Is being gay a choice?

My opinions are supported by evidence a lot more than yours are.

And again, you don't give a rat's ass about the rights of homos because if you did, you'd be calling for compromise and calm then seeking workable solutions.

And the Hell with your pathetic brainwashed generation .. these off spring of the hippies and the gen xrs who don't have the guts to stand up to the PC establishment.

The dying strategy sucks Professor Rana .. now that you know my age level .. forget it.

Our freedom revolution is from the grass roots and it includes millions of young people ready to take my place in this fight.

Poor little rabbit
My opinions are supported by evidence a lot more than yours are.

And again, you don't give a rat's ass about the rights of homos because if you did, you'd be calling for compromise and calm then seeking workable solutions.

And the Hell with your pathetic brainwashed generation .. these off spring of the hippies and the gen xrs who don't have the guts to stand up to the PC establishment.

The dying strategy sucks Professor Rana .. now that you know my age level .. forget it.

Our freedom revolution is from the grass roots and it includes millions of young people ready to take my place in this fight.

Lol, your freedom revolution
You're trying to forcibly change the marriage laws, not give equal rights to homos.

That's because the marriage laws are unconstitutional as that stand now.

OK... I get don't like queers. No skin off my nose...but if you are all about freedom, then expalin it to my how you are not infringing upon the rights and civil liberties of homosexuals with your stance. I'll wait.

As far as marriage ceremonies go, that will be left up to individual churches to decide whether they will sanction and.perform.the ceremonies. No one is forcing ANYONE to accept anything.
Nonsense. Courts all across the country have upheld marriages limitation to men and women as perfectly constitutional.

Has the SCOTUS? Because if not, you know that's where it's going to end up. If we are openly discriminating against a group of citizens, it ain't gonna fly.
do not you folks think that this topic has been beat to death?

i have been watching this thread for a while and i do not see anyone changing their minds, just repeating themselves

this is another topic like abortion or gun control. people have pretty much made up their minds and have dug their trenches

so lets give it a rest and move on
Has the SCOTUS? Because if not, you know that's where it's going to end up. If we are openly discriminating against a group of citizens, it ain't gonna fly.

We are dealing here with legislation which involves one of the basic civil rights of man. Marriage and procreation are fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race.

Not marriage and gay butt sex but marriage and procreation

it is not surprising that the decision to marry has been placed on the same level of importance as decisions relating to procreation, childbirth, child rearing, and family relationships. . . .

It would make little sense to recognize a right of privacy with respect to other matters of family life and not with respect to the decision to enter the relationship that is the foundation of the family in our society….
And, if appellee's right to procreate means anything at all, it must imply some right to enter the only relationship in which the State of Wisconsin allows sexual relations legally to take place.


Heterosexual couples are the only couples who can produce biological offspring of the couple

The institution of marriage as a union man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis...

"Marriage and procreation are fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race." This historic institution manifestly is more deeply founded than the asserted contemporary concept of marriage and societal interests for which petitioners contend. The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is not a charter for restructuring it by judicial legislation
That's because the marriage laws are unconstitutional as that stand now.

OK... I get don't like queers. No skin off my nose...but if you are all about freedom, then expalin it to my how you are not infringing upon the rights and civil liberties of homosexuals with your stance. I'll wait.

As far as marriage ceremonies go, that will be left up to individual churches to decide whether they will sanction and.perform.the ceremonies. No one is forcing ANYONE to accept anything.

As soon as you admit that you're using homos to forcibly change the country's marriage laws.

And I haven't said a damn thing on this novella that should be titled Howey the Midnight Cowboy Meets Rana The Witch and if I have, would you please point it out to me, if you don't mind.
As soon as you admit that you're using homos to forcibly change the country's marriage laws.

And I haven't said a damn thing on this novella that should be titled Howey the Midnight Cowboy Meets Rana The Witch and if I have, would you please point it out to me, if you don't mind.

I live rent free inside the rabbit's head, ding dong, this witch ain't dead!
As soon as you admit that you're using homos to forcibly change the country's marriage laws.

And I haven't said a damn thing on this novella that should be titled Howey the Midnight Cowboy Meets Rana The Witch and if I have, would you please point it out to me, if you don't mind.

the nations marriage laws do need changing and not just for for plural marriages
At what cost to him, he still hasn't answered that one, what does homosexuality cost you, rabbit?

Well tell me how I'm opposing homosexuals first.

What homosexuals do is their business for one thing.

Why are you using them to change the marriage laws by force?

If you and your associates cared about homo equal rights, then you wouldn't be using them as your tools.
Well tell me how I'm opposing homosexuals first.

What homosexuals do is their business for one thing.

Why are you using them to change the marriage laws by force?

If you and your associates cared about homo equal rights, then you wouldn't be using them as your tools.

What is the cost to you of homosexuals getting married?
Well tell me how I'm opposing homosexuals first.

What homosexuals do is their business for one thing.

Why are you using them to change the marriage laws by force?

If you and your associates cared about homo equal rights, then you wouldn't be using them as your tools.

I not use them as tools, I support them in their quest for equal rights.