Is it safe to say that the Democrats shot themselves in the foot?


Better than You
I mean, honestly. We all know that they could have easily won this election, yet they decided that promoting their little affirmative action projects was more important than the landslide they could have had.

I doubt there would have been any other time in history that an election would have been quite as large a landslide if the Democrats had just decided to play it safe, but they had to piss away a certain victory.

Don't try to twist this either-- I would be fine with a woman or black man or a black woman or a purple cripple in office. However, I won't vote for anyone that depends on those factors for election (and I acknowledge that Obama hasn't really pulled the race card-- but his party has.)
what election have they lost ?
If the nominee is Hillary, they have lost the general. With Huckleberry most likely being McCain's VP and Hillary pissing off not only hardcore right wingers but lots of independants as well Hillary will hand the election to the right wingers once again. A right winger will nominate the next Supreme Court justice that will slowly but surely chip away at the civil rights and criminal procedure rights so difficultly won.
If the nominee is Hillary, they have lost the general. With Huckleberry most likely being McCain's VP and Hillary pissing off not only hardcore right wingers but lots of independants as well Hillary will hand the election to the right wingers once again. A right winger will nominate the next Supreme Court justice that will slowly but surely chip away at the civil rights and criminal procedure rights so difficultly won.

Ding ding ding-- Socrtease knows exactly.

I would like to think that McCain would be a better choice than some, but as I have said before there is no candidate that I really agree with in this election.

Oh, you can be sure I'm voting for the Paulster if I am pressed to-- however, I am holding out for McCain as a candidate that I can vote for and, though our views may differ, win.

If I end up changing my mind about McCain, however, or if the Republicans (I have lost hope for the Democrats) nominate someone like Huckabee, I am certainly writing-in Paul.
If the nominee is Hillary, they have lost the general. With Huckleberry most likely being McCain's VP and Hillary pissing off not only hardcore right wingers but lots of independants as well Hillary will hand the election to the right wingers once again. A right winger will nominate the next Supreme Court justice that will slowly but surely chip away at the civil rights and criminal procedure rights so difficultly won.


Hillary has good chances against any Republican.
Times will likely get worse before NOV and people will link republicans to their problems no matter the rovian spin or how right they are.

Hillary has good chances against any Republican.

Mmm I don't know about that.

I'd say Hillary is a great turnout motivator for the Republicans.

She could beat certain ones and certain ones could beat her, but overall I think her presence on the ticket would inpsire opposition from Republicans.
Let's not forget that Hillary is creating drift in the Democratic base. She is pissing off Obama supporters, and do you think that if she continues that, that the Obama supporters will vote for her? Most likely they'll stay home.
Mmm I don't know about that.

I'd say Hillary is a great turnout motivator for the Republicans.

She could beat certain ones and certain ones could beat her, but overall I think her presence on the ticket would inpsire opposition from Republicans.

But she still has good chances. Not as good as Obama.
There is speculation that McCain will pick Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska, as his VP. She is popular and shares his independent streak.
Well, if he continues to win southern states in the primary, the prospects of a regional running mate will appear unnecessary. Plus, Palin would make him appear even more consistent and add to his stance as being the more principled of the candidates.
No--it is not safe to say that. They have Hillery, Obamma--and McCain. If McCain gets the nominee for the republican side--there will effectively be no competition for the left.
Let's not forget that Hillary is creating drift in the Democratic base. She is pissing off Obama supporters, and do you think that if she continues that, that the Obama supporters will vote for her? Most likely they'll stay home.
That was her strategy- piss off blacks so they would vote for Obama in SC, hoping that the Super Tuesday (majority white) states would backlash against the blacks. Of course its all predicated on the assumption that many Democrats are racist, and tend to look backwards instead of forwards, so it just might work.

I agree with you that this creates a problem for her in the General. Uless she can convince Obama to be Veep, blacks will stay home, or may even (gasp) vote Republican. I can't see a black man playing second fiddle to a woman though. Even if he did, black men would dissaprove.
What have the dems done for the blacks to help black people become a majority of a race that is prosperious? 80% of them are sucking off the system--so what have the dems offered them? Welfare---same with the Mexicans the dems and McCain wanted to make instantly legal citizens.

Sure the republicans mostly suck also---but I think anybody is a moron that votes for a liberial or a democrat--and thinks they actually care about your azz.