Is being gay a choice?

No, its turned out fine. Just pointing out how you focus like a lazer beam on what you claim to be irrelevant.

The state laws that continue to exclude platonic and closely related couples. And Rhode Island just enacted legislation which added this to their marriage statute.

Creating laws to make marriage between the single mother and grandmother illegal, as their intent was only to extend marriage to include gay couples. Perry v in California declared as unquestioned fact that only a homosexual would marry someone of the same sex AND that marriages limitation to heterosexual couples was intended to exclude homosexuals, motivated by animus towards homosexuals.

Again, that was your focus. I commented on both. Your argument has fallen apart. Your claim that INS has an interest in the procreative capacities of a couple or is specifically related to their sexual activities is absolute nonsense. The law says nothing about it and the enforcement of the law in question is not directly related to those facts.

The "exception" would then be for anyone that is not closely related, not homosexuals or people of the same sex. A man can not marry his sister or brother and every word used in that law is gender neutral.

Cite the part of the opinion where it declares this fact? I am guessing this is going to go like my request for a citation of laws that nullify, dissolve or make sexless marriages fraudulent. I am sorry dix, but you don't get to make up facts.
Then what is your problem? The federal law has to do with the interest of enforcing immigration laws. The INS is not concerned with anyone's ability to procreate and that has nothing to do with their investigation of marriage fraud. Your argument fails.

The problem? Platonic couples excluded from the benefits of marriage. Along with closely related couples. Enacted into law by the new statute in Rhode Island making gay marriage legal recently

15-1-3. Incestuous marriages void. -- If any person intermarries within
18 the degrees stated in section 15-1-2, the marriage shall be null and void.
Cite the part of the opinion where it declares this fact? I am guessing this is going to go like my request for a citation of laws that nullify, dissolve or make sexless marriages fraudulent. I am sorry dix, but you don't get to make up facts.

Having considered the evidence, the
relationship between sex and sexual orientation and the fact that
Proposition 8 eliminates a right only a gay man or a lesbian would
exercise, the court determines that plaintiffs’ equal protection
claim is based on sexual orientation.....
The problem? Platonic couples excluded from the benefits of marriage. Along with closely related couples. Enacted into law by the new statute in Rhode Island making gay marriage legal recently

15-1-3. Incestuous marriages void. -- If any person intermarries within
18 the degrees stated in section 15-1-2, the marriage shall be null and void.


Again, whether you have sex or not is not the sole or a deciding factor in marriage fraud. They don't require that you join the same gym, which was among your list of questions, either.

Incestuous marriages have been excluded. That is nothing new and has no relevance to Perry.

Again, whether you have sex or not is not the sole or a deciding factor in marriage fraud. .

No one claimed it was. My point remains the same if it is one of many factors or the sole factor. Makes no difference to my point. But of course, to the irrelevant is where you always go. I suspect this is a pathetic attempt to avoid addressing the relevant.
Having considered the evidence, the
relationship between sex and sexual orientation and the fact that
Proposition 8 eliminates a right only a gay man or a lesbian would
exercise, the court determines that plaintiffs’ equal protection
claim is based on sexual orientation.....

You dropped the context. The courts have held that for their purposes there is no distinction between conduct and status. Therefore, if you marry someone of the same sex you are a homosexual...

Plaintiffs challenge Proposition 8 as violating the Equal
Protection Clause because Proposition 8 discriminates both on the
basis of sex and on the basis of sexual orientation. Sexual
orientation discrimination can take the form of sex discrimination.
Here, for example, Perry is prohibited from marrying Stier, a
woman, because Perry is a woman. If Perry were a man, Proposition
8 would not prohibit the marriage. Thus, Proposition 8 operates to
restrict Perry’s choice of marital partner because of her sex. But
Proposition 8 also operates to restrict Perry’s choice of marital
partner because of her sexual orientation; her desire to marry
another woman arises only because she is a lesbian.
The evidence at trial shows that gays and lesbians
experience discrimination based on unfounded stereotypes and
prejudices specific to sexual orientation. Gays and lesbians have
historically been targeted for discrimination because of their
sexual orientation; that discrimination continues to the present.
FF 74-76. As the case of Perry and the other plaintiffs
illustrates, sex and sexual orientation are necessarily
interrelated, as an individual’s choice of romantic or intimate
partner based on sex is a large part of what defines an
individual’s sexual orientation. See FF 42-43. Sexual orientation
discrimination is thus a phenomenon distinct from, but related to,
sex discrimination.
Proponents argue that Proposition 8 does not target gays
and lesbians because its language does not refer to them. In so
arguing, proponents seek to mask their own initiative. FF 57.
Those who choose to marry someone of the opposite sex ——
heterosexuals —— do not have their choice of marital partner
restricted by Proposition 8. Those who would choose to marry
someone of the same sex —— homosexuals —— have had their right to
marry eliminated by an amendment to the state constitution.
Homosexual conduct and identity together define what it means to be
gay or lesbian. See FF 42-43. Indeed, homosexual conduct and
attraction are constitutionally protected and integral parts of
what makes someone gay or lesbian. Lawrence, 539 US at 579; FF 42-
43; see also Christian Legal Society v Martinez, 561 US __, 130 SCt
2971, No 08-1371 Slip Op at 23 (“Our decisions have declined to
distinguish between status and conduct in [the context of sexual
orientation].”) (June 28, 2010) (citing Lawrence, 539 US at 583
(O’Connor, J, concurring)).
Proposition 8 targets gays and lesbians in a manner
specific to their sexual orientation and, because of their
relationship to one another, Proposition 8 targets them
specifically due to sex. Having considered the evidence, the
relationship between sex and sexual orientation and the fact that
Proposition 8 eliminates a right only a gay man or a lesbian would
exercise, the court determines that plaintiffs’ equal protection
claim is based on sexual orientation, but this claim is equivalent
to a claim of discrimination based on sex.
No one claimed it was. My point remains the same if it is one of many factors or the sole factor. Makes no difference to my point. But of course, to the irrelevant is where you always go. I suspect this is a pathetic attempt to avoid addressing the relevant.

It contradicts your point. You said...

These court cases that have declared procreation and the well being of the children that result to now be irrelevant to the governmental interest served by marriage, also have declared that formation of stable homes to now be the interest served by marriage. But a sexual relation has no rational relationship to this governmental interest. Any two consenting adults can benefit from the advantages of a stable home.

The INS has no interest in procreation or the well being of children. It's interest is in whether the marriage is intended to evade immigration law. From you own source...

A sham marriage is one that is entered into in order to get around the U.S. immigration laws.

And as the law puts it.

individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws.

If the state's interest in marriage is changed it has NOTHING to do with the INS's attempts to prevent fraud.
You dropped the context. The courts have held that for their purposes there is no distinction between conduct and status. Therefore, if you marry someone of the same sex you are a homosexual...

That's because the context is irrelevant to my point. But that's why you want to go there.
I'll give you a bump.

You and your progressive playmates have to go. You had your turn at bat and you turned the whole country into a cess pool of collectivist socialism and division while at it.

This radical queer agenda of yours is just a part of your playbook but an important part because it divides and conquers or so you think it does because the fight to restore America's republic is far from over and only beginning at the grass roots.

Good luck with that. Michele Bachmann just threw the towel in (because crazytown had to) LOL
I'll give you a bump.

You and your progressive playmates have to go. You had your turn at bat and you turned the whole country into a cess pool of collectivist socialism and division while at it.

This radical queer agenda of yours is just a part of your playbook but an important part because it divides and conquers or so you think it does because the fight to restore America's republic is far from over and only beginning at the grass roots.

Good luck with that. Michele Bachmann just threw the towel in (because crazytown had to) LOL
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Homosexuality is just a sign of the plasticity of life and our society, that's for sure. It mutual masturbation on a societal level. Another indication that our materialistic society has decided to laud sensation and immediate pleasure as its doctrine.

BS. It existed before there was society, moron....and being "normal variant", it's not going anywhere.
Homosexuality is just a sign of the plasticity of life and our society, that's for sure. It mutual masturbation on a societal level. Another indication that our materialistic society has decided to laud sensation and immediate pleasure as its doctrine.
Precisely what you need in your life, to unclog your drain, and your brain.
Do you deny that the American society is materialistic, or that we value pleasure more than internal, mental, philosophical experience? Don't be a tool; even the most liberal amoung us agree with me on this much.

BS. Lies and sissy chatter
Tell me why what I've stated is homophobic and makes me a homophobe Professor.

Why do you ignore your sacrificial lambs .. young people who make the wrong decision and become homos and destroy their lives because they did.

Why do you insist that a heterosexual can easily transform into a homosexual but a homosexual can't transform into a heterosexual?

....... if you don't have an agenda with this.

Just say no to drugs. Who said that a hetero can transform (no less) into a homo, or equally as preposterous, that a homo can transform into a hetero??????????? I suggest to you that the hetero was never really a hetero ifn he is doing anything gay....and like wise a gay repressing his true nature is simply that. Thanks for the belly laugh.
I don't see any evidence of this.

In fact the opposite is occurring because you are pushing the envelope and creating more and more resentment toward these people as you continue to use them.

You're all radicals who want to replace the current marriage laws because those laws represent the male hegemony of the country but the country is not only fed up with your queer marriage agenda, it's also moving further and further away from compromise because you want nothing to do with compromise because you're not about equal rights.

Actually what you stated here is the very opposite of what is happening, and that is why you're frightened, you dinosaurs see your patriarichal, orthodoxy coming to an end and you don't know how to change, so you are seeing your kind becoming extinct.