radical fascist force of your PC agenda and Chappel's anti religious bigotry along with all the other fag libertarians jumping on your radical bandwagon.

There's no answer to the topic question because none has been found but it's noteworthy to point out that you would never recommend to a person who is self destructing because of his lifestyle choice that he choose another lifestyle which is something you cannot do.

If people want to self destruct because of a lifestyle choice then all power to them, I wont stop them but you cannot also suggest to them a lifestyle change if it involves queer politics.

Just your opinions, nothing here based in fact.

You don't support them, that is laughable, you are a very confused person.
Probably his know....the people that yell the loudest and all of that?

I'm not having sex which prompts the evil Professor Rana to either accuse me of being a closet fag or afraid of girls.

I'm a retired distinguished gentleman who lives a rather reclusive life and sex is no longer part of the equation.

But according to Professor Rana, I'm no longer a man on account of it.
I'm not having sex which prompts the evil Professor Rana to either accuse me of being a closet fag or afraid of girls.

I'm a retired distinguished gentleman who lives a rather reclusive life and sex is no longer part of the equation.

But according to Professor Rana, I'm no longer a man on account of it.

Again, just your silly opinions, nothing based in fact.
Just your opinions, nothing here based in fact.

You don't support them, that is laughable, you are a very confused person.

Rana .. you blacked eyed soulless monster, is that all you can do is call me names?

You know I'm right about your agenda so what else can you do?

You don't seem to have the intelligence to debate me and counter what I'm saying and "equal rights" doesn't cover the fact that you and the fag libertarians who support you along with the rest of you progressives are trying to change the country's marriage laws and you're using homos to try and do it under the guise of civil rights.

You'll force this on America through the judicial system and the basis for your agenda is baseless.
Rana .. you blacked eyed soulless monster, is that all you can do is call me names?

You know I'm right about your agenda so what else can you do?

You don't seem to have the intelligence to debate me and counter what I'm saying and "equal rights" doesn't cover the fact that you and the fag libertarians who support you along with the rest of you progressives are trying to change the country's marriage laws and you're using homos to try and do it under the guise of civil rights.

You'll force this on America through the judicial system and the basis for your agenda is baseless.

Your post is full of irony, lol.

Again, just your opinions, nothing based in fact.

You are in a generation whose ideas and prejudices are dying.

I know it is painful, but it is progress and thankfully the younger generation are more open to the rights of others.
Your post is full of irony, lol.

Again, just your opinions, nothing based in fact.

You are in a generation whose ideas and prejudices are dying.

I know it is painful, but it is progress and thankfully the younger generation are more open to the rights of others.

My opinions are supported by evidence a lot more than yours are.

And again, you don't give a rat's ass about the rights of homos because if you did, you'd be calling for compromise and calm then seeking workable solutions.

And the Hell with your pathetic brainwashed generation .. these off spring of the hippies and the gen xrs who don't have the guts to stand up to the PC establishment.

The dying strategy sucks Professor Rana .. now that you know my age level .. forget it.

Our freedom revolution is from the grass roots and it includes millions of young people ready to take my place in this fight.